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FFX(Finanzas forex) NE/ZAUPANJE
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 19 Apr 2009 14:01    Naslov sporočila: FFX(Finanzas forex) NE/ZAUPANJE Odgovori s citatom

Tu lahko izlijete vsa čustva in strasti glede FFX-a.....

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 19 Apr 2009 14:17    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

No sam preselimo vso negativnost in pozitivnost o Fiannzasu, verjamem da vas je bolj negativnih kot pozitivnih gede obljub ki so nam dali.
Sam ne bo ta tema prinesla $ oz. € na TRR, samo duša se bo odahnila ;)
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Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 13:24
Prispevkov: 130

PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Apr 2009 11:04    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote="Cooper"]Meni se već polagano sere od njihovog zajebavanja[/quote]
i meni
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Strokovnjak za finance

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 10:13
Prispevkov: 614

PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Apr 2009 13:40    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote="amly"][quote="Cooper"]Meni se već polagano sere od njihovog zajebavanja[/quote]
i meni[/quote]

Jaz sem se pa že!!! :D :lol: :wink:
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Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2008, 08:15
Prispevkov: 187

PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Apr 2009 14:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

jaz sem pa tik pred ZDAJCIIIII..... :oops: :oops:
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 21 Apr 2009 08:30    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote]Comunicado nº 120291200 remitido vía mail el 20.04.2009 donde Finanzas Forex, da a la Asociación Nacional la información solicitada, clarificándose de este modo las incertidumbres creadas por el silencio innecesario de algunos de sus lideres organización.

Comunicado nº 120291179 remitido via mail 17.4.2009

La tranquilidad y confianza para los inversores se llama:

ANIMDEX [/quote]

Na strani je zgornji tekst. Pomeni, da je Animdex, ki je združenje investitorjev v Španiji 17.4.09 na FFX poslalo zahtevek za razjasnitev trenutne situacije. Odgovor, ki ga žal ni na strani, je bil s strani FFXa poslan 20.4.09.
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 21 Apr 2009 09:04    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

To se navezuje na zgornji post - o ANIMDEXu ( [url][/url] )

[quote]Barcelona, April 16 (EFECOM) .- The National Association of Investors in the foreign exchange market at Forex-Animdex Spain has today called for clarification of the fate of the funds managed by the company based in Panama Evolution Market Group Inc, which operates Finance Forex with the brand.

According to a release issued today by Animdex, headquartered in Sabadell (Barcelona), this association has decided to intervene in defense of the interests of investors and partners in Spain, to the lack of transparency and repeated breaches that are taking place from December 2008 "by Finance Forex.

The currency market Forex is a market where there is buying and selling of currencies 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Finanzas Forex, as Animdex warrants that investors can not withdraw their funds in a "freezing order issued by the U.S. Federal Reserve."

Sn, however, Animdex ensures that the Panamanian company "shows that no order of freezing of funds or tell us where they are entered, or give explanations to the questions of interest to investors, such as the address of the brokers which entered the capital as specified in the contracts, if they actually did so. "

Although Animdex was unable to contact company management in Panama, "is confident that his colleagues based in Spain shortly to help clarify the actual situation, as investors, while aware of the high risk and volatility of the Forex market, are puzzled by the lack of news. "

Investors want to know "with complete clarity and transparency, whether its money or whether there is what appears in their accounts is merely an accounting record."

The president of Animdex Agustin Alcaraz, told Efe that his association recently created a hundred groups of investors, most of them with interests in finance Forex, but every day we call new affected "worried about their investments.

Alcaraz, who said, ignoring the total amount that investors have entrusted to Spanish Finance Forex believes it is "a company that has grown a lot and do not have adequate staff to accommodate the requests for information from investors."

On his website, Finance Forex is defined as "a financial company, on-line-integrated by a team of professionals and experts in investments in the Forex market, and whose function is to provide investors access to Forex market without the need to have knowledge of this market or to make great investments. "

He assured the company that the "Finanzas Forex Team consists of a group of experts has joined the entrepreneurs necessary to succeed in this initiative."

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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 10:04
Prispevkov: 529

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Apr 2009 11:08    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

KOPIRAN POST golfgolf.bozic94

Spoštovani "vlagatelji",

najprej bi rad izrazil pohvalo avtorjem in moderatorjem tega foruma, ki je edini uporaben forum pri nas. Pred kratkim sem visel na tem forumu non-stop, predvsem med službo, ko sem imel konstanten dostop do interneta, sedaj pa k sreči malo manj.

Sam sem vložil kar nekaj denarja v FFX, in sicer konec avgusta 2008. Že pred vložkom sem bil prepričan, da se na ta način z denarjem ne bo trgovalo na Forex trgu, kajti obljubljeni donosi so bili, milo rečeno, pretirani.
Ampak, naš pohlep ne pozna meja in sem si rekel, poskusimo, zadeva je še v fazi razvoja, in ni vrag, da ne bo laufalo vsaj pol leta. In seveda ni!

V drugi polovici leta 2008, ko so mediji začeli na široko pisati o FFX-u, so zagovorniki le-tega energično zatrjevali, da FFX blati samo njegova konkurenca, predvsem podjetja, ki tržijo sklade in so imele velik odliv denarja,.... V vsej naši pohlepnosti nas večina niso zanimala dejstva, da so konstantni donosi na FOREX trgu nemogoči, sploh pa tako veliki.......Kot zanimivost lahko napišem dve stvari:
- v letu 2008 je najboljši Forex sklad dosegel dobrih 70% plusa
- nekaj mesecev nazaj je bilo v medijih, ko je trgovalec za eno od skandinavskih bank dosegel v letu 2007 160 MIO EUR plusa (kar je seveda super), naslednje leto pa 400 MIO EUR minusa. Nauk te zgodbe je, da je to zelo rizičen posel, in da je obljubljanje konstantnih donosov, sploh pa tako velikih, zavajajoče.

Sam sem večino "naložbe" prodal z občutnim popustom, nekaj pa še imam, če se bo zgodil čudež in da bo zadeva spet začela delovati. Na ta način sem dobil nazaj sicer manj, kot sem vložil, ampak tokrat raje s pregovorom "Raje vrabec v roki kot golob na strehi". Ta pregovor mi žal ni prišel na misel avgusta 2008, ko sem vložil, pa kljub temu...

Ko sem konec leta 2008 na enem od forumov videl, iz katerih držav so vlagatelji v FFX in da nas je večina iz Slovenije, me je prvič stisnilo pri srcu. Slovenija, ki ima manj prebivalcev kot večina srednje velikih mest večine držav, je imela nekajkrat več vlagateljev kot države, ki imajo 50x več prebivalcev kot mi!! Ampak mi smo razgledani in hitro prepoznamo dobro naložbo, ostali pa so konzervativni in se na stvari ne spoznajo tako dobro, kot mi! Ja, ni kaj, pohlep nas dela tudi neumne.

Zanimivo je tudi to, da me je eden od aktivnih promotorjev prepričeval, da naj vložim v FFX, ker je to super zadeva in oh in sploh, sam pa je imel notri par dolarjev, ter je služil s tem, ko je "nesebično širil dobro novico do ostalih potencialnih investitorjev" in tako služil le od provizije.

Ampak s tem zadeva seveda ni končana.
Ko je FFX ustavil izplačila in smo začeli čakati na denar, se je čudežno pojavil TIRN, ji je ponovno najboljša in najbolj varna varijanta lahkega zaslužka. Nikomur ni zadeva sumljiva v tem smislu, da je firma zopet "registrirana" v Panami, saj je to logično, panama je pač davčna oaza in zaradi tega najbolji kraj za tako dobičkonosno podjetje, kot je TIRN. Pa da se reklamo inpredstavitev dela na enak način in v istih državah, kot je bilo za FFX in zopet ne spregledamo prevare!!
Potem pa se pojavi še WWI, pa ne vem še katero podjetje. Tako TIRN kot WWI imata ažuren support, zadeva laufa, izplačila štimajo, kartice so prišle express.......Ja, enako je na začetku štimalo tudi pri FFX-u, pa pri FX-Runu, pa pri Tradelitu,....Pa verjetno jih je še en kup, ki so v začetku super delovala, potem pa - hvala lepa za sodelovanje in adijo!

Še en podatek je zgovoren - v HYIP naložbe je praksa, vsaj v tujini, da se vlaga po nekaj dolarjev (max. par sto). Ampak ne, Slovenci smo zopet najpametnejši in na tak način je Tradelite odnesel nekaj MIO EUR. Slovenci so namreč notri vlagali po nekaj deset tisoč EUR.

Niti malo nam ni sumljivo, ko dobimo ponudbo za super investicoji, ki je namenjena samo nam in našim najbližjim sorodnikom, prijateljem, ker le mi si to zaslužimo......Pa saj to ni več res! Človek bi še verjel, da se nategneš 1x in da te lahko različni "mentorji" nategnejo le 1x. Ampak ne, mi smo tako labilni in pohlepni, da nas lahko nategujejo konstantno!! Ampak nekaj je še resnica - največ smo so krivi sami!!, naši mentorji in tovrstni prijatelji pa nam pri tem samo nesebično pomagajo.

Enkrat za vselej naj nam bo vsaj nekaj jasno: vse naložbe, ki nam obljubljajo 10% in več mesečnega donosa, SO NATEG. Naj nam, za božjo voljo bo jasno, da če bi bilo tako enostavno narediti v enem letu iz 10.000 eur vrednost 30.000 eur (kar je 10% na mesec, obrestni račun), pa kdo bi potem hodil v službo?? Ampak tako verjetno razmišljajo samo nevedneži in negativisti, ki itak nimajo pojma.

Tisti, ki so pri koritu, bodo sedaj lepo promovirali TIRN, pa WWI, čez kakšen teden se bo sigurno pojavila kakšna alternativa..... Pa bo prišel kakšen visok obisk iz Paname, sam predsednik uprave TIRNA nas bo obiskal in nam se bo to zdelo strašansko zanimivo, počutili se bomo pomembne in seveda z veseljem izkoristili tako enkratno priložnost za plemenitenje našega težko prisluženega denarja. Logično, zadeva bo delovala tako dolgo, dokler bo več vložka kot dviga, potem pa zopet - hvala za sodelovanje in se vidimo v naslednji prevari!

Še eno zanimivost sem zasledil in sem se jo ravno spomnil. Napisano je bilo: "Sam predsednik TIRN-a je dejal, da FFX ni prevara in da je super zadeva, in da pozna Cardono, in da bo vse štimalo,......" Ja, porkaduš, tudi če bi ga res poznal in vprašal, verjetno ne bi napisal, da je FFX prevara, ko pa je TIRN identična zadeva, le da imajo support bolj poštiman.

No, tako, sem pri koncu. Če bi pisal pred tedni, ko sem bil še "bolj notri", bi se verjetno še kaj spomnil in napisal.

S tem dopisom si želim doseči, da bi ljudje spoznali, je vsaka investicija, kjer nam obljubljajo 10% donos na mesec (pa še konstanten, zajamčen), NATEG. Res nekaj časa štima, tudi izplačila so redna, ampak - A NI LOGIČNO??? A moramo res vse spoznati in sprobati na lastni koži, hardway??

Na moj mail ne pričakujem kakšnih odzivov, ni me treba prepričevati, da sem bedak, da so MAT, TIRN, WWI,.... super zadeve in da nimajo nobene veze z FFX-om,....
Naj si vsak ustvari svojo sliko in svoj zaključek. Pošteno do "navadnih smrtnikov" bi bilo le to, da jih tisti, ki promovirate zgoraj naštete "investicijske programe!, opozorite na veliko verjetnost izgubel celotnega vložka. Ker pri vseh teh varijantah je samo vprašanje časa, kdaj so bo zadeva končala.

No, pa sem spet dolg. Tudi, če bo moj mail brisan, se zahvaljujem avtorjem tega foruma za možnost izmenjave informacij na normalni, kulturni ravni. Vsi titi pa, ki vas ponovno vleče, da bi dali svoja sredstva v TIRN ipd., vedite, da ima zadeva ROK TRAJANJA, in ta rok lahko nastopi danes, jutri, pojutrišnjem,...

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Pridružen/-a: 15.12. 2008, 20:17
Prispevkov: 173

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Apr 2009 13:57    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Odlično pisanje!
Še več kot odlično!

Jaz bi samo dodal, da je pri vsej stvari čudno samo to, da nihče od takoimenovanih direktorjev ne doživi nobenega "čebovanja".
Za tiste, ki niso bili v JLA - to je nekaj čez glavo in udri po njem!
Zakaj to?
Ker edino oni si napolnijo račune!
Če bi bili fer bi rekli - evo moja veriga za mano - toliko sem nepošteno pridobil pa si razdelimo!!!!
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Pridružen/-a: 14.12. 2008, 17:48
Prispevkov: 55

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Apr 2009 14:31    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

no zdj mi pa povej enega direktorja ki ga poznaš,da je dobil nakazano???
to me pa res zanima,ker jaz jih poznam ene 7,ves čas smo skupaj, pa niti en ni dobil nič nakazano.
res te prosim povej mi na zasebno enega, pa se bom pozanimu.
a ste eni res tak glupi al kaj vam je, da mislite da ffx ene trem v sloveniji nakazuje, ostalim pa ne??
edino za imrana vem,da prodaja ballance po romuniji,pa bolgariji,pa....
in to je tut vse.
on pač skrbi za svojo rit, folk vpisuje,čeprav nič ne štima zdle v ffx-u,...
že ve kaj dela.
in ker svoje proda,ga boli k...c za vse nas ostale in se kaj dosti ne sekira.
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Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 21:35
Prispevkov: 209

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Apr 2009 15:24    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Vsi ki se beremo forume,pisemo na njih in upamo na cudez smo zal malo manj inteligentni,ker to da denarja ne bo je vec kot ocitno.Zanimivo je to da liderji ze iscejo druge varjante lyoness......,mi pa cakamo kartice...
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Apr 2009 23:44    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Sorry, uncle google zadovoljivo prevede iz ŠPA samo v ANG, vse ostalo je bullshit... Je se mi pa zdelo zanimivo za 'postanje' tu (to je iz španskega foruma InvertiRed)

[u][b][i]labFFX - 23:17 on 27-Apr-2009 message[/i] [/b][/u]
[quote][b]Unfortunately the lack of information make us despise as important as the opportunities we have with Finanzas Forex.

I think it is important that we frame the situation within the world economy and thus better understand what is happening and appreciate what they are doing FFX to stay strong in the market.

If we have not noticed, there has been an economic slump, the worst recession in 60 years. Experts predict that it may be worse than 1930. The crisis has dragged the U.S. but worldwide. It is the first financial crisis of the global era. But do as if nothing has happened, when in reality we are in the midst of a rather complex situation that is far from over.

The chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank said that the downturn could last until 2010. Failure to pass the economic package raised could last throughout 2010. Astronomical amounts of injection and printing of money, just going to affect us in every corner of the world, tremendously accelerating inflation. Understand the seriousness of the matter, and how important it is to be smart with our resources.

What started as a recession, now is back in decline continued for 15 months. When it goes so long, was for "economic depression". Not only economically but emotionally. That it is a feeder of the same crisis.

The current crisis started with the mortgage market, then real estate. Declining gross domestic product for the past 3 quarters 4 quarters. Increases unemployment. Investors are not for business. The bag is not for downloading. Banks are scared, stop borrowing. Begin to break the commercial banks, late payments, and uncertainty is growing.

The auto industry, commodities, real estate, trade, business schools, business lessons are in total crisis. The review was covering all sectors.

USA is already 25 banks have gone bankrupt. 1 bank in the first quarter, were added 3 banks in the second quarter of last year, then 9 in the third quarter and then 12 the last quarter. Large banks such as Washington Mutual (70 years of history) with assets of 500 billion dollars are some of the examples and data that leaves us with the crisis.

Not only this situation but the banks are at risk or in serious financial problem. The list is more than 171 institutions with assets in trouble by 115 billion dollars.

In Europe, there were 150 bankruptcy of a thousand companies. People living in USA with unemployment insurance and the picture is great and is not encouraging.

The automotive industry is a disaster. Toyota, Chrysler and GM employees have launched month by month. In total, the three largest companies reported 140 thousand fewer jobs.

Additional to these problems and because of the economic situation was discovered several illegal businesses, or better known as the pyramids:

1. Madoff is the most known.
A giant Ponzi disappointed that 50 billion dollars. He was a registered broker dealer and supervised by the securities commission of the United States. " Madoff recognized and regulated in the USA. This pyramid last 50 years. The crisis hits and they discover their fraud. If it were not for this crisis might be in his character. This pyramid affection even with the bank Santander 3000 million dollars in lost

"Banco Santander agrees to pay only to private investors. The rest will not be paid. " Can recover their capital if they do not require the bank, if they leave the capital two years, and that such capital will be delivered but not transferred to stocks. And can be withdrawn gradually. And speaking of Santander bank!.

2. Another famous pyramid was the Robert Allen Stanford.
A Texan billionaire much influence. Sets its banks in the Antilles. Due to the global crisis, the money begins to dwindle. They realize it is a pyramid scheme. Another pyramid falls and is discovered.

3. Pyramids in Colombia.
These are really special cases because it is the mixture of money laundered by drug traffickers linked to legal business facades. But the discovery because of the economic situation of many of these schemes both large and small, to further increased the fear and discouragement among those investors who are looking for legal business and investment professionals. Many of these pyramids were born under facades FOREX, and this makes it more difficult to promote business investment and real Finanzas Forex. But is the world in which we live and we must deal with unscrupulous people like these.

People in Colombia as pyramids Win, Caribbean Coast, DMG, etc were prosecuted and dismantled. Although more money was aiming to legalize or crime. The real purpose is to prevent further escapes fura capital from banks and traditional financial system. However exleente is that these negoios be dismantled, and is a good escucsa for banks to generate fear and avoid the loss of liquidity. This strategy has worked very bine Colombia since the banking in this country able to recover not less than 1.2 million two months.

Results of all previous events:

All this led to the USA and Europe to put more regulations of both stock brokers as FOREX. That is a big problem as there are brokers out of the USA wanting to tax by the amount of regulations that are putting them.

A root of the brokers who want to leave the USA in international summit of G20 countries in London discussed the ending some tax. Just trying to prevent the flow of money out of banks in the USA and Europe. Freezing of accounts have been made to several institutions under the guise of research, but it is preventing the funds leave the American financial system.

Are 41 tax havens in the world. Luxembourg is one of those. The Prime Minister of Luxembourg "categorizes this as hypocritical, since there are other tax havens in the U.S. as Delaware and Nevada, which were not taken into account for anything." We need to monitor this news because it is just beginning.

Taking all this into account, is falsely accused of this form to Finanzas Forex is pyramid, but this has never pursued nor had any results, either in Colombia or in USA or in Spain, even when after a Panama audit more than a year, Panama issued a certificate proving the honesty and veracity of the transparent operation of our company. All these documents can be reviewed and the news in your back office. Have not been accused of anything because it was not possible to accuse them of anything, and today we are stronger.

In general I want to see what is happening. Today we live a war created by the traditional financial system (which does not generate money to anyone but themselves, and that worked for them for over 30 years, not for saving!).

This war is against the traditional financial system, financial system legal! which gave much better results to investors, with investments in excess of the minimum offered by these banks.

Companies as Finanzas Forex is the pioneer in the financial market FOREX are generating returns to investors 10% of average monthly and generate a 3% monthly months are still well above 2% per year to get into banks. We're blind? I wonder.

With this kind of performance is the direct threat to the traditional system and now I hope they understand the kind of pressure that is receiving particular Finanzas Forex brother they speak of enemies, which are real and which are gaining ground among people who think the seizure traditional system that will serve them something in the future. Let us wake up and considering the economic environment in which we live.

Finanzas Forex was great!, Amid all these serious conditions. I really doubt that many companies have survived the attack as strong as our company has had, and I doubt even they could continue to show results.

I do not know if they realize that today with this call any number of roles to get a couple of million dollars from banks. The system is collapsing and the banks and institutions to make it impossible to avoid losing capital and liquids.

I myself have lived in the USA when my investors try to transfer more than 5 thousand dollars in cash, the number of questions that make you a U.S. citizen. I do not want to tell the laps I've done to get 50 thousand dollars from banks in a single turn. To say a couple of million?

Many problems are already solved and will go on an excellent position as a company, that there is no doubt today.

All this I tell them to understand that this is the crisis we have faced harder world. Rather I am grateful that the management has been on Finance Forex so that was not lost anything, not one of our capital, and that despite the persecution (often malicious), and this has made legalizing their stay capital in Europe as in America. That fact is tremendous and our future by those who believe in the company and what we are seeing.

The company and go through a lengthy process of auditing not only in USA but in Panama. If the company was a Ponzi (pyramid) would be easy to keep their capital. What has happened to the delay, has given us more security about what the company. If the company had continued to pay returns to capital frozen indefinitely, and with this whole situation would have been an indicator of being a Ponzi dangerous.

The company wants to sustain future, no person in this company will lose money, money can be delayed but not lost. Expected returns are increasing month by month (relying on the process that we are and the tasks they are doing) and hopefully return to normal.

The company has already been audited, and once we move, the company was in an extremely privileged position. I think it is the best company in the Forex market to date.

Companies that have had no adverse situations and are in the Forex market can not be compared with any of us. It's like comparing pears with bananas. The situations faced by the company is opening more roads that no one has come, but once other companies are facing competition these problems, will see how strong they are. I do not like to speak ill of the competition, but open their eyes and know that your company working capital.

For example: It is not the same 30 thousand cards issued 100 cards in another system. Not only are the interests that give the decision to invest, please look at everything we have achieved so far and the bright future that lies ahead.

This is starting now, once the regulation is when we'll do it for real. So far we have proved that if you can, and we have come far, but with the future regulatory environment that we are following is true when it begins in earnest.

Congratulations to those who do not move as easily let their dreams and my council is no longer paying attention to people who only say: "The sky will fall! The sky will fall. " It's time to berth and take this opportunity with the seriousness it deserves.

I hope everyone join us in this process! See you at the top.[/b][/quote]

Nazadnje urejal/a periegetes 28 Apr 2009 00:14; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 28 Apr 2009 00:13    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

SIcer pa ko že toliko komentiramo o tem ali je to Ponzi shema, piramida, ali kaj podobnega ali pač podjetje, ki opravlja pionirsko in pošteno delo na dosedaj popolnoma nereguliranem trgu FOREX in ob tem še skrajno težavnem času globalizacijske krize, potem je vredno prebrati tudi zanimiv prispevek o ameriškem profesorju na NYU Nouriel-u Roubini-ju, ki je bil objavljen v Financah ( [url][/url] )

[quote][b]Roubini: Združene države Ponzija

Američani, poglejmo se v ogledalo: Madoff smo mi vsi in Ponzi smo mi vsi. Zabave je konec, piše profesor Nouriel Roubini

Kakšen pečat bo pustil Bernard Madoff v zgodovini tega časa? Bo pomenil kaj več kot prevaranta, ki je ukradel veliko denarja od velikega števila ljudi? Če Bernie Ebbers in Ken Lay predstavljata korporativni pohlep in goljufijo, kaj bo predstavljal Madoff? Na ta vprašanja odgovarja Nouriel Roubini v svoji kolumni.

Američani živijo v napihnjenem Ponzi gospodarstvu že več kot desetletje. Madoff je ogledalo ameriškega gospodarstva. Ta hiša iz kart, v kateri so vključena gospodinjstva, finančne družbe in velike korporacije, se je sesula, piše profesor na Univerzi v New Yorku, znan tudi kot Doctor Doom.

Ko v piramido vstopijo gospodinjstva, banke in podjetja

Kaj je Ponzijeva shema
Ko je tvoj dom vreden nič in v njem nimaš nobenih sredstev, je tvoj vzvod praktično neskončen in začneš se igrati piramidno - Ponzijevo shemo. Banka, ki ti je na lepe oči (brez dohodkov, brez službe, brez premoženja) odobrila posojilo, od katerega si nekaj časa plačeval le obresti, je imelo negativno amortizacijo in na začetku netržno obrestno mero, je prav tako igrala v Ponzijevi shemi. Družbe, ki so v zadnjih letih s posojili opravile menedžerske odkupe za več kot tisoč milijard dolarjev, z desetkrat večjimi dolgovi od prihodkov, so prav tako igrale Ponzijevo shemo.

Vlada, ki bo poskrbela za tisoče milijard dolarjev dolgov, da bi premagala to ostro recesijo ter podržavila zasebne izgube, tvega, da postane Ponzijeva vlada, če se ne bo na srednji rok vrnila k fiskalni disciplini in trajnostni stabilnosti dolga.

Država, ki je v zadnji četrtini stoletja zapravila več kot je zaslužila in obenem postala največji dolžnik na svetu, je Ponzi država, ki jo bo lahko neizpolnjevanje obveznosti do tujine prisililo, da zategne pas in začne končno manjšati svoj proračunski primanjkljaj, piše Roubini.

Kadarkoli, ko konstantno uživaš več kot ustvarjaš (bodisi v primeru gospodinjstva, podjetja, vlade), si v Ponzijevi shemi. Agenti te sheme so tisti, ki si morajo izposoditi zato, da lahko odplačajo trenutni dolg.

Po tem standardu so ameriška gospodinjstva, v katerih je bila stopnja zadolženosti pred 15 leti 65-odstotna, v letu 2000 100-odstotna in danes 135-odstotna, sodelovala v Ponzijevi shemi.

Madoff v državni zapor, gospodinjstva in gospodarstvo v dolžniški zapor.
Gospodarstvo, ki je zadolženo za 350 odstotkov BDP (gospodinjstev, finančnih družb in korporacij), je Ponzijevo gospodarstvo. Zdaj, ko so cene hiš padle za 20 odstotkov (in bodo še za 20 odstotkov, preden dosežejo dno), se jih ne da več uporabljati kot bankomat za financiranje te Ponzijeve potrošnje. Za gospodinjstva, banke in zadolžene korporacije je zabave konec, opozarja Roubini.

Počili so vsi prenapihnjeni nepremičninski in finančni baloni in postalo je jasno, da je cesar brez oblačil in da smo mi vsi ta goli cesar.

Bernard Madoff bo res preživel preostanek življenja v zaporu. Ameriška gospodinjstva, finančne in nefinančne družbe in vlada pa bodo naslednjo generacijo v dolžniškem zaporu, morali bodo zategovati pasove zaradi desetletja zadolževanja, prekomerne potrošnje in prevelikih tveganj. »Američani, poglejmo se v ogledalo: Madoff smo mi in Ponzi smo mi,« zaključuje Nouriel Roubini.[/b][/quote]
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Pridružen/-a: 13.12. 2008, 20:53
Prispevkov: 140

PrispevekObjavljeno: 28 Apr 2009 08:44    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

največji ponzi pa je slovenska pokojninska blagajna oz sistem
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Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 21:35
Prispevkov: 209

PrispevekObjavljeno: 28 Apr 2009 23:04    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Po 10 mesecih neizplacil se tukaj govori o nekem zaupanju ali nezaupanju.HALO?Mislim ,da tisti ki se verjame da bo kaj iz tega se mora iti malo pregledat.
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