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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Dec 2009 07:20    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Email de publicidad de nuestro anunciante Forexone.

Estimado Usuario de Pfplace.

Forexone se complace en anunciarle a la comunidad de pfplace que el mínimo para abrir una cuenta manejada por Draphira Ltd es de 1,100 dólares.

También queremos informarles que el día Miércoles 9 de Diciembre se darán 2 conferencias en línea:

Las 10.00 pm de Madrid, 4pm hora de Bogota en Español y a

las 12.00 pm de Madrid, 6pm, hora de Bogota en Ingles.

Dear pfplace User.

Forexone is pleased to share with pfplace community that the minimum to open a managed account by Draphira is 1,100 dollars.

We will also like to inform that on Wednesday 9th December online conference will be done, at 10.00 pm Madrid, 4.00 pm Bogota time in Spanish and

at 12.00 pm Madrid, 6.00 pm Bogota time in English.
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Dec 2009 12:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Madrid, 10 December 2009

Pozdravljeni vsi uporabniki,

V januarju se bo izvedlo prvo placilo provizij iz naslova oglasevanja v pfplace. Prva placila bodo samo zacetek velikih provizij, ki se bodo proizvajale zelo hitro.

Imamo 7367 uporabnikov s petimi ali vec neposrednimi prijatelji. Tisti od njih, katerih vsaj pet neposrednih prijateljev ima popolnoma izpolnjen profil, bo dobil provizijo.

S promocijo, ki se je objavila 17. novembra v Zurichu v pisarnah Forexone, bo vec kot 1000 uporabnikov vedno sluzilo provizije od 10. ravni prijateljev, sluzili bodo provizije od vseh produktov , ki jih bodo uporabili prijatelji v njihovi mrezi.

Ta promocija se podaljsuje do 31. decembra, izkoristite priloznost za aktivacijo provizij vase celotne mreze.

Pomislitena to, kaj pomeni prejeti provizije iz naslova oglasevanja od uporabe raznih storitev in produktov s strani prijateljev v vasi mrezi.

Uprava pfplace
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Pridružen/-a: 18.04. 2009, 15:42
Prispevkov: 99

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Dec 2009 20:37    Naslov sporočila: Empresa Odgovori s citatom

Tile so še bol smotani kot pri FFX.Kljub petkratnim urgencam sem še vedno zaveden kot empresa.Nihče ne odgovarja na meile kaj šele da bi kaj uredili.
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 14 Dec 2009 09:00    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Bozicna Kampanja pfplace


Kot vsako leto se za Bozicne praznike zbere vsa druzina in prijatelji. Prav tako so na vrsti stevilni “nakupi daril” in zato pride te dni zelo prav kak “izreden dobicek”...

Iz tega razloga ti pfplace daje na voljo nekaj fantasticnega, predstavljamo ti: kako zasluziti se vec z Bozicno Kampanjo pfplace.

Lahko Zasluzis denar –da se lazje soocis s temi izrednimi stroski – na zelo enostaven nacin à Z Registracijo prijateljev, sorodnikov, znancev v svojo mrezo...

POZOR: Omenjena Kampanja traja od 5. do 20. decembra 2009.

¡¡Tako je, prav si prebral: samo z registracijo neposrednih prijateljev!!

* od 5 do 10 registriranih* prijateljev bos zasluail 1 evro za vsakega od njih
* od 11 do 20 prijateljev bos zasluzil 2 evra za vsakega od njih (od 11. do 20.)
* od 21 do 30 prijateljev bos zasluzil 3 evre za vsakega od njih (od 21. do 30.)
* od 31 prijateljev naprej bos zasluzil 4 evre za vsakega od njih (od 31. naprej)

*prijatelji z izpoljnenim profilom: slika in osebni podatki

*maximalno placilo je 100 €

Poskusi in povabi vse prijatelje, sorodnike, znance itd...

Placila provizij se bodo izvedla PRED Bozicnimi Prazniki, dne 21, 22 y 23, na razlicne nacine: Western Union, Money Gram, Bancna transkacija, Kartica…

¡¡Naj vam na tem mestu zazelimo vesele praznike!!

Prisrcni pozdravi

Skupina Marketinga pfplace
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 16 Dec 2009 07:55    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Bozicna Kampanja pfplace,

Kampanja, ki smo jo zaceli za registracijo v plfplace, je pozela velike uspehe.

Vec kot 320 uporabnikov ze sluzi provizije v teh prvih desetih dneh in se vedno ostaja 5 dni.

20. decembra ob 24h po Madridskem lokalnem casu se zapre kampanja, ostaja samo pet dni za dosego maximalnih provizij te kampanje.

Izkoristite priloznost in zasluzite denar za Bozic.

Uprava pfplace
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 23 Dec 2009 08:42    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Christmas Campaign.

During this registration campaign launched in December, there has been this amount of people who achieved registrations.

191 users made 41 or more registrations

228 users made between 30 and 40 registrations

94 users made between 20 and 29 registrations

172 users made between 10 and 19 registrations

239 users made between 6 and 9 registrations

Congratulations for the success, during these days we will contact such people to pay them the award.

Congratulations and Happy Holidays.
pfplace Administration
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49
Prispevkov: 422
Kraj: Sežana

PrispevekObjavljeno: 28 Dec 2009 01:33    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Za tiste ki to zanima.

Los Lunes, Miercoles y Viernes Conferencia Presentacion
de pfplace a las 21.00 H de Madrid, entre con el link

Vende espacios publicitarios para pfplace. Visita el apartado Publicidad.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Jan 2010 09:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Eamil de publicidad de nuestro anunciante Forexone Ltd

Estimados usuarios de Pfplace.

Forexone Ltd tiene el agrado de informarles que el día Miércoles 6 de Enero del 2010 estará disponible el call center para atender sus inquietudes y preguntas. Los números son los siguientes y utilicen el que más le convenga de acuerdo a su ubicación geográfica.

Lima: +51.1.712.63.21
Madrid: +
México D.F. +
Sao Paulo +
Cali +
Quito: próximamente

También queremos informarles que las conferencias en línea se reanudarán el día Martes 12 Enero 2010 a las 8pm (Hora Madrid en español) y Miércoles 13 a la misma hora en inglés, se llevarán a cabo durante el todo el mes de Enero del 2010.

Agradeciéndoles de antemano su interés y colaboración,

Nos despedimos

Forexone Ltd

Dear Pfplace users,

Forexone is please to announce pfplace community that the call center will start this Wednesday 6th January 2010 in order to answer your doubts and questions. Reason why we have created different telephone numbers; please choose the best one that fits your location. These numbers are the following:

Lima: +51.1.712.63.21
Madrid: +
Mexico D.F. +
Sao Paulo +
Cali +
Quito: coming soon

We also want to inform you that Tuesday 12th January Forexone Ltd will re start with the online conferences, at 8pm Madrid time on Spanish and Wednesday 13th at the same time on English. These conferences will go along all January 2010.

Thanks in advanced for your interest and collaboration

Best Regards

Forexone Ltd
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Jan 2010 18:25    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Madrid, 11 de Enero de 2010

Hoy a las 21.00 H de Madrid, tendremos Conferencia de pfplace.

pfplace es el gran negocio que traerá muchos beneficios a decenas de miles de personas.

Aproveche el "momento" y comience a crear un grupo al principio de este negocio.

Le esperamos hoy a las 21.00 H.

Dpto. Marketing pfplace
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Jan 2010 19:28    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Danes preko e-maila od - prevedeno iz ŠPA z google trans.:

[quote][size=14]Madrid, January 10th, 2010

We keep taking steps in the development of our Social Network.

Since last Friday we have available the first version of Groups. These will allow us to create communities for hobbies, regions, interests, etc., beginning this way to create the community that we really want.

The Groups will have more applications soon:

-They will have an “Agenda” that will let the Group users organize events and communicate acts regarding with the Group theme.

- Multimedia section, where you can organize and save videos and photos of interest to all.

-Links section, where you can collect links that each Group user find interesting about the Group theme, and wish them to be collected in a place that is accessible for all users in the Group.

-Events, the group will be able to organize their own events and notify about them to all their users.

-News, a place for users to collect those news concerning with their theme.

-Folders, where you will be able to share documents.

All these sections will let you organize your contents and save them from being far when posting them only in your Blackboard.

We will be asking for your suggestions to improve these sections that are very important to

It is logical that the longing that we all have to have everything working leads us to criticize about something that it is being made in these moments, but that will be converted in satisfaction while you see everything being completed, although in a Social Network nothing ever is completed. Please have patience.

The next week we will discuss some very interesting news for everyone.

pfplace Admin [/size]
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 18 Jan 2010 21:06    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote]The next week we will discuss some very interesting news for everyone. [/quote]

Nič novega čeprav je kao NEXT WEEK že minil....saj tega smo že itak vajeni iz prejšnega režima........
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 19 Jan 2010 13:11    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote][size=18]Madrid, January 19, 2010

We have already uploaded the multimedia block for groups, it has its conditions:

All users can upload pictures, but only the administrator of the group can create albums. This way the administrator can create various folders according to the group’s subject and all users, group members will upload photos and videos.

The uploaded photos and videos both in groups and profiles now have a field to specify a title.

It is now available to comment both photos and videos; this will give to the user much more information of how much of his or her pictures and videos were enjoyed.

It is also available to evaluate pictures, videos and blog posts. For example, you go to a picture and there is a button “I like it”, and it accumulates how many people liked that.

Besides, when you click “I like it” it will be shown in all of your friends’ blackboard “Luis liked this post” (photo or video) with a link to such element, this way there will be much more interaction in the website.[/size][/quote]
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 05 Feb 2010 13:07    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote][size=14]Madrid, February 3rd 2010

To all pfplace users,

We want to announce that the next day 5th of February we will launch one of our most exciting projects. This day begins one part of our company that will let us grow what we still cannot imagine.

Our Digital Newspaper is born

This newspaper begins with

Spain Edition,

Colombia Edition,

Brazil Edition, and

Spanish International Edition

Logically, the newspaper begins with modesty regarding the amount of content, but with a great goal, and it is to cover general information of every country, offering those news that are of interest for most citizens.

The following weeks we will be launching the editions from

- U.S.A. in English and Spanish

- Mexico,

- Croatia,

- Italia,

- Ecuador

Etc. until we cover all world’s countries from where we have a minimum number of users.

Great projects can only be carried out by great people. For this reason we need the collaboration from all those users that can provide content, opinions, blogs, news that they themselves know or were witness thereof.

A digital newspaper with the goal to cover information of the entire world requires hundreds of people that provide news, ideas about current issues, points for debate, definitely we will make the journal that we all want.

We count on a very professional Editorial Staff, situated in two countries, and soon we will have more highly respected journalists in each one of our editions. We will discover among our readers great bloggers that will have their own section, with thousands of readers, experts of topics that will surprise us, and we will be supplied by hundreds of news that will daily arrive from our world’s collaborators.

As all of you know, since a few years ago we are in the time of web 2.0, and we are already in 3.0, in which the content is provided by users themselves.

We know there are among our users people with the capacity of important contributions, experts in dozens of topics, creative people, people that need a media to transmit what they know, in people is where life is.

We will create from scratch a great digital journal that will bring us a world of possibilities of personal and professional growing.

In the next days you will have an application to begin to collaborate with your journal.

This is your newspaper, this is your company.[/size][/quote]

Usted ya puede ver las noticias en
You can watch the news on[/size]

[quote][size=14]Uporabniki pfplace,

Dne 4. februarja bomo imeli masivno konferenco o predstavitvi
nasega Spletnega Dnevnika.

Konferenca bo ob 21h po lokalnem casu Madrida v sejni sobi:[/size][/quote]
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49
Prispevkov: 422
Kraj: Sežana

PrispevekObjavljeno: 05 Feb 2010 17:59    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Vse bo samo € ne bo. Jaz bi moral dobivati provizijo ma niti cent ne pade.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 05 Feb 2010 18:31    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote="Remember"]Vse bo samo € ne bo. Jaz bi moral dobivati provizijo ma niti cent ne pade.[/quote]

Evo sma že saj bo ....ali pa tudi ne...hahahahaha
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