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mlm21 Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 18.04. 2009, 15:42 Prispevkov: 99
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Thalion Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.12. 2008, 21:06 Prispevkov: 193 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 15 Mar 2010 13:32 Naslov sporočila: |
Ni nujno da bo konec, vendar je bolje počakat z vlaganji dokler se ne vidi kaj bo ratalo. Kar pa se uradnega obvestila tiče, skoraj noben Hyip nima vseh dovoljenj za poslovanje tako da zadeve ne jemlji preresno. Bomo videli kaj bo. |
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Thalion Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.12. 2008, 21:06 Prispevkov: 193 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 15 Mar 2010 19:00 Naslov sporočila: |
Tole je najnovejše obvestilo njihovega supporta
Customer Assistance:
Dear Investor,
Due to the massive volume of chat traffic being experienced today, it has made it difficult for us attend to everyone individually. However, we have tried to answer all your queries and concerns below:
1) Our website is down due to extensive maintenance work that is being conducted to enhance the security level of our website. Since we deal with sensitive content, it is pivotal for us to maintain a secure website to safeguard the investments.
2) The maintenance work has been delayed due to the unexpected circumstances that our technical team is dealing with. We are trying our best to overcome them asap and restore a fully operational service.
3) Please do not get concerned with the rumours and reports you read online about us shutting down or being a scam. They are completely false and baseless.
4) We can not issue a confirmed timeframe but rest assured, our technical team is working round the clock to get the website up and running for you. We will be back online soon.
We understand your concerns and would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation during these testing times.
With best regards,
Genius Funds Support Team.
Pravijo, da bodo kmalu zrihtali tako da....... bomo videli |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
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Drobizek Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 09.02. 2009, 19:45 Prispevkov: 248 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 16 Mar 2010 20:59 Naslov sporočila: |
xxxxxxx spet smo nasankali |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
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red_ Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 14:37 Prispevkov: 234
Objavljeno: 17 Mar 2010 15:17 Naslov sporočila: |
Vidim, da bi nekateri še kar upali.
Nekje sem prebral, da ne morejo tako na hitro prekinit ker rabijo čas za določene stvari, probrati ven ves denar itd.
Škoda bil je dober program in delal je kar dolgo, mislim da je samo še en program iz tistega časa, ki je živ, Panamamoney škoda, da ga nismo imeli tule, zdaj je pa že malo pozno. |
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sebseb Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.01. 2009, 11:34 Prispevkov: 223
Objavljeno: 17 Mar 2010 18:15 Naslov sporočila: |
xxxxxxx spet smo nasankali[/quote]
mislim da ne..
vsaj upam...
to je kar sem od infor. uspel
# GeniusFunds website Half Maintenance is complete and rest will complete in this week, All profts and pending withdrawal will be paid. 5:57 AM Mar 16th via web
* Reply
We are not a hyip program which will disappear after some time. We are an investment company online since 2006. We will back sooner. 11:49 PM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
Website will be back on track soon, we are just near to complete transfer of website to new server. 11:39 PM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
Please keep in touch with us at our number +35725025067 as well in live chat 11:39 PM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
Our technical team is dealing with website issues. We are trying our best to overcome them asap and restore a fully operational service. 10:30 AM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
Plz do not get concerned with the rumours and reports you read online about us. They are completely false and baseless. 10:28 AM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
Our IT Team is working hard to get back website on track, please allow us a few time to complete this process. +35725025067 1:59 AM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
for live chat with our representer please go through this link http://messenger.providesupport.com/messenger/geniusfunds.html 1:55 AM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
If you have any question, please feel free to call GeniusFunds at +35725025067 1:55 AM Mar 15th via web
* Reply
Website will be online soon we GF is facing some problems with website, please allow us few time..... 1:54 AM Mar 15th via web |
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moola Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 31.10. 2009, 15:36 Prispevkov: 20
Objavljeno: 18 Mar 2010 09:31 Naslov sporočila: genius |
evo njihov odgovor če greš na messengerja...
Dear Investor,
Due to the massive volume of chat traffic being experienced today, it has made it difficult for us attend to everyone individually. However, we have tried to answer all your queries and concerns below:
1) Our website is down due to extensive maintenance work that is being conducted to enhance the security level of our website. Since we deal with sensitive content, it is pivotal for us to maintain a secure website to safeguard the investments.
2) The maintenance work has been delayed due to the unexpected circumstances that our technical team is dealing with. We are trying our best to overcome them asap and restore a fully operational service.
3) Please do not get concerned with the rumours and reports you read online about us shutting down or being a scam. They are completely false and baseless.
4) We do realize that there are several pending withdrawal requests. The first thing we will do once the website is stabilised is to furnish all the withdrawal requests.
5) We can not issue a confirmed timeframe but rest assured, our technical team is working round the clock to get the website up and running for you. We will be back online soon.
We understand your concerns and would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation during these testing times.
With best regards,
Genius Funds Support Team.
Ajaja, moola |
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sebseb Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.01. 2009, 11:34 Prispevkov: 223
Objavljeno: 19 Mar 2010 06:52 Naslov sporočila: Re: genius |
[quote="moola"]evo njihov odgovor če greš na messengerja...
Dear Investor,
Due to the massive volume of chat traffic being experienced today, it has made it difficult for us attend to everyone individually. However, we have tried to answer all your queries and concerns below:
1) Our website is down due to extensive maintenance work that is being conducted to enhance the security level of our website. Since we deal with sensitive content, it is pivotal for us to maintain a secure website to safeguard the investments.
2) The maintenance work has been delayed due to the unexpected circumstances that our technical team is dealing with. We are trying our best to overcome them asap and restore a fully operational service.
3) Please do not get concerned with the rumours and reports you read online about us shutting down or being a scam. They are completely false and baseless.
4) We do realize that there are several pending withdrawal requests. The first thing we will do once the website is stabilised is to furnish all the withdrawal requests.
5) We can not issue a confirmed timeframe but rest assured, our technical team is working round the clock to get the website up and running for you. We will be back online soon.
We understand your concerns and would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation during these testing times.
With best regards,
Genius Funds Support Team.
Ajaja, moola[/quote]
možno že v ponedeljek
http://www.geniusfunds.es/home.html |
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Thalion Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.12. 2008, 21:06 Prispevkov: 193 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 19 Mar 2010 07:03 Naslov sporočila: |
Mislim da se bo Genius vrnil in to z dodatnimi storitvami. Obeta se povezava z Exchangerjem LondonGoldExchange, ki je ponudnik visa kartice.Bomo videli ampak jaz jih še nisem čisto odpisal. |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
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Thalion Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 03.12. 2008, 21:06 Prispevkov: 193 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 20 Mar 2010 17:46 Naslov sporočila: |
Tole je bilo objavljeno na goldareni.
In 'Genius Funds News' On 20th March 2010
Morning everyone,
Mixed reports still coming in from users. There seems to be a lot of expectation that something will happen this coming Monday.
Some users are claiming to have been exchanging emails to and from Mark Stelvio via email and Gmail chat. This has raised concern as to whether the email address is in fact that of Mark Stelvio and not someone simply impersonating him.
MarketingMaster has confirmed his email address as being correct. He writes:
"No it is Mark..I have spoken with him before years ago as well as anytime I have had a serious issue that I felt Panos couldn't respond too. And yes, I have been speaking with Mark all morning too."
Limeno has also been in touch with Mark via Gmail Chat:
"Mark: Dear sir
Genius Funds won't accept any investors from Canada anymore even if they use bank accounts which are not in Canada - Sent at 1:07 PM on Saturday
Me: o.k. nice that this matter is closed. So when will be online, on monday again?
Mark: yes sir, all withdrawals will processed then
Me: last one: when on monday - do You have any timeframe and do You think that web link will be strong enough to cope with all investors want to log in
Mark: yes sir our website will cope with it rest assured. Website will be accessible on Monday 7 GMT"
Another of our GoldArena.net members has reported the following:
"Hi there - I have just a moment to post that I actually called Price Waterhouse late last night [11 pm my time was 8 am their time]- they are in the same building as genius funds.
I asked if genius funds was still in the same building - it was hard to understand the accent of the gal who answered the phone but she said "oh yes, yes - genius funds is on 3rd floor" - hopefully they will come back by this coming monday as they indicated to me on a recent online chat. time will tell."
Finally, another email received by a member from Mark Stelvio.
"Hey Guys and Gals,
I had responded to Mr. Stelvio's initial email that I posted with some additional comments, and he emailed me back again:
From: Mark Stelvio (xxxx@gmail.com)
Sent: Fri 3/19/10 5:27 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear madam,
We will be back on Monday and our CEO Kevin Peiffer is going to explain everything to our valued investors by email Monday morning.
Thank you for your understading.
Best Regards,
Mark Stelvio
6 Karaiskakis Street
Cyprus, 3032"
Torej v ponedeljek naj bi nekaj pojasnjevali. |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 20 Mar 2010 18:33 Naslov sporočila: |
OK...bomo videli |
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tinito99 NOVI član
Pridružen/-a: 27.02. 2010, 14:35 Prispevkov: 4
Objavljeno: 21 Mar 2010 08:22 Naslov sporočila: |
Ma, glede na Goldaredan, naj bi to bil res nek Mark Stelvio, čeprav je malo verjetnosti.
Sodeč po odzivu ljudi ki pošejo v goldpoll pa tudi na kak drugi forum, bo to največja potegavščina doslej, saj sem nekje zasledil, da je vsota ki so jo v času delovanja akumulirali okoli 70 miljonov uSD.
Vsekakor pa smo bili vsi zavestni, da je vlaganje v HYPE določeno tveganje. Bilo je lepo in razburljivo dokler je trajalo, sedaj pa je kar je. Konec koncev smo igubili samo denar, pridobili pa malo modrosti in previdnosti(vsaj upam, da je tako).
Ne nazadnje pa se lahko ravnamo po besedah enega najbogatejših zemljanov, ki jih je izrekel, ko mu je eden od podrejenih managerjev
v enem poslu zapravil 10 miljonov USD in ga je vpraašal ali mu sledi odpoved:
Odpoved-kakšna odpoved neki?Zakaj bi ti dali odpoved sedaj, ko smo v tvoje šolanje vložili 10 miljonov dolarjev.
Vsaka šola nekaj stane in upam, da se bomo iz te GF univerze kaj naučili.
DAjmo za GF zaigrati pogrebno koračnico in tem ljudem, ki so nas ovce spravili v svojo ogrado, zaželeti naj uživajo.
Vse se povrne in udi njim se bo.....
Tinito99 |
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