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Remember Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Sežana
Objavljeno: 27 Mar 2010 14:27 Naslov sporočila: |
Se bo še vleklo in vleklo čim več časa, dokler se bo dalo. |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 28 Mar 2010 16:50 Naslov sporočila: |
Za tiste, ki niso prebrali še posta/maila od predvidoma predsedstva SAEMG na forumu soloamigos de ffx. Najpomebnejši je prvi del mejla, naprej je več o članstvu v SAEMG, ki pa za nas ni pomembno, ker so lahko člani le Španci:
[b][u]Email from president of SAEMG: The ship sets sail soon![/u][/b]
[b]Many do not have email access so I share it here and also be careful to send paperwork to that famous site (www.justice.gov/usao/flm/) because it is a danger, we would give them legal support and legal and only Victims try to make us see how to annoy more money back.
Greetings! [/b]
================================================== ===========================
Dear investors and victims of FINANZAS FOREX situation, as you know there is an association called AFFECTED BY SOLUTIONS EMG (FINANZAS FOREX), which is trying to get the money from the associated back to its rightful owner.
Through our website are being reported from the different steps to move towards the goal. In these moments, I can tell, we already have a district attorney in Orlando who is studying our case, and you see much chance of success. It is quite possible that soon, our lawyers here, go to Orlando to meet personally with the lawyer, and so close down an agreement of collaboration and representation there.
Also next week we will know what the situation really is the case, in order to prove whether the encouraging words of Mr. Cardona are or are not true. Well, what we do know is that when there is an open process in which the American Government intended to keep a deposit FINANZAS FOREX is blocked there, accused of illegal activities (money laundering and Ponzi).
Through the Association shall be an internal audit of each investor in the U.S. prove that the money from our partners is lawful, and is also owned by each. Orlando's attorney, has seen much chance of success. What is certain is that if the number of partners is higher, the cost of that lawyer will also be lower. The more people have to divide, it will cost less each. On the other hand, we have a deadline to act, and after that date the list of partners will close permanently and no one else may be represented by the Association for the recovery of their money. So register as soon as possible, not give him more laps because we have many hopes and possibilities out of this nightmare.
Please, those who have paid the registration fee and have not sent any email. do so, as I discussed in the Association that there are serious problems to identify partners. We have over fees paid to names, and you can not communicate with those who still have not sent email showing your income and data. Please speak with each other and help or encourage those who have paid their dues but has not sent the rest (not logged in short) to do so, we need your help on that topic.
Seriously, next week we know many truths and deny many things that are coming on other fronts. The ASSOCIATION will seriously try to recover money from their investors. Know that the money blocked in the U.S., is money that is held by FINANZAS FOREX. Perhaps, I wonder, people want or intend to remain in the hands of the person who has managed his money illegally? Whoever does not act directly in defense of their interests should not think that someone will do it for him .. Through the partnership, we have a clear, transparent and directly to our problem. If all goes well, in a couple of months we will be defending all partners against the American government that seeks to appropriate a fund that is a guarantee for investors who saw it as FINANZAS FOREX has seriously failed to meet its obligations to the investor.
For this reason, we indicate that within a month or two, we will close the schedules of the people I represent in the case of Orlando who intend to become a FINANZAS FOREX deposit is blocked there.
Then there will be no more emails like this. Those who will be, we will be defended and those who do not trust that must come in another way.
Association began in late November, and after creating your site, investigate the case from scratch by our lawyers, to create partnerships in the USA., Allowing the registration of the Associates, by telephone and email address all situations, we can say that We are about to undertake actions that will lead us to recover our money.
For me and anyone else that has become a real challenge and goal and we will take it forward.
One last push, people should not delay any longer your registration, the ship will not take long and in sailing and once you do ..., you can not get on anyone else.
In a few days give very important news in order to clarify the comments of Mr. Cardona and make it very clear how things stand for those who rely on the solution of their problems come through this route.
Until now only support of the Association who was to meet Associates. From now on I will be involved more as President in this task.
I will be present in the internal forum of the Association so we can be more in touch with the problems and doubts of the people. You can go in there and get in touch, apart SAEMG support me in this way.
What pride, what so great satisfaction that in a few months many families were able to recover a better life than they are having.
Best regards to all
SAEMG Presidency[/size][/quote] |
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zajec Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 05.05. 2009, 20:40 Prispevkov: 57
Objavljeno: 29 Mar 2010 18:27 Naslov sporočila: |
Ima kdo informacijo, ali je danes konferenca??
In še eno vprašanje, ali je kdo včlanjen v SAEMG?? |
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timor Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2008, 07:38 Prispevkov: 73
Objavljeno: 30 Mar 2010 09:23 Naslov sporočila: |
Marca je konec. Kaj se je torej zgodilo od tistega kar je na konferenci bilo obljubljeno ?
A kdo kaj ve ? |
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Remember Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Sežana
Objavljeno: 30 Mar 2010 09:59 Naslov sporočila: |
Cardona je obljubu izplačila konc tega meseca, še vedno ni nič. Čakam 700$ že peti mesec da mi prenesejo na kartico. |
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gorazdg Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 15.12. 2008, 13:17 Prispevkov: 61 Kraj: maribor
Objavljeno: 30 Mar 2010 10:59 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="Remember"]Cardona je obljubu izplačila konc tega meseca, še vedno ni nič. Čakam 700$ že peti mesec da mi prenesejo na kartico.[/quote]
Cardona je obljubil že marsikaj, uresničilo se je bore malo, sploh pa ni denarja na naših karticah. Zaradi mene lahko dela in govori karkoli, samo naj že enkrat začne izplačevati obljubljeno, drugače bo resnično komu počil film. |
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gold Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 23.10. 2009, 22:02 Prispevkov: 31
Objavljeno: 30 Mar 2010 22:24 Naslov sporočila: |
konferenca je prestavljena na sredo 7 april 2010.Kolikor sem jaz seznanjen ni obljubil nič druga kot to ,da bi se naj sprostil denar od naložb v evropi,ki pa ga je bore malo.To leto še sigurno ne bo končana tožba v Ameriki,če pa mu dokažejo ponzi shemo,kar mu tudi bodo,pa tako gre na počitnice za 20 let, naš denar pa bo ostal v Ameriki za pomoč pri orkanih in potresih. |
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PA74 Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 18:50 Prispevkov: 14
Objavljeno: 30 Mar 2010 23:32 Naslov sporočila: |
[color=red]Post brisan...
Razlog :
- vsebina izven teme...
[color=cyan]za poste ki so podobni temu ki sem ga brisal je odprt podforum [/color]
http://forex.mojforum.si/forex-forum-54.html |
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Remember Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Sežana
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sealine Pripravnik
Pridružen/-a: 16.12. 2008, 19:38 Prispevkov: 102 Kraj: sežana
Objavljeno: 31 Mar 2010 19:11 Naslov sporočila: |
Hehe :) |
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PA74 Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 18:50 Prispevkov: 14
Objavljeno: 31 Mar 2010 21:27 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="PA74"][color=red]Post brisan...
Razlog :
- vsebina izven teme...
[color=cyan]za poste ki so podobni temu ki sem ga brisal je odprt podforum [/color]
90% postov je izven teme!
Forum na katerega me pošilješ pa je, če nisi pozabil, zaklenjen.
Torej, kje lahko vprašem, če so že koga ovadili v SLO?
Saj ne sprašujem o tožbi čez FFX, ampak o organizatorjih, zato se mi zdi vprašanje na mestu. |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 01 Apr 2010 12:34 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="Remember"]Dejmo še malo počakat :D če čakamo 2 leti bomo še par dni (mad) (voile)
za tiste ki ne znate katalonščine, znate pa angleščino, še prevod zgornje spletne strani:
[b]File a complaint against a Girona a financial pyramid scam[/b]
Santi Fuentes was one of the promoters of Finanzas Forex, which promised high returns by investing in foreign currency
GIRONA | Oriol Puig
"Make your dreams you decide you want to win, the gains are unlimited." This could be read on the website of Finance Forex trademark of the company Evolution Market Group (EMG), until early April 2008. The portal also promised returns of between 10% and 21% due to alleged investments in the forex market. The commercial strategy to capture enabled thousands of customers worldwide in an alleged pyramid scam, in which funds contributed by new investors were used to pay yields above. Founded by German Cardona, EMG had among its main promoters of the Girona Santi Fuentes. Both have been the subject of a lawsuit for fraud brought against a Barcelona judge has ordered the police to investigate the case.
Jesus Fernandez-Pedrera, a lawyer representing clients allegedly swindled Finanzas Forex, explains that the number of injured is estimated by thousands. Although currently only represents customers, said that more than a year that have contacted him concerned Slovenia, many countries in Latin America and the United States.
"Most of those who contacted me had invested sums of between 7,000 and 15,000 euros, although there are also higher than the sums they had invested 70,000 euros," said the lawyer. Add the U.S. television See World TV put the number of people affected worldwide at about 600,000. "There is no way to verify this, but the figure coincides with that expressed the same Finanzas Forex press and even some in his own website," says Fernandez-Pedrera.
The beginning of the end
On 7 April 2008, the Commission Nacional del Mercado de Valores in Spain (CNMV) warned that the company had no authorization to make appropriate investment services. In a public note also warned some practices associated with pyramid companies: In addition to investing in the forex market also offers investors the opportunity to be promoters: catchers customers through a pyramid structure as which the promoter was on a rising scale and raising committees perceived as bringing its customer base.
According to the SEC warned, Finance Forex gave developers a salary equivalent to a percentage of the amounts paid by customers recruited, luxury cars and $ 60,000 grants to purchase homes.
The investigation of the SEC indicated that as of 15 March 2008 the number of customers was captured close to 19,000 and that the company manages approximately 77 million euros. However, at that time the firm had a daily growth of some 600 customers and two million dollars, so the number of affected people was and is priceless.
The warning by the CNMV efflux promises the company on its website. They also radically change the information appearing on the Internet pages of some promoters, such as Santi Fuentes. Finance Forex ceased to attract customers in Spain, but kept its commitment to Latin America, especially in countries like Colombia and Ecuador.
In late 2008 and early 2009, the suspicions of fraud were widespread and diverse site they echoed. Regulators of Latin American countries as Paraguay, Colombia and Panama, where the company had its head-fired warnings similar to the CNMV.
Many clients have trouble starting to recover? Their investments until the company claimed that the U.S. government had withheld the money and gold-capital that the company had deposited the country for alleged money laundering and fraud .
Today, the website of the company merely said, "is waiting to take the resulució the U.S. authorities to return the funds deposited to their investors."
Meanwhile, several websites, allegedly swindled customers bemoan the difficulties in contacting the company and trying to organize for filing claims or lawsuits against those responsible for Finance and Forex which already handles a court in Barcelona.[/quote] |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 01 Apr 2010 12:58 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="PA74"][quote="PA74"][color=red]Post brisan...
Razlog :
- vsebina izven teme...
[color=cyan]za poste ki so podobni temu ki sem ga brisal je odprt podforum [/color]
90% postov je izven teme!
Forum na katerega me pošilješ pa je, če nisi pozabil, zaklenjen.
Torej, kje lahko vprašem, če so že koga ovadili v SLO?
Saj ne sprašujem o tožbi čez FFX, ampak o organizatorjih, zato se mi zdi vprašanje na mestu.[/quote]
Sprosti energijo tukaj http://forex.mojforum.si/forex-about357-15.html tu so debate okoli tožbe...tema "Tožba..." pa je z razlogom zaklenjena ...razlog je da se tožba ni začrla ...in ko (če) se bo , in seveda ko bo o tem kaki dokument pol temo odprem ...ve ostalo pa na tisti link...
Hvala |
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Remember Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Sežana
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REYA Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2009, 16:42 Prispevkov: 90
Objavljeno: 06 Apr 2010 09:34 Naslov sporočila: |
Pod novice klik na Evolution Marketing Group-EMG / Evolution Market Group-EMG odpre PDF ki smo ga že videli.
skoraj skoraj bi se splačalo izpolnit in poslat itak zgubiti nimamo več kaj.
Ne pošiljat tega! |
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