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skala Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 15.12. 2008, 09:18 Prispevkov: 56
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 08:51 Naslov sporočila: |
Po moje ne bo nič narobe, če ne podpišemo. Nobenega javnega poziva ni bilo. Predstavljajte si kaj bi bilo če sploh ne bi brali forumov kjer se je znašlo pismo. |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 09:24 Naslov sporočila: |
[color=red][size=18]Opozarjam da pazite na besedni zaklad......in bodite kulturni do ostalih...[/size][/color]
admin. |
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SMRK Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 12.02. 2009, 09:10 Prispevkov: 90
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 12:23 Naslov sporočila: |
a ima kdo kakšno info iz sestanka v švici??? |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 13:42 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="SMRK"]a ima kdo kakšno info iz sestanka v švici???[/quote]
povzetek iz ŠPA foruma, ki ga je napisal Goran Sujansky sem postal pred dnevi: http://forex.mojforum.si/forex-about136-0-asc-435.html
Pozneje bom napisal še nekaj dodatkov, ki sem jih izvedel od človeka, ki je bil v Švici. Ta človek, ki je zelo visoko v SLO je poštenjak kolikor ga jaz poznam. V glavnem on je 100% za Cardono, pravi da se resnično trudi in želi čimprej rešiti zadevo v našo korist! On ga 100% podpira in bi želel, da nas čimveč podpiše to izjavo... V glavnem, moramo vedet, da so nekateri ljudje veliko bolje informirani kot mi (na žalost) in da so videli papirje, brokerje s katerimi FFX dela (in je delal), ter poznajo osebno te ljudi. Tudi ta moj kolega je med njimi. Med drugim je povedal, da je bil v Švici tudi človek iz sosednje države, ki je investiral 7mio$ v FFX in je po razgovoru s vodstvom odšel pomirjen.
[b]V glavnem priporoča se da se še DANES dokument/izjava podpiše in nato skenira in naloži, ter pošlje na e-naslov:[/b] cartas@finanzasforex.com
Če gledamo realno, če ne podpišemo potem v resnici ne bomo pomagali podjetju, pa če še na prvi pogled zadeva izgleda tako paradoksalno!
Če podpišemo pomagamo podjetju in če kdo misli, da si bo s tem zaprl vrata za morebitno tožbo proti FFXu, ga naj pomirim, ker mislim, da pri ameriških inštitucijah ne bo veliko dosegel kot NEAMERIŠKI državljan. Oni ščitijo predvsem svoje ljudi in tudi zato (ker so bile podane nekatere ovadbe) so se spravili na EMG. Lahko pa izjave pomagajo. Tako pač je!
Odločil se bo pa vsak sam!
LP |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 13:44 Naslov sporočila: |
Ajde ...se podpišem in bom poslal...samo da bo kaj ratalo...
admin. |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 20:03 Naslov sporočila: CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER IN USA AND OTHER FINDINGS |
[b]Zanimiv dokument (sicer malce dolg) o konzultaciji z odvetniki v ZDA in druge ugotovitve - ZAKAJ se splača podpisat izjavo http://amigosdefinanzasforex.ning.com/forum/topics/consulta-con-un-abogado-en-usa
It's starting to circulate through the postal model for the letter to print, fill out the information, sign, scan and send to cartas@finanzasforex.com. The purpose of this letter as we have indicated unofficially, is to expedite the process of returning the money to the company FFX and they us, as there is a possibility that the judge in the USA decides to give us the money to each investor.
Based on this and the doubts raised by many who declare their intention not to sign it because suddenly may be falling into perjury, forgery and other crimes, I took this day to deliver the letter to a relative in the USA who in time helped me to seek the advice of an attorney specializing in these issues in NY. It is another jurisdiction within the U.S. and missing them much first-hand information so that we can give a good analysis, but with so little is explained and a good background, it reads:
1.What for him there is a large percentage of validation for asserting that the bug has already left for, which is one of the important points of the process, because the second, and not necessarily be resolved in one instance (that he supposes is that really would be defined these days), which is going to be defining the procedures to produce the release and delivery of money to their cause, which in this case is EMG and its investors, since it is unthinkable that ruling came out ready and take the money. Having said that, he says that is why the lawyers would be at this time providing the information necessary to reach agreements and it envisaged within the first request to raise the money to be refunded to EMG, that by will be delivered through them to investors, here is where the stage massive letters sent by the investors supporting the formal request that lawyers perform on behalf of EMG.
2.For As for the letter, said that he was sure that is an urgent need for what they are doing the lawyers, there is nothing wrong in signing it and if someone feels injured by doubt at some particular point, which simply the releases, but with the final idea if the money be better delivered through the company. That there is no reason for someone to prosecute for forgery, perjury or false statement as many suggest, because the key element in all this are the contracts and provided as evidence at the evidentiary stage, the letter is no longer evidence in the dossier and support for this is that there is no history in the process that investors have cited to give evidence, in short, the letter only reflects a reasoned application to help define the ultimate purpose of the money.
3.What the fact that he delivered the money to the company, not to say that now as investors were left homeless, because very likely the company will impose certain requirements, among which provides for a limited time to make the respective returns and this should be monitored by some relevant authorities for this.
4.With Based on the above and if the company shows signs of transparency in everything done, and has maintained the confidentiality in the process (which that lawyer is not bad and that is normal in such processes), the company will the moral obligation to publish the verdict, scope and requirements which impose fines, delay in returning the money, etc..
5.Lo more important, is that if in the end it is intended to reimburse the company the money to investors and to put a deadline for doing so and fails, they will see tremendous judicial and economic trouble.
In the original message I received in the afternoon, let me explain and question what I write in the 2nd point, especially this sentence .. If true that is a pressing need, which is why I came to consult about and what I say is that:
"... When I said that if true it was an urgent need, let the benefit of the doubt that perhaps this is no longer necessary, but if anyway if it is for lawyers in the case as part of its strategy to return time to regain control of the money anyway in the end decides the fate of the money is the judge, either in letter or no letter. I am very surprised that the original letter is poorly written, badly spelled, in an unofficial language for the courts and not to say that this language is not Spanish, and more in Florida, as it is the second language USA, I mean is the development dynamics of the process. There are what I imagine is that someone pretending to investors came up and took the leadership to get through the company's lawyers massive voice application to the court, to fulfill the demands reflected in the end there , showing that at all times were aware of the company's work and support, hence the organization of a single format and above all ... (still a little speculative stuff) "
"... But look at that as you mentioned, in the end this is not posted on the website of the company because its administrative facility that does not fit that suddenly they were from the idea, and most of them being part the process, since it would misunderstand a court as a constraint. Anyway be sure that at the end if investors are like you telling me about 180,000 and each provides two leaves and see it is a very large volume of information and I can not imagine a lawyer taking all this stuff on a platform and a judge read letter by letter, but if it leads, as I said before, I will take it as being referential and not decisive in the process because it is not part of the proof stage, read a few random letters ... .. " "The irony and the background as I wrote is that now if you will remember, but no matter, to conclude the sign or not sign the letter at this stage can have effects but relatively the judge's decision, but not decisive, does not mean that those who do not sign will not receive their money or that the company can use this as a pretext to delay their reinstatement, because they (the company) could be in trouble if they do not penalize them parameters and this is good to know what you as investors ... .. As a judge I repeat that he sees the case as a whole and will not particularize the subject of investors, but in the unlikely event that he did will give equal treatment to those who signed and those not is say, the decision will be comprehensive but looking the part of the company as a whole, not to investors, .... From what you described to me, this process is not terminated the company's investors is the company (acting as a part) showing the origin of the funds and assets frozen, their responsibility in managing their delegated by third parties who are investors through contracts, the proper use of resources according to its business line, etc. but if you look no counterpart involving investors, this is why I say that the influence of the letter, the judge will simply referential, do not say not help to accomplish its purpose, but that depends on the judge than any other aspect ... .. (in another paragraph reads) ... Since it's the letter and have the option to sign it and send and feel more comfortable with what might be the outcome of everything, then do I find nothing wrong with doing so and nobody will be prosecuted for perjury or false by supporting the company and some claims are satisfied not written there, since it is understood that through contracts already granted broad powers to a company with a platform that easily can implicitly include all these points of that letter, as I see it ... "(still a large amount of words but very repetitive).
If justice in the U.S. decides to give us the money directly to investors, it is inconvenient for the following reasons, that many have not considered:
The liquid retained in the U.S. money is not exactly corresponding to all accredited investors in FFX (it is said that about 180,000), meaning that by dividing the amount of money does not agree with all, since there are money investors placed on real estate funds in countries other than the USA, there's the gold background, also had money in Europe and other assets; not know either as they were represented in the capital gains held in USA, etc., what means that in the best and discarding it in the U.S. adopt a similar model to the settlement they made with mediocre DMG monies here in Colombia, where he had divided among all, IF YOU MUST DO according to STATUS ACCOUNTS filed by the company to the authorities, but this statement includes only assets that exists on American soil, there is no legal requirement placed on it in other countries. In this vein, all suddenly not receive their fair share or not everyone gets, the logic is that it blocked in the U.S. had to be supported by a list of investors, the question is related only capital? Are they also the profit? Who will be in these listings? ...
Apart from this, to divide the money and start to deliver it directly to investors, most likely we will touch every one of us in the USA someone to represent us individually, possibly opening an account, make a custom application of money, or wait a turn (for small quantities), or imagine the inconvenience for the huge amounts of money, pay administrative costs in the U.S. are indeed expensive, etc., in short, a process that can take much longer.
However if you pass the money directly to the company for it to circulate:
This is the database so that it is up to each and where is it from everyone.
She will complement what is in USA with what they have in Europe and the value corresponding to the other assets they had, according to an allocation to capital and profits that we had at the time of each block and generated in March and April 2009 .
With the return of monies to the company, this will not be an excuse for vulgar "mamarnos cock" or blind us to the issue of returns, and is going to be forced to cancel all capital and all the profits, not as indicated in the statement of 12 October where they say "... most part", for the figure they say are adopting the plan "B" which was nothing if not free, you must give enough to cancel everything and even the costs of lawyers and those things, remember that in the balance of January in the meeting of Italy spoke of 1600 million, not counting the receipts this year, a figure which should be pointing the plan "B".
She appears through either regulated or especially PFPLACE FX ONE, can make us faster disbursement of money, either by the cards they say are close to sending or because the transit by banks would be expected not be traumatic, even if you look at the page of PM have already done a preview of the task corresponding to bank accounts such as those used to pay broker returns, have to wait is that we explain these dynamics.
Without being naive, a few days the money in their hands while they wait for the process of return, I doubt it will stay put and have a temporary earnings results, with which there if there should be no excuse for failure to submit capital and profits to complete and even paid extra expenses generated other ... Just imagine the pleasure that can cause broker for any fresh move these monies, whether a few small days, would be a delicacy.
FFX is ultimately the one who knows what really is everyone's responsibility and not part of investors.
The process of delivering the money to investors, to my mind is faster than if the authorities given to him directly.
With about the letter there are still many investors who have the following suspicions:
1.What the letter is illogical because much of what we said there has
It may be true for investors who entered 2008 well underway, but not for 2007 that went to Jamaica or who participated in the first promotional meetings and know first hand what the duckascopy, but anyway if someone entered in June 2008 , did so voluntarily and upon information received from your sponsor, where he showed his confidence with the history base achieved so far by the company, ie a consequence leads to another implication.
2.What did not know where it operated in commodities or gold
Surely they knew that those who entered this portfolio and whether the insurance policy was signed, others did not mind that, only the returns achieved.
3.What the investor had no investments in commodities and real estate funds
When the contract was signed, there was a power that we handled the money, the company initially did through the forex market and as he was taking advantage of capitalizing to expand into other markets, as reported in some ways when they discussed the fund established already at that time there was talk that it was in metals and real estate, is in a statement on the page. What happens is that there are people who do not read the news or delegated to the sponsor to handle them onto the page, only interested in winning and suddenly had no knowledge systems.
4.What do not know that they mention Mr. there and I did not send money to accounts of it.
Is valid, but we gave the company the power to do it for us and knew beforehand that the money we sent to an intermediary company and legally authorized to do such operations. In law the two are valid and sign a power, one does not exclude the responsibility of not knowing the scope of what is signed, and anyway, the worse it had been sending money directly to EMG, because that if the company had incurred in recruitment and we would be worse.
5.What was transparency in the delivery of returns before locking and honest Don Germain
Who can say that?, If all new recruits just before the blockade could see tangible profits, and on the other hand, we have been throughout this year on tenterhooks awaiting the release of monies anxious, worse would have been that when it all happened, would shut down the server and managers have escaped without leaving a trace as have dozens of companies that have defrauded their investors.
At this point, I do not confuse the hostility or displeasure at this stage can feel some of Don Germain and his team, with the actual facts, and that in one way or another, with mistakes, failures intermediate projects (102 capital, corner, etc.) but also some successes, we are about to recover our money.
Already with the above as a base, and grounded in the objectivity that I have attempted throughout the year and my unwavering position, end by saying as I wrote yesterday in a forum, "It is voluntary which wants to sign, there may be fear and all can increase the anger of many who demand that would have been better if the company president had given his face at this moment to tell us this detail, but still, not going to give not until, but not that we may lose the opportunity to recover what is ours, we lose nothing by signing it and sending it as indicated by the attorney consulted. Many of the things written there so we are not aware they have been, are indirectly a result of the contract we signed and which gave us power to handle money and therefore have no place as true until proven otherwise " .
I always insisted, and has been the complaint of many who still remain loyal to the company, since the problem started we have given the best deal in some ways we have tried for third, we are often low note and ignored never set on the concerns or what we write in the forums (apparently), especially in the will who offered to help many, and now if we import and the sample is chosen as the main vehicle forums to send the letters because this is the time that many DI and LO, or know what this letter, but you know what, and at this point need not concern those bad things does not mean that thinking is so undignified as many may think, for more feelings found there, things were as they were and nothing will change this, as most certainly will do nothing to change the modus operandi of Don Germain and managers!, but what matters is that we restore and hence MONEY forward, everyone make your own decision, angry or calm, with hatred or affection, or quietly forward .... grateful or ungrateful, leaving the influence of new projects or not, greeting or farewell. This is part of our free will, as is also the one who signed and sent the letter or not, but I really DO recommend. We do not lose nothing by this time the ride! as we say in Colombia.
Forward and now if a lot requetefuerza
Sebastian Medina Vargas
Nazadnje urejal/a periegetes 22 Okt 2009 10:57; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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Bunda Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2009, 19:09 Prispevkov: 13
Objavljeno: 21 Okt 2009 20:58 Naslov sporočila: |
Ne vem, zakaj jim (FFX mislim, oz. Cordona) je tako težko poslat vsakemu na mail (vsak ga je moral dati ob registraciji) ta dopis, imajo tudi prevajalce, tak da ne bi smel biti problem... ali pa vsaj dat obvestilo na uradno stran? Ali mogoče je, pa ne najdem?
Neko natolcavanje z nekimi papirji, kot vedno, pa zamiki datumov v nedogled pa odpiranje računov in še bi se dalo naštet...
Eh, škoda glave! Grem spat! :lol: |
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bmwx5 Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2009, 10:22 Prispevkov: 32
Objavljeno: 22 Okt 2009 08:37 Naslov sporočila: |
....njih, da ni piramide, denar od vlagateljev je ves, cardona je rekel, da v kolikor bi bil v celoti odblokiran, da bi ga moralo ostati se okrog 100-300 Mio USD.
okrog 100-300mio? tak na oko... samo 200mio je lahko razlike? tu nekje?
pa kaj je 200mio, a ne?
pa to je štorija za otroke... |
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Remember Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Sežana
Objavljeno: 22 Okt 2009 08:56 Naslov sporočila: |
Ah... te prav mine volja, važno je to da je Cardona obljubu za ta teden denar na kartice :D
Nazadnje urejal/a Remember 22 Okt 2009 09:31; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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greece Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 19:15 Prispevkov: 185
Objavljeno: 22 Okt 2009 09:21 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="bmwx5"]....njih, da ni piramide, denar od vlagateljev je ves, cardona je rekel, da v kolikor bi bil v celoti odblokiran, da bi ga moralo ostati se okrog 100-300 Mio USD.
okrog 100-300mio? tak na oko... samo 200mio je lahko razlike? tu nekje?
pa kaj je 200mio, a ne?
pa to je štorija za otroke...[/quote]
Zavedajte se, da to ni noben denar za Cardono, temveč drobiž! :? |
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Drobizek Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 09.02. 2009, 19:45 Prispevkov: 248 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 22 Okt 2009 18:10 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="Remember"]Ah... te prav mine volja, važno je to da je Cardona obljubu za ta teden denar na kartice :D[/quote]
A cardona je obljubu??? al so bile to samo govorice, rekla kazala? |
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Remember Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 20:49 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Sežana
Objavljeno: 23 Okt 2009 06:54 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="Drobizek"][quote="Remember"]Ah... te prav mine volja, važno je to da je Cardona obljubu za ta teden denar na kartice :D[/quote]
A cardona je obljubu??? al so bile to samo govorice, rekla kazala?[/quote]
Kakor sem jaz slišal od enega DI je obljubu, samo itak mu ni za verjet ;) |
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garac Pripravnik
Pridružen/-a: 05.12. 2008, 11:19 Prispevkov: 105
Objavljeno: 23 Okt 2009 19:45 Naslov sporočila: |
a se že kaj ve kako je šlo z cardono in tožilci? |
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posrednik Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 04.01. 2009, 22:16 Prispevkov: 256
Objavljeno: 23 Okt 2009 20:25 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="garac"]a se že kaj ve kako je šlo z cardono in tožilci?[/quote]
u Amerika je šele zgodaj popoldne,....tko d,....hold your horses,....zihr se bo kj zvedl,.... |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 23 Okt 2009 21:11 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="posrednik"][quote="garac"]a se že kaj ve kako je šlo z cardono in tožilci?[/quote]
u Amerika je šele zgodaj popoldne,....tko d,....hold your horses,....zihr se bo kj zvedl,....[/quote]
mislim, da je to bila napačna informacija... z javnimi tožilci bi se naj GC s svojimi odvetniki srečal šele naslednji konec tedna... tako, da je se vedno mogoče pošiljat izjave na cartas@finanzasforex.com |
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