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fixing NOVI član
Pridružen/-a: 17.12. 2008, 13:46 Prispevkov: 3
Objavljeno: 06 Jan 2009 19:22 Naslov sporočila: |
You can invest in Commodities:
a)as from 20.000usd if you gain a minimum of 20 points for your sponsor work. (see explanation below)
b)as from 200.000usd, you can invest 50% of your personal investment.
c)as from 1 million usd, you can invest 100% of your personal investment. (if this is your case, please ask for more information.)
The investor can assign to the investments in Commodities, a percentage of your personal investment, in function of the points obtained for your work. The Points can only be obtained from the investors in the "first level".
The percentage to assign to the Commodities investment, is the equivalent to the sum of the obtained points according to the following table:
Investor from 1st level with P.I. of 1.000 0,5 points
Investor from 1st level with P.I. of 2.000 1 points
Investor from 1st level with P.I. of 3.000 2 points
You have got 60 points in your first level. This means that you can invest in Commodities up to 60% of your total investment.
Minimum Points: 20 = 20%
Maximum Poins: 100 = 100%
The total calculation of the points, as well as the personal investment, will have Closing Dates.
Closing Dates for the Points: The points from one month will be counted on the 30th day of that month.
Closing Dates for the Personal Investment: The pecentage-obtained through points-will be applied to the personal investment of the investor between the 1st and 5th of the following month.
Best regards,
FFX Support. |
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Davy_investor Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 18:48 Prispevkov: 91
Objavljeno: 07 Jan 2009 09:52 Naslov sporočila: |
Me prav zanima, kdo ima toliko "jajc", da podpiše nekomu dokument, da si je od njega sposodil. Ker če se stvar sesuje, ne bo nihče od teh priznal, da je izgubil, ampak bojo vsi veselo mahali s temi papirji in terjali denar.
Tudi jaz sem naredil nekaj investicij na svojem računu za druge, vendar sem vsakemu rekel, da mu nihče ne garantira, da bo ta denar še kdaj v življenju videl. Ko (če) bojo realizirana izplačila, bojo denar dobili, če izplačil ne bo, pač ne |
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amly Pripravnik
Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 13:24 Prispevkov: 130
Objavljeno: 07 Jan 2009 10:08 Naslov sporočila: |
ojojoj... vložit tako vsoto v program kjer ne vemo kako bo z izplačili... lepo prosim....absolutno ne.
če imate denar na zalogi, ga ne metat takole stran ampak ga dajte na račun ene brokerske hiše pa naj vam ga trader upravlja.. par prijateljev skupaj.. da se zbere za min. vložek..
pa že to je rizik.. pr denarju se tudi prijateljstvo zamaje.... |
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posrednik Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 04.01. 2009, 22:16 Prispevkov: 256
Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2009 18:11 Naslov sporočila: |
zdravo, mene pa sam zanima če še velja za commodity to da mors z mrežo-direktnimi vlagatelji zbrat 20+ točk za vsakega k da 1000$ dobiš 0,5 točke, za 2000$-1 točko, za 3000$- 2 točke, ko imaš 20+ točk se ti odpre commodity, 20% denarja ki ga imaš v forexu daš lahko v commodity, itd. 30,35,37,67.... točk=% v commodity
A je to res, oz. če še vedno velja?
Hvala za odgovor
P.S.: A ma kdo ksn podatk kasni so bli kj donosi v commodity-ju???
LP |
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posrednik Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 04.01. 2009, 22:16 Prispevkov: 256
Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2009 18:16 Naslov sporočila: |
aja pa še kako je pol s pogodbami-zavarovanjem- kje kdaj se pol to podpiše?
Hvala |
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posrednik Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 04.01. 2009, 22:16 Prispevkov: 256
Objavljeno: 16 Jan 2009 12:11 Naslov sporočila: |
a kdo kj ve kašni so bli zadnje mesece donosi v commodity
A je to slučajno kje objavln? |
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sebseb Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.01. 2009, 11:34 Prispevkov: 223
Objavljeno: 16 Jan 2009 15:39 Naslov sporočila: |
[b]87%[/b][color=red][/color] |
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posrednik Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 04.01. 2009, 22:16 Prispevkov: 256
Objavljeno: 16 Jan 2009 15:55 Naslov sporočila: |
kdaj je blo 87% donosa, če si to mislu, dj mau bl defineraj |
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ioyellow Inštruktor za finance
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 11:05 Prispevkov: 386
Objavljeno: 16 Jan 2009 16:19 Naslov sporočila: |
verjetno za 2 meseca |
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sebseb Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.01. 2009, 11:34 Prispevkov: 223
Objavljeno: 16 Jan 2009 16:29 Naslov sporočila: |
drži kot je reku ioyellow |
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posrednik Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 04.01. 2009, 22:16 Prispevkov: 256
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2009 16:27 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="fixing"]You can invest in Commodities:
a)as from 20.000usd if you gain a minimum of 20 points for your sponsor work. (see explanation below)
b)as from 200.000usd, you can invest 50% of your personal investment.
c)as from 1 million usd, you can invest 100% of your personal investment. (if this is your case, please ask for more information.)
The investor can assign to the investments in Commodities, a percentage of your personal investment, in function of the points obtained for your work. The Points can only be obtained from the investors in the "first level".
The percentage to assign to the Commodities investment, is the equivalent to the sum of the obtained points according to the following table:
Investor from 1st level with P.I. of 1.000 0,5 points
Investor from 1st level with P.I. of 2.000 1 points
Investor from 1st level with P.I. of 3.000 2 points
You have got 60 points in your first level. This means that you can invest in Commodities up to 60% of your total investment.
Minimum Points: 20 = 20%
Maximum Poins: 100 = 100%
The total calculation of the points, as well as the personal investment, will have Closing Dates.
Closing Dates for the Points: The points from one month will be counted on the 30th day of that month.
Closing Dates for the Personal Investment: The pecentage-obtained through points-will be applied to the personal investment of the investor between the 1st and 5th of the following month.
Best regards,
FFX Support.[/quote]
Zdravo, mene pa zanima sledeče,...do 31.01.09 sem zbral 20 točk s svojimi direktnimi vlagatelji,...zanima me kdaj se mi bo zdej odprla možnost da denar investiram v commodity????
Hvala za odgovor, Lp |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2009 16:53 Naslov sporočila: |
Najbolje, da vprasaš na support na strani, ker drugje boš težko info dobil ali pa koga na ZS pocukaj v tej temi...! |
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LittleDevil NOVI član
Pridružen/-a: 28.01. 2009, 12:50 Prispevkov: 4
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2009 20:31 Naslov sporočila: |
Kolikor je meni znano je minimalna investicija v comodities 20.000USD. Če si zbral 20 točk, potrebuješ 100.000USD lastne investicije, da boš imel 20.000USD v comodities-u.
LP |
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rrrok Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 11:42 Prispevkov: 26 Kraj: Gorenjska
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2009 23:47 Naslov sporočila: |
Če nisi nič zbral, je minimalka 400.000 lastne investicije.
Je bilo pa meseca februarja z commodities kar nekaj problemov. Meni je naprimer namesto 50% od vseh investicij investiralo v commodities le nekaj borih tisočakov moje prve FFX investicije :( in menda nisem bil edini. Upam, da se ta mesec ne zakomplicira spet :( |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 28 Mar 2009 14:25 Naslov sporočila: |
Manuel del Hoyo odgovoren za Comodities če se ne motim.
Giorno 27-3 ………….MILANO
Vía Mecenate, nº 121
Horario de las reuniones.- De 10 horas a 20 horas
Giorno 28-3…………..FIRENZE
Hotel Hilton Florence Metropole
Vía del Cavallaccio, 36
Horario de reuniones .- De 15 a 20 horas.
Giorno 29-3 …………. ROMA
Hotel Four Point By Sheraton West Roma
Vía Degli Eroi Di Cefalonia, 301
Horario de reuniones.- De 15 a 20 horas
Giorno 02-4 …………. LUBIANA
Hotel Gran Unión Business
Miklosiceva, 3
Horario de reuniones.- 10 a 14 y 16 a 20
A estas reuniones, están invitados todos los directores y líderes de la organización, así como cualquier inversor que quiera información sobre los nuevos productos de alta rentabilidad.
Saludos cordiales,
Manuel del Hoyo Vidal |
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