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Pridružen/-a: 12.02. 2009, 09:10
Prispevkov: 90

PrispevekObjavljeno: 29 Apr 2009 10:06    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

To kar se dogaje je že čisti absurd vedno so samo pri besedah in ne pri dejanju, če samo pogledamo mat projekt so zadevo uredili v zelo doglednem času ( mislim da 3 mesece ) vendar so nas obveščali kaj in kako in tudi sedaj se trudijo da nas obveščajo !
Tukaj pa nimam nobenega občutka o obveščenosti oz. še tisto kar rečejo se isti trenutek zlažejo v 6 mesecih so poslali samo kartice (1000) katere so pa še vedno neaktivne ! Ne vem ampak so totalno nesposobni ko ste zahtevali dokaze da to res počnejo je navajal da ste spoznali na letni konvenciji ljudi iz brovkerske hiše pa lepo vas prosim pri tem denarju kateri se je natekel na njegov žep mu ni bilo problema najeti tako imenovane brovkerje kot dokaz. S takimi lažmi mi grejo prav na bruhanje in če si hočjo povrniti zaupanje bodo morali dokazovati z dejanji in tudi na papirju in ne samo maltit prazno slamo .
Če so to sposobneži in enako velja tudi za naše glavne kateri so tiho kot riti
in očitno so potrebni že ene poštene lekcije!
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Maj 2009 17:18    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Sporočilo ANIMDEX-a glede zahteve po izročitvi dokumentov, s katerimi FFX dokazuje blokado denarja v ZDA, ANIMDEx je združenje za zaščito vlagateljev v Forex v Španiji:

[quote]Comunicado nº 120291202 de ANIMDEX
quimu - 15:14 on 6-May-2009 mensaje
Apreciado/a asociados:

El pasado día 14 de abril se emitió una nota de prensa anunciando la intervención de esta Asociación en relación a los afectados por Finanzas Forex y como consecuencia el pasado día 20 el Sr. German Cardona contacto con esta Asociación.

Esta asociación ofreció personarse en el banco que supuestamente tiene los fondos bloqueados, junto con el Sr. German Cardona y un Notario a los efectos de certificar lo que sucede en realidad.

Ante esta solicitud el Sr. German Cardona informo que tenia dadas recientemente instrucciones a sus letrados para que solicitasen una certificación al juzgado Federal que ordeno el bloqueo de capitales a fin de mostrarlo.

Considerando que ha transcurrido 15 días, el tiempo suficiente, sin tener más noticias, se ha decidido emprender las actuaciones necesarias, a fin de acreditar el destino final de los capitales invertido, para su recuperación.

Es por ello que se aconseja a los inversores que comparezcan ante el Notario más próximo, a los efectos de que cerifique el contenido de las paginas Web, de Finanzas Forex y Pacific Mutual que a continuación de detalla, junto con otros documentos que Usted ya tiene en su poder.


1. La tarjeta de coordenadas para realizar operaciones en cajeros automáticos
2. Tarjeta maestro si la tiene
3. La pagina de que costa con el nombre “DETALLE DE MOVIMIENTOS” desde la fecha en que inicio sus relaciones con Finanzas Forex.
4. La pagina que aparece “MIS INVERSIONE”
5. La pagina que aparece “ORGANIZACIÓN DE INVERSORE”
6. La pagina donde aparecen “MIS DATOS PERSONALE”
7. La pagina donde aparece “ORGANIZACIÓN INVERSORES” con todos los registros que aparecen en “MI RED DE INVERSORES”
8. De la página de Mutual Pacific, la primera que aparece como “CUENTAS” En esta aparece el salado disponible y el estado de las tarjetas solicitadas.
9. De Pacific Mutual la que aparecen “DATOS PERSONALES”
10. De Pacific Mutual la que aparecen “MOVIMIENTOS COMPLETOS”

11. Finalmente tendrá que solicitar al notario que en otro protocolo “escritura” otorgue poderes de representación a favor de esta Asociación y solo con relación a la reclamación a Evolution Marquet Group Inc conocido con la marca Finanzas Forex, los poderes serán para actuar judicial y extrajudicialmente así como para nombrar abogados y procuradores en todo el ámbito mundial.

Solicite al Notario dos copias de cada escritura.

El documento que obtendrá será el único con el que Usted podrá acreditar lo que tiene de forma fehaciente. Hágalo lo antes posible, le tendremos informado de los siguientes pasos, mientras tanto consiga escanear el documento notarial y téngalo preparado para poderlo mandar por Mail cuando se le solicite.

Saludos. A.Alcaraz

Presidente. ANIMDEX[/quote]
[u]google prevod:[/u]
Dear partner:

On the April 14 issued a press release announcing the intervention of the Association in relation to those affected by Forex Finance and as a result the past 20 days Mr German Cardona contact the Association.

This partnership offered themselves to the bank that supposedly has the blocked funds, together with Mr German Cardona and a notary to certify the effects of what happens in reality.

Faced with this request Mr. Cardona German report which had recently given instructions to its lawyers to seek a certification to the Federal court ordered the freezing of funds in order to display it.

Whereas after 15 days, long enough, without more news, it was decided to undertake the necessary action to establish the fate of the capital invested in recovery.

That is why investors are advised to appear before the Notary nearest to the effect that cerifique the contents of Web pages, Finance and Forex Pacific Mutual which detail below, along with other documents that you already have in his possession.


1. The coordinates for card transactions at ATMs
2. Maestro card
3. Coast of the page with the name "DETAIL OF CHANGES" from the date they start their relationship with Finanzas Forex.
4. The page that says "my investments"
5. The page that appears "organization of investors"
6. The page showing "My personal details"
7. The page where "ORGANIZATION investors with all the records that appear in" MY NETWORK OF INVESTORS "
8. From the home page Pacific Mutual, the first appearing as "ACCOUNTS" This is the salt available and the status of cards requested.
9. Pacific Mutual which are "Personal Data"
10. Pacific Mutual which are "motion"

11. Ultimately will have to apply to a notary in another protocol "writing" granted powers of attorney in favor of the association and only with respect to the claim to Evolution Group Inc Marquet known brand Forex Finance, powers and judicial will to act out and to appoint attorneys and prosecutors throughout the world.

Ask the Notary two copies of each script.

The document you get is the only one with which you may prove what is so authentic. Do it as soon as possible, we have reported the following steps, in the meantime will scan the notarized document and have it ready to mail by mandar able upon request.

Greetings. A. Alcaraz

President. ANIMDEX

IN še to, iz današnjega panamskega časopisa :

[quote]Animdex requested clarification for money
8:54 a.m. - BARCELONA. Spain (EFE). -The National Association of Investors in the foreign exchange market Forex Spain (Animdex) today called for clarification of the fate of the funds managed by the company based in Panama Evolution Market Group Inc, which operates under the brand Forex Finance.

According to a release issued today by Animdex, based in the Spanish province of Barcelona, this association has decided to intervene in defense of the interests of investors and partners in Spain, to the lack of transparency and repeated breaches occurring since last December 2008 "by Finance Forex.

The currency market Forex is a market where there is buying and selling of currencies 24 hours a day, five days a week.

Finanzas Forex, as Animdex warrants that investors can not withdraw their funds in a "freezing order issued by the U.S. Federal Reserve."

However, Animdex Panamanian company ensures that "no warrant shows that freezing of funds or tell us where they are entered, or give explanations to the questions of interest to investors, such as the address of the brokers which entered the capital as specified in the contracts, if they actually did so. "

Although Animdex was unable to contact company management in Panama, "is confident that his colleagues based in Spain shortly to help clarify the actual situation, as investors, while aware of the high risk and volatility of the Forex market, are puzzled by the lack of news. "

Investors want to know "with complete clarity and transparency, whether its money or whether there is what appears in their accounts is merely an accounting record."[/quote]
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Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 10:04
Prispevkov: 529

PrispevekObjavljeno: 21 Maj 2009 10:23    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[color=red]Res da je tale tema odprta zato da se izmenjujejo mnenja...tako pozitivna kot negativna... ampak poimenovanj ostalih in postov z namenom "kurjastva" pa vseeno ne bo!

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Maj 2009 08:24    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

:D bom kar sem pisal, ker je to prava tema za pisat !
Postaja vse skupaj žalostno zabavno :wink: , žalostno zato ker nisem videl že 6 mesecev niti € , zabavno se mi zdi pa kako iz meseca v mesec res nabijajo da bo, bo, bo samo nas ne bo več.

Kaj ni problem samo Crown Gold saj so menjavali bančne račune ko gate, sponim se da smo nakazovali v Florido, v JPMorgan kaj so vsi računi blokirani.

In če dejansko dobim donos za tekoči mesec se pravi nebi bilo nobenega problema dvigni $ sam zgleda da je.

Kako je z tistimi ki ima kao "nov finanzas forex" lahko kaj dvignijo? Al tudi ti verjetno ne morejo, ker je odgovor "Blokada USA :)"

Ah, bo potrebno German Maradono poklicat in mu prodat virtualni balance :)
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NOVI član

Pridružen/-a: 08.01. 2009, 10:11
Prispevkov: 7

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Maj 2009 12:21    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 24.12. 2008, 23:34
Prispevkov: 29

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Maj 2009 13:12    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


Dokler men na kartico ne pride, ne verjamem... Za 15 eur, si lahko pri White Eaglu sam kartico naročim in nakažem gor kolikor hočem in dvigujem po mili volji....
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Maj 2009 13:18    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


Dokler men na kartico ne pride, ne verjamem... Za 15 eur, si lahko pri White Eaglu sam kartico naročim in nakažem gor kolikor hočem in dvigujem po mili volji....[/quote]

In kaj bi imel od tega da si bi to naredil ....dajte no malo z glavo delat.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Maj 2009 14:25    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


No lepo da je nekdo dvignil, samo je plunc v morje to kar so Vam izplačali.
Meni stoji več kot 20k$ pa nemorem nič z njimi 11k$ stoji na PM to je edini plus kada če dobim kartico. Bomo videli kaj bo 27.5 če bo res ali ne.
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Maj 2009 16:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Zanimivo ... DI iz Kolumbije javno postavlja vprašanja G.Cardoni ( )

sebastianinvfxexitosos - 15:20 on 26-May-2009

If someone has the opportunity to get this letter by any means, I think it is important for everyone and not a few.
Bogota, May 26, 2009

President EMG
Madrid (Spain)

Cordial and affectionate greeting.

I know the situation that the company is somewhat alien to you and other directives and some say, because unlike the "Guarantee Fund" there were no other alternate plans to overcome a crisis like the present, despite taking the company approximately 20 months of existence, apparently started when the inconvenience, so if you respect them as part of responsibility, but judging it too late already.

I am a moderate investor reached in August 2008 the title of DI and I imagine that has to be hard for you and your family, being in this situation, where people investing in the company or even competing companies, with all these unscrupulous character, we deem the worst improperios, cursing and little objectivity, thereby achieving even affect their own security.

No one I think I would be in their shoes, feeling the pressure you feel and discomfort on a large scale by the number of dissatisfied investors that exist today in many countries where the company has a presence. Most of us DI, Leaders Organization Promoters and that we support this project, some feel the same as you but on a smaller scale, whatever the size of the network to operate, but unlike his ignorance in many respects makes us even more in the public arena for the simple reason of not having anything to respond to those who ask us details of the current situation, which leaves us at the same level of disregard for the normal investor.

I suppose that those who are feeling more desperate and worried even with their own security, must be those who misuse the promotion of multi-view and that its earnings increased referrals, attending little trickery and deceit in their lavish professional meetings promotion, to the point no matter who will receive money for stocks and helped send him abroad, the situation that is possibly part of what is now affecting the company, which at least you are in Colombia gave a timely fashion, but the situation for which no adequate control measures, except to believe in the work of individuals.

I am proud of not having achieved my degree in this way and have made available the money won moderates, who needed it most in my network, until they reached me money.

I know you believed in people and the companies put the money where it is you who had failed to meet certain administrative functions and forecast is that it failed companies where you trust, and that a large percentage of investors have failed to act with her, but let me respectfully say that this latter aspect that concerns investors a reason and I think the most important has been total and complete responsibility for his and other directives, the how you have handled the information around this problem.

It references that you do not like or the media, let alone the forums, but will not see it personally, he commented on what they say whether one or the other, so in a humble Regards to you and would like this extended letter, picking it as a summary of the comments that people of good goals and expectations of the public company, and others may publish without hope, but as I say because of misinformation exists. The sole purpose of reaching them, is that you get together with their managers and addressed through an open conference with optimism, gallantry, professionalism and conviction, we passed when we had the opportunity to see and hear in person and in different past events. Believe me that doing so with the truth, confidence will return to a vast majority of investors and give more time and above all, peace of mind to continue with their efforts, these are:

1) The reason for the problem of freezing of funds and justification

- We all know the lock, but what was exactly what happened, "How long have truly begun," What amount is the problem, what were the companies that put FFX in this situation, what was missing provide?.

- On the assumption that more damage today and the silence all legal event is public knowledge: What is the reason for not publishing the supports of the problem and even the financial media, if people continually ask right own and just as the investor, "If you do not want to give this information on your own Why not give the green light to the lawyers to issue a statement with which most interest to investors who are amounts of money and expectations Success?

- Why are initially in their conference this year, he was blocked by the lack of liquidity of banks and the state of the global economy and now we have a legal blockade, "Why are perceived lies, time delay or at least, half-truths, which is what made it difficult for most investors?

2) The dynamics of Pacific Mutual -

- What is the truth of this company paying to be seen to be located in New Zealand but whose line is it indicative of the support and FFX is not exactly there, "What is the history of financial and commercial this company?, was opened by the same company as EMG strategy? Why does not efficiently support your phone and why not answer the messages of "us", and why there is a dynamic that supports FFX throws PM to the ball and when someone supposedly able to communicate with PM, it throws the ball to FFX?.

3) Payment of overdue returns

- There is talk of even outstanding since October 2008 and returns on investments fenecían this month, these may be added the following months, payments as you don Germán already been doing in small proportions by present problems but why there is no evidence of such payments already made, are so few, "For when you have finished paying the projected 2008 income, which for many who have a moderate investment, equals at least to recover all or most of your investment and provide peace of mind for 2009 and expect the money? Are you confident of the new strategy to begin on 1 June, when it is planned that could be either physically recover the profitability or capital?
- As it is intended to give flexibility to the process, whether the so far received some 1000 debit cards have been withdrawn is estimated between 300,000 to just $ 500,000 (not all because they had money to load) and more remains of 160,000 investors see something Cash?

4) debit cards

- How is the system planned to send the first batch of cards, because I saw others doing DI hierarchy over to send to the company and I realized with surprise as they came to the people who asked in early February, after many others and when I ask, "Why are so many changes in time and say they support FFX is the responsibility of PM, in the same medium where they said they were already sending cards since April 22? today who asked for before January 30 appears May 27 date "release" or even ship date shown: What date should expect those who called in February, March, April and May now, so that know what to expect, and why there is no official statement from the company about these changes in dates, if known in advance that the issuance and distribution of the cards despite being from an English company, is responsible FFX or direct effect on your PM?

5) Transactions

- Those who have accumulated at this time yields higher than $ 20,000 or its effect, large investments whose returns exceed the expectations of swift and effective action of a debit card, they ask: How and when will you start doing well by parts is, how will support those investors from different countries with changes in legislation in 2009 prohibiting enter more than $ 5000, as the case of Colombia, where the cards are not sufficient to remove the profitability or capital accumulated?. Some accounts opened abroad and paid for it, but have been closed because they have not been able to inject money.

6) Investors with less than $ 12,000

Until just over a month, investors were less than $ 12,000 investment (I think 70% of investors in the company), knew that the absence of the debit card for them they would be paid for outstanding performances of 2008 and January 2009 using the method of transfer. Today, the news that it may seek debit card instead of rejoicing, they are concerned the absence of a concrete and official explanation of the company with the following: How to ask if the card is required to have $ 500 in only a minority PM and redundantly small, there was money? why, because in February they had requested transfer of their returns via PM and PM transfer it off because the system prevents it because it was within the first 15 days of February, for Furthermore, the transactions that were pending in January through FFX, but could cancel the transaction were the same, because since March will not be allowed to spend money from the PM page FFX. The few who have applied for the card, they did it or because they had a small balance in PM or because third parties who are investors of more than USD 12,000 and expected to draw card, I have done transfers this value from 500 USD, but there are thousands who have been unable to apply for card, so investors in these two groups of people, first those who were able to ask the end of March until today, and ask: When you arrive cards with them even if they come to those who called in January, February and early March, "Now at the beginning of June according to the latest release, they are to cancel the transactions that had already requested and are forced to withdraw card, "So when they will be able to make your first withdrawal if these cards will take several months?. The second group: Those who have not been able to ask the board for lack of balance and am wondering: If I go to cancel the transactions (the FFX January and February, PM) and pass to FFX in June, then ask how the card, "If you leave the money (for the transaction of February) is temporarily available in PM, the board could ask, but when it came, knowing that they have not come to that requested in January, February and early March, "What would be the expectation of their first time to see cash?.

7) Investments in Europe

You can not deny that between October and November were a disabled account in the U.S. and one in Germany. Over the last many sent their money, but knowing that it had the backing of AVAFX recognized broker in Europe, however:

- Why investors sent all or part of their capital to this destination, have not received payment?
- If some investors sent their money there, but for credit to commodities, why not the money has continued to work in this portfolio?

8) Return of capital

- Many who saw the announcement in March that it was withdrawing capital in the last 5 days of the month, was given a vote of confidence in the company, but when I activate this option, because it increased his discomfort: What is a trigger retirement if you do not have anyway and there is access to capital is there in waiting, and why there was an official of the company to indicate what would happen to those who seek their capitals, ie, that it would not generate anything profitability by 25 days and would be available balance in a long time, and why nothing is done to return capital to investors in those small amounts that are the biggest drawbacks have led to the company?

9) Collaboration altruistically offered but not accepted

Is that the administration of FFX not like about the forums, because we found many passions converge, but through the same medium FFX, or in the "Collaborate with us and even more in the forums and now known as INVEST FRIENDS OF FFX have been known to people with excellent qualities, one of Spain, Mexico and Colombia, in particular, among the most important qualities was the sense of belonging with the company and the offer and disposition of their professions, work, contacts and knowledge of banking, corporate and foreign exchange market, even people who have been without being professional, being able to give brilliant ideas, but has not found an echo in these voices to be heard and this leaves gaps in the same people who volunteer their help.

The tool's career plan, is not being used for what is required in these cases, ie, uniting the experience of the DI, Leaders and Executives, perhaps not to solve the problem of freezing of funds, but if the fluidity and responsibility of information management. It is true that within this group there may be people who are already working with other companies, others who were unscrupulous in how they work, others left to their own networks, but there are also those who have acted professionally and with a sense of membership, who believe in this project and we can give good ideas and solutions.

The drop has occurred precisely because of the mishandling of information that leads to no information, no information or information halfway done and it is in showing that the effort to have achieved this or that degree, especially for DI , to no avail to keep communication or be used for something useful for the company.

10) The state of the virtual platform and the telephone line

It is not understood yet, how to fund major investments in security (and metal furniture), it was not possible to invest in a platform quickly and with the needs of thousands of investors, but above all, is not understood as that the support section is on one side giving reports do not match the facts, in other cases, some of those who respond do so in an empty and meaningless way, which for many is a lack of respect. As for the phone line is too short a single line with two options when the need is a call center with well-structured and suitable persons.

11) The forum announced new

Many believe that there is already an official forum of the problem of communication tends to be solved, but when it comes to this tool as we did several and give a limited view of the fact that a comment to 400 characters or departing from and links that say "his" or "Your comment will be analyzed in advance, takes away weight to the essence of what a forum is because a forum is to be informative comment is good or bad, of course, must give guidance is clear for use within the framework of respect, non-incitement to brawls, not to libel and slander, etc., and who fails to know what to expect, which is due to report in advance that there are no excuses-I I did not know or like. But we must be open to all comments may not be perfect or praise; in this regard, it is very good that there can be identified with an ID, but I doubt attack on what the impact for the investor that a decent professional and raise serious doubts as to the above directives?.

12) Finally, other questions on issues that raise concerns are many:

The following are other aspects that perhaps may sound bold, but which must be solved, because the way they were presented the facts, is what has given rise to the many people who think this way.

- If you already knew the situation in October, why were encouraged to continue doing more shipments to accounts in U.S. banks in particular to sell the stock?.

- The Commodities have never been and was only one real strategy to get more investments and to pay them to certain groups of people and special that they could not be failing because it matches the start date of this portfolio with the expected date of commencement I have problems?.

- Why through the promoter of Latin America Commodities Mr William Manrique of Colombia and Mexico and the U.S., Mr de La Garza, who was promoted new investors to enter the plan in December of commodities were entitled to enter 100% their capital in this plan and not 50% as in the past, and knowing the blockade?.

- Why did you increase the ceiling for 2009 for commodities 200,000 to $ 400,000, and the knowledge of the blockade?.

- Why was officially said at a conference in the capital in February did not work for little opportunity to invest in the market and the high volatility of it, and it starts in March to hear that everything is to the blockades of 2008?.

- If the locks are off from September to October 2008 (because there is no official statement from when the problem started) What worked in the capital forex market the same month of October and November were informed that high yields, and in December and January 2009 but fell to regulators?.

- Similar to the case commodities, If everything was locked, what funds were then working in this market if a court of October 31 ended the first plan to cut the November 30 second plan to cut 31 the third plan in December and cut 31 January 2009 the fourth plan, and always returns reported were between 75 and 92%?

- For those who see no logical correlation between the date of the embargo and profitability until January 2009 if they think that commodities have been working because there were up by insurance and are reported to be working with another company, but these returns is that since February the company is capitalizing again.

- If the answer is that last year there were a few blocks and that was that in March 2009, there were other blockages Why was taken a step to be taken before the last capital in Europe, against the background of the previous year ?

As you can see Mr Germán, the above reflects about 80% (the other 20% who are not related bobadas) concerns of the majority of investors in the absence of official information from the company, go to forums to seek answers. As you can imagine, this goes to all sorts of people with sincere affection for the company, other neutral, and unfortunately, with other negative emotions, but the common denominator is that there is misinformation, for very good intentions that have one or the other , are those who say they became the latest news from someone above others who say that he told that, and so on.

Therefore more than ever, it is urgent that apart from the forum seems to have announced that the operational problems for now, is analyze what you are here with their leadership and an open, honest and without fear of being judged for good or bad, we talk. We want to hear how difficult the situation, and have not pledged speedy and final settlement. It is what people, some after eight months, seven months, six months or less, without charge yields, and we deserve is the least we can ask, in exchange for the trust placed in you, in his dream and his team , which does not know who are working hard to fix everything.

Go ahead and lots of strength!


DI de Bogota (Colombia)[/quote]

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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 29.12. 2008, 18:30
Prispevkov: 154

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Maj 2009 07:05    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

ta je pa postavil prava vprašanja... me zanima, če bodo odgovori.
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Maj 2009 11:22    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

originalni post:

[quote]MAHARAJI - 04:16 on 27-May-2009


Well as I've always said I will give my opinion, and at no time should take this as official information, ok? I do not think going into some harmless controversy foristas that show only their hunger for leadership, because, again, that I write here is just a personal opinion and no one on earth can I do to change.

The e-mail sent to the investor Germán Cardona and speaking that this is actually an International Director, gives a clear indication that FFX opened a big door to a world unknown to the average person and was such that the boom I was so strong and the proposal from FFX, which people today take pride in this title Director International, but they are far from able to sustain. I apologize if I am being cold to talk, but I believe that as people have the cold to send these releases to Germán Cardona, have the cold to get an honest answer (in this case and our personal opinion, my opinion) ... that reveals the gap between having the title of International Director and what to be or actually have to exercise it.

In response, alternative to sending e-mail, I'm going to tell something that I believe that neither the German Cardona known or discussed, attention:

I had the opportunity to learn about the support system of FFX, the telephone as written by an investor who works with them, which gave me the opportunity to see him, I was surprised to see the monster company in terms of computer behind the apparent simple paginita Internet FFX. Many people want to measure the seriousness of FFX, the grandeur and luxury of its physical offices, this is one more example of how far you are to understand what it means to a virtual enterprise and the benefits to us as belonging to an investor.

Well, seeing the writing system of support, I noticed something I call a lot attention, I can say without exaggeration that 95% of the effects come from Colombia and the other 5% is shared elsewhere.

I like Colombian, had noticed that the information was handled differently in Colombia was to be handled for example in the USA and other countries, and this name is my attention that I began to investigate the causes and I know why this phenomenon here in Colombia.

As you know comes from Colombia, a wave of impressive pyramids, where people still have not erased his memory, and the media have dealt with this, because even novels pyramids are recorded for television. This wave of Pyramids in Colombia, as a result left unconscious by a taste of the Colombian people, for the easy money that had been used. I remember that 8 months before it happened, I had predicted that DMG, which was the company that looked more solid, fall in the near future. Believe me I do not have powers to see the future, but if I have an investment in preparation and analysis with a margin of error much less than a person who has not been prepared in this area as I can remember it wrong .... people told me that they preferred DMG paid more than in FFX and I said, "but how will you compare a company that sells washing machines and appliances including an exclusive investment company?" ... You know what I said people? "Well they pay and have not been bad to anyone and that's all that matters."

DMG closed when the emergency decree social, because it somehow ended up with the phenomenon of the pyramids in Colombia, but did not end with what people were accustomed to receiving in FFX and many saw this new source of easy money, since the results thus far, coupled with what they were accustomed, to look at a company like FFX silver easy, you always pay very high interest without problem.

Now the hard way, Colombians have learned that FFX was different, which is not fantasy, nor the magic of the pyramids to which they are used and all that e-mail you send Germán Cardona, only represents the voice of a people who still do not have culture of investment, but that does not agree, that when people earn money with FFX is spent now and pretend everything FFX to blame for their financial problems themselves and not generated FFX, a people requires that FFX Germán Cardona will not be a pyramid as a DMG, but if paid as one, a people who come en masse to FFX and now transmitted to the world its mass panic unfounded as they are far from understand much less accept, the real is to be an investor.

Have you lost the respect of pension plans in Colombia in the last 12 months? Who said anything? anyone have seen that in Colombia the only Forex Fit authorized by the government to offer Forex Colombia, reported losses to its customers around 85% and the remaining money people have not been able to withdraw, but not armed or half the scandal that it is arming FFX, the only thing that has had a problem of availability of money, for a reason to, but it has not lost a penny, and not the solution recently implemented FFX, let us see we already way for normalization.

People today demanded information from FFX, FFX but I forgot to give that information to its investors, you damage your relationship with Dukascopy with Crowne Gold, with different banks. I understand that sometimes Germán Cardona met privately with leaders and directors, and shared confidential information about future plans and this information the next day was in many forums and processes are dropped by these rumors. For example, the debit card that was scheduled to launch in Brazil.

What hurts, if you were Germán Cardona and with all this background, would tell people to every detail of what they think to do, knowing that so many people interested in FFX no progress?

Many people criticized me for position ultradefensiva for FFX and some call it blind faith in them, but nothing, I have always said that the day I see something rare in FFX, I will be the first to sound the alarm, my faith in them is based on the overall results of this project, not the month to month, or the fact that before I won X amount of dollars a month and now nothing because my investment is old.

I would like to see the promotional video is a friend of mine on You Tube, which is under the title "how to invest in Forex Forex without knowing" there will see that from day one, had been saying that it was likely that a period of 12 months had a negative several months, this is 100% normal in investments, has never happened in FFX and see people like this.

With all due respect for the investor who is sending you this e-mail to Germán Cardona, this is a monument to the financial ignorance of what is written there, if it is not because I understand that the great wonder of FFX was offering an open door to investments in major leagues, people without knowledge of others to feel pity that e-mail.

I know that if you send this e-mail to 100 current investors FFX in Colombia, including my ... 98% say that they are valid reasons that are outlined there and only 2% would not say that ..... and any one could say good creámosle the most .... and I would ask ... and as the majority? The vast majority are broken, not for FFX, but to take and treat this investment as an eternal fantasy. They said one person who started this 15 months ago, with borrowed money and that of my brothers, but aware of the risk, because they believe that even the advocate? I, like all other investors, I stopped paying usual, then I would not like me and others if they complain, when I depend on this time 50% of FFX ...

... Many people tell me, ahh! is that you are of good family and have money but no, this is because whenever I tried it as an investment, I have always kept aware of the risks and I was always clear that there is no investment in the world that is not cyclical. With ups and downs of different circumstances and prepare me for that.

A philosopher who is still alive says:

"Summers are not eternal, if you know when you're aprovisiónate in summer for winter, as do many animals, but it would be a stubborn, if you want that summer lasts forever."
Jim Rhon

How many highly successful during that summer that was FFX, is to supply this winter?

Now that cry out Germán Cardona is a god and on the next summer and you know what? Germán Cardona is not god, but I just do anticipate next summer's scheduled time, but today 95% of its investors, who claim it forward for now, because they need now, and they want to live as millionaires again as in last summer now.

Ask the Director has gained international respect as carrying in FFX and I assure you it is much more than they earned in their last 10 years of work and yet today blamed FFX, when supplied in the absence and did did not ...

There are many things I could say and could respond with great success each of the things you ask in German the letter, but not what I do, first because the real problem is that I have counted on this post and second, because satisfying the curiosity and curiosity of people with no experience I will not put at risk everything that FFX being done and when it comes to light, it will be a source of pride for FFX and who we believed in it and the reason for penalty and hypocrisy for those who now claim to FFX for their personal situations, products of their actions, not FFX.

The key is to educate people about investments, only in this way can stock up for the coming winter and enjoy the coming summer to the fullest .... believe me, come many summers, but many winters, the good news is that none of 2 are timeless.

Nobody, not even Germán Cardona can guarantee the future of FFX, we move in the very high possibility to bring this project forward and believe me, that if people understood all that I said here and put the business side, breaking all rumor and massive outbreak of panic about FFX, we would have some winters more bearable for all.

I imagine that by sharing this message, create multiple rejection and criticism, this is proof that I am quite right in everything I said here, but the truth is that it would be good to remind people celebrated the following sentence:

"The team spirit is what gives many companies an edge over competitors."

George L. Clements[/quote]
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2009, 20:55
Prispevkov: 9

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Maj 2009 12:16    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

lepo je opisal zadevo investitorjev,čeprav vsi vemo, da samo Cardona ve kaj bo naredil.Samo dve stvari sta možni.Ali je zaigral veliko Ponzi shemo ali pa je denar izgubil na Forexu.drugih možnosti ni.Pesem o blokadi denarja je žalostna, če pa so mu ga zablokirali pa ga sigurno nikoli ne bo videl, tako on kot mi.Zgodba je sicer žalostna vendar, v slabost nas vlagateljev.Moraš pa bit tip, da si še vedno upaš iskati denar za nadaljnje naložbe in to v isti firmi, katera je izjavila že toliko laži.

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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2009, 20:55
Prispevkov: 9

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Maj 2009 12:20    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

sebastianinvfxexitosos - 15:20 na 26-May-2009

Če nekdo ima možnost, da dobiš to pismo z vsemi sredstvi, mislim, da je pomembno za vsakogar in ne samo nekatere.
Bogota, 26. maj 2009

German Cardona Soler
Predsednik EMG
Madrid (Španija)

Topel in Odan pozdrav.

Vem, da je položaj, da je družba nekoliko tujec s tabo in drugimi direktivami, in nekateri pravijo, saj za razliko od "Jamstveni sklad" ni bilo nobenih drugih nadomestnih načrtov za premagovanje krize, kot je prisoten, kljub temu, pri čemer je družba približno 20 mesecih obstoja, očitno je začel, ko neprijetnosti, če ste jih spoštovati kot del odgovornosti, vendar sodim, da je že prepozno.

Sem zmeren vlagatelj dosegel v avgustu 2008 naslovu DI in Mislim, da je težko za vas in vaše družine, ki so v tej situaciji, kjer ljudje vlagajo v podjetja ali celo konkurenčna podjetja, z vsemi temi brezobzirne narave, bomo menijo, da je najhujše improperios, prekletstvo in malo objektivnosti, kar bo še vplivalo na njihovo lastno varnost.

Nihče ne mislim, da bi se v svojih čevljev, občutek pritiska čutite neugodje in v velikem obsegu, ki ga je število nezadovoljni investitorji, ki obstajajo danes v številnih državah, kjer ima podjetje prisotnost. Večina nas DI, Čelnicima Organizacija pospeševalci in da podpre ta projekt, nekateri čutijo enako kot ti, vendar v manjšem obsegu, ne glede na velikost omrežja, da deluje, vendar v nasprotju z njegovo neznanje, v mnogih pogledih nas še bolj v javnem arena za preprostega razloga ni za kaj, da se odzove na tiste, ki prosi nas podrobnosti o trenutnih razmerah, kar nam na isti ravni neupoštevanje običajnih vlagateljev.

Mislim, da tisti, ki so občutek bolj obupan in zaskrbljen tudi s svojo lastno varnost, morajo biti tiste, ki zlorabe spodbujanje več namenom in da svoje dohodke povečal napotitev, ki obiskujejo malo Lukavstvo in prevare v svojih Rasipan spodbujanje strokovnih srečanjih, na točki ni važno kdo bo prejel denar za zaloge in pomagal poslati ga v tujini, je stanje, ki je morebiti del tega, kar je zdaj vplivajo na podjetje, ki je najmanj ste v Kolumbiji je pravočasno, vendar pa je stanje, za katere ni ustrezne nadzorne ukrepe, razen za domnevo, v delo posameznikov.

Ponosen sem, da ni dosežena moja stopnja na tak način in so na voljo denar zmagal omili, ki je potreben, da večina v moji mreži, dokler ne doseže me denar.

Vem, da si verjel v ljudi in podjetja, ki je denar, kjer se vi, ki je ne izpolnjujejo nekaterih upravnih nalog ter napoved je, da ni družbe, kjer jim zaupate, in da je bil velik odstotek vlagateljev ni uspelo, da deluje z njo, vendar Naj povem, da tega spoštovanja slednji vidik vlagateljev, ki se nanaša na razlog in mislim, da je najbolj pomembno, je bila skupna in popolno odgovornost za svojo in druge direktive, se, kako ste obdelujejo informacije okoli tega problema.

To sklicevanje, da vam ni všeč ali medijev, kaj šele na forumih, vendar ne vidim osebno, on je komentiral, kaj reči, ali eno ali drugo, zato v skromnom Regards za vas in bi radi tega razširjenega pisma, obiranje kot povzetek pripomb, ki jih ljudje dobre cilje in pričakovanja javnosti družbe, in drugi lahko objavi brez upanja, ampak kot sem rekel zaradi dezinformacije obstaja. Z edinim namenom doseganja jim je, da si skupaj z njihovimi upravljavci in jih obravnavati z odprto konferenci z optimizmom, Galantnost, strokovnost in prepričanje, smo opravili, ko smo imeli priložnost videti in slišati v osebo in v različnih preteklih dogodkov. Verjemi mi, da to z resnico, se bo vrnilo zaupanje v veliki večini vlagateljev in daje več časa, in nad vsem, mir uma, da nadaljujejo s svojimi prizadevanji, ti so:

1) Razlog za težave z zamrznitvijo sredstev in obrazložitev

- Vsi vemo za zaklepanje, ampak kaj je točno kaj se je zgodilo, "Kako dolgo so zares začelo" Kaj znesek je problem, kaj so podjetja, ki je FFX v tem primeru, kar je manjka zagotoviti?.

- Ob predpostavki, da je več poškodb danes in tišina vse pravne dogodka javnega znanja: Kaj je razlog za ne objavo podpira tega problema in tudi finančni mediji, če ljudje nenehno prositi pravico lastne in samo kot investitor, "Če ne želite te podatke na svoji lastni Zakaj ne bi dal zeleno luč za odvetnike izdati izjavo, s katero najbolj zanimivi za vlagatelje, ki so vsote denarja in pričakovanja o uspehu?

- Zakaj so prvotno v svoji konferenci tega leta, je bil blokiran zaradi pomanjkanja likvidnosti bank in stanje v svetovnem gospodarstvu, in zdaj imamo pravno blokado, "Zakaj se dojemajo laži, zamud ali vsaj pol-resnic , kar je težavno za večino vlagateljev?

2) Dinamika Pacific Medsebojna --

- Kaj je resnica te družbe plačilni treba obravnavati, da se nahaja v Novi Zelandiji, vendar pa se njihova linija je znak podpore in FFX ni točno tam, "Kaj je zgodovina finančne in poslovne tega podjetja?, Je odprl isto podjetje kot EMG strategijo? Zakaj ne učinkovito podporo telefon in zakaj ne odgovorite na sporočila "nam", in zakaj obstaja dinamična, ki podpira FFX vrže PM za žogo in če nekdo domnevno sposoben komunicirati s PM, je vrže žogo za FFX?.

3) Plačilo zapadlih donosi

- Tam je govoril tudi o nerešenih od oktobra 2008 in donosnost naložb fenecían tega meseca, se lahko doda naslednja meseca, plačila, kot so ti Germána že delam v manjših deležih, ki jih sedanje težave, vendar, zakaj ni nobenih dokazov o takšnih plačil, ki so že so, so tako redke, "Ko ste končali plačilni načrtovanih 2.008 dohodka, ki je za mnoge, ki imajo zmerne naložbe, enaka vsaj za povrnitev vseh ali večini vaših naložb in zagotavljanje miru v mislih za leto 2009 in pričakovati je denar? Ali ste prepričani o novi strategiji za začeli 1. junija, ko se načrtuje, da bi lahko bodisi fizično vračilo donosnost ali kapital?
- Ker je namenjena za prilagodljivost v tem procesu, ali je doslej prejela okrog 1000 debetne kartice so bile umaknjene, je ocenjena med 300.000 do nekaj 500.000 $ (ne vseh, ker je imel denar za tovor) in še več od 160.000 vlagateljem glej nekaj Gotovina?

4) debetne kartice

- Kako je sistem načrtovanih pošiljati prvo serijo kartic, ker sem videl druge delaš DI hierarhiji nad poslati podjetju in sem spoznal s presenečenjem, saj je prišla do ljudi, ki je zahteval v začetku februarja, po številnih drugih in ko sem vprašati, zakaj so tako številne spremembe v času in pravijo, da podpirajo FFX je odgovornost PM, v istem mediju, kjer je reklo, da so bili že pošiljanju kartic od 22 april? danes kdo vprašal pred 30. januar zdi 27. maj datumom "javnost "ali celo ladjo datuma: datum Kaj naj pričakujem tisti, ki imenuje v februarju, marcu, aprilu in maju je zdaj, da bi vedeli, kaj pričakovati, in zakaj ni uradno izjavo podjetja o teh sprememb v datumih, če je znan v vnaprej, da se izdajo in distribucijo kartic, čeprav je od angleške družbe, ki je odgovoren FFX ali neposredno vpliva na vaš PM?

5) Transakcije

- Tisti, ki so se nabrali v tem času donosi višji od $ 20.000 ali njen učinek, velike naložbe, katerih donosi presegajo pričakovanja hitro in učinkovito ukrepanje za debetno kartico, se vprašajte: Kako in kdaj boste začeli delaš tudi z deli, kako bo podpirala tistih vlagateljev iz različnih držav, s spremembami zakonodaje leta 2009 prepoveduje vpisati več kot $ 5000, odvisno od primera, v Kolumbiji, kjer se kartice niso zadostne za odpravo donosnost kapitala ali akumuliranega?. Nekaj računov, odprtih v tujini, in za to plača, vendar so bili zaprti, ker niso bili sposobni vpeljati denarja.

6) Vlagatelji, ki imajo manj kot $ 12,000

Do nekaj več kot en mesec, investitorji so bili manjši od 12000 $ investicije (mislim, da 70% vlagateljev v podjetju), vedela sem, da je odsotnost z debetno kartico za njih, da bi se plača za izjemne uspešnosti za leto 2008 in januarju 2009 z uporabo metode prenosa. Danes je novica, da lahko poiščejo debetne kartice namesto radostno, so se nanašala na neobstoj a konkretnih in uradnih obrazložitev družbe z naslednjim: Kako vprašati, če je kartica mora imeti 500 $ samo v manjšini in PM redundantly majhna, ni bilo denarja? zakaj, ker v februarju jih je zahtevala prenos njihovih donosov prek PM PM in ga izključite, saj je sistem preprečuje, saj je bila v prvih 15 dneh februarja, za Poleg poslov, ki so bili do januarja prek FFX, lahko pa bi transakcijo preklicati bilo isto, ker od marca ne bodo mogli porabiti denarja iz PM strani FFX. Je nekaj, ki so zaprosili za kartico, če je to naredil, ali ker so imeli majhno bilance v PM ali pa zato, ker tretjih strank, ki so vlagatelji več kot 12.000 USD, in pričakuje, da pripravi kartice, sem naredil prenose ta vrednost od 500 USD, vendar obstaja na tisoče, ki so sposobna, da se zaprosi za kreditne kartice, zato vlagatelji v teh dveh skupin ljudi, najprej tiste, ki so bili sposobni, da od konca marca do danes, in prosi: Ko pridete kartic z njimi, tudi če pridejo do teh ki so imenovani v januarju, februarju in začetku marca, "Zdaj, v začetku junija v skladu z najnovejšo izdajo, so za preklic transakcije, ki so že zahtevali in so prisiljeni, da prekličejo kartico," Torej, ko bo lahko vaš prvem odvzemu, če teh kartic pa bo trajal nekaj mesecev?. Druga skupina: Tiste, ki niso bili sposobni, da zaprosi odbor za pomanjkanje ravnotežja in sem se spraševala: Če grem za preklic transakcij (FFX v januarju in februarju, PM) in prehod na FFX v juniju, potem pa vprašajte, kako je kartica "Če pustite denar (za transakcije iz februarja) je trenutno na voljo na PM, na vozilu se lahko vprašam, ampak, ko je vedela, da niso zahtevali, da pridejo do januarja, februarja in začetku marca," Kaj bi je pričakovanje, da njihova prvič za prikaz denarju?.

7) Naložbe v Evropi

Ne morete zanikati, da je med oktobrom in novembrom bil onemogočen račun v ZDA in eno v Nemčiji. V zadnjih veliko poslala svoj denar, ampak da bi vedela, da je imela podporo AVAFX priznane posredniku v Evropi, vendar pa:

- Zakaj vlagatelji pošljejo vsi ali del njihovega kapitala na to destinacijo, niso prejeli plačila?
- Če nekateri vlagatelji poslal svoj denar, ampak za kredit za blago, zakaj ne denar, se je nadaljevalo delo na tem portfelju?

Cool Vračilo kapitala

- Mnogi, ki so videli napoved v marcu, da je bil umik kapitala v zadnjih 5 dni v mesecu, je bila dana na glasovanje zaupanja v podjetju, vendar, ko sem vključite to možnost, saj je povečal svojo nelagodje: Kaj je sprožitvena upokojitev če nimate vseeno in je dostop do kapitala je tam čaka, in zakaj je bil uradnik družbe navesti, kaj bi se zgodilo s tistim, ki iščejo svojih velikih črkah, tj, da ne bi ustvarila kaj donosnosti za 25 dni in bodo na voljo v bilanci dolgo, in zakaj ni ničesar naredil, da se vrnejo kapital za vlagatelje v te majhne količine, da so največje pomanjkljivosti so povzročile, da je družba?

9) Sodelovanje altruistically ponujeno, vendar niso bile sprejete

Je, da je uprava za FFX ni všeč o forumih, saj smo ugotovili veliko strasti konvergirati, vendar po istih mediju FFX, ali v "Sodelujte z nami in še bolj v forumih in zdaj znana kot INVEST Prijatelji FFX so bili znani za ljudi z odličnimi lastnostmi, ena v Španiji, Mehiki in Kolumbiji, zlasti med najbolj pomembne lastnosti, je bil občutek pripadnosti podjetju in s ponudbo in razpolaganja z njihovimi poklici, delo, stike in poznavanje bančništva, podjetij in tujih deviznem trgu, tudi oseb, ki so bile brez strokovnih, ki so sposobne dati genialne ideje, vendar ni našla odmev v te glasove, ki jih je treba zaslišati in to dopušča razlike v isti ljudje, ki prostovoljno pomoč.

Orodje kariere načrtu, se ne uporabljajo za tisto, kar je potrebno v teh primerih, torej, ki združuje izkušnje z DI, Leaders in Executives, morda ne bi rešili problema zamrznitev sredstev, če pa je pretočnost in odgovornost upravljanja z informacijami . Res je, da se v to skupino se lahko ljudje, ki že delajo z drugimi podjetji, drugi, ki so bili v brezobzirne, kako dela, drugi pa prepustiti svoje lastne mreže, vendar obstajajo tudi tiste, ki so ravnali strokovno in z občutkom za članstvo , ki verjamejo v ta projekt in bi lahko dal dobre ideje in rešitve.

Padec se je zgodil natančno, ker je slabo ravnanje z informacijami, ki vodi do nobenih informacij, nobenih podatkov ali informacij na pol opravljeno in da je pri dokazovanju, da so prizadevanja, da so to dosegle ali stopnjo, zlasti za DI, da se ne izkoristijo, da sporočila ali se uporablja za nekaj koristno za družbo.

10) stanje virtualne platforme in telefonske linije

To ni še razumel, kako se financiranje večjih naložb v varnost (in kovinskega pohištva), ni bilo mogoče vlagati v platformo hitro in s potrebami tisoče vlagateljev, vendar nad vsem, ne razume, kot da je podpora oddelek je na eni strani daje poročila ne ujemajo s podatki v drugih primerih, da nekateri od tistih, ki odgovorijo to storijo v prazen in nesmiseln način, ki je za mnoge je pomanjkanje spoštovanja. Kot je za telefonsko linijo je prekratko eno linijo z dveh možnosti, če je potrebno, je klicni center z dobro strukturirane in primerne osebe.

11) Na forum napovedal novo

Mnogi menijo, da že obstaja uradni forum problem komunikacije nagiba, ki jih je treba rešiti, vendar, ko pride do tega orodja, kot smo mi in dati več omejeno glede na dejstvo, da predloži pripombe do 400 znakov ali izplujejo iz in povezave, ki pravijo "njegovo" ali "Vaš komentar bo analiziral vnaprej jemlje teži k bistvu, kaj forum je zato, ker forum je informativen komentar je dobro ali slabo, seveda, treba dati jasna navodila, je za uporabo v okviru spoštovanja, ne spodbujajo brawls, da ne obrekovanja in obrekovanja, itd, in ki ne vedo, kaj naj pričakujem, kar je posledica poročila vnaprej, da ni opravičila, jaz nisem vedel, ali podobno. Toda, moramo biti odprti za vse pripombe, ne sme biti popolna ali pohvale, v zvezi s tem, da je zelo dobro, da ni mogoče opredeliti z ID, ampak dvomim napad na kakšen vpliv za vlagatelja, da je dostojno poklicno in obstaja resen dvom glede na zgoraj direktiv?.

12), druga vprašanja, na vprašanja, ki sprožajo pomisleke so številni:

V nadaljevanju so drugi vidiki, ki so morda maj zvoka krepko, vendar jih je treba rešiti, saj je način, kako so predstavljena dejstva, je tisto, kar je povzročilo, da je veliko ljudi, ki razmišlja na ta način.

- Če ste že vedel situacijo v oktobru, zakaj so še naprej vabljene, da delaš več pošiljk na računih bank v ZDA, zlasti za prodajo park?.

- Blago ni nikoli bilo in je bil samo en resničen strategijo, da bi dobili več naložb in da jih plačajo na določene skupine ljudi in posebne, ki jih ni mogoče ne, ker se ujema z datumom začetka tega portfelja s pričakovanim datumom začetka sem težave?.

- Zakaj prek promotor Latinske Amerike Commodities g. William Manrique Kolumbijo in Mehiko in ZDA, g. de La Garza, ki je bil spodbujati novih vlagateljev za vstop v načrtu iz decembra proizvodov so upravičeni do vnesite 100% njihovega kapitala v tem načrtu, in ne 50% kot v preteklosti, in pozna blokado?.

- Zakaj ste povišanje zgornje meje za leto 2009 za blago 200.000 do 400.000 $, in znanja o blokado?.

- Zakaj je bila uradno dejal na konferenci v kapitalu v februarju ni delo za malo priložnosti za naložbe na trgu in visoke nestanovitnosti, in se začne v marcu, da slišiš, da je vse do blokade 2008?.

- Če je ključavnic so izključeni od septembra do oktobra 2008 (ker ni nobene uradne izjave, kadar je problem začel) Kaj so delali v kapital Forex trga istega meseca oktobra in novembra so bili obveščeni, da so visoki donosi, ter v decembru in januarju 2009 vendar pa je padla na regulatorji?.

- Podobno primeru blaga, če je bilo vse zaklenjeno, kakšna sredstva so bila nato delajo na tem trgu, če je sodišče 31. oktober končal prvi načrt za zmanjšanje 30 nov drugi načrt za zmanjšanje 31 tretji načrt iz decembra in rezano 31. januar 2009 četrti načrtu, in donosi so bili vedno med 75 in 92%?

- Za vse tiste, ki ne vidijo nobene logične korelacije med datumom embarga in donosnosti do januarja 2009, če mislite, da je bilo blago, ki delajo, ker so jih zavarovalnice in so poročali, da se dela z drugo podjetje, vendar pa teh poročilih, da je od februarja je družba Kaitaliziranje znova.

- Če je odgovor da lansko leto je bilo nekaj blokov, in da je bil v marcu 2009, ni bilo drugih ovir Zakaj je bilo sprejetih stopenj, ki jih je treba sprejeti pred zadnjim kapitala v Evropi, glede na prejšnje leto?

Kot lahko vidite g. Germán, zgoraj kaže približno 80% (ostalih 20%, ki niso povezane bobadas) se nanaša na večino vlagateljev v odsotnosti uradne podatke od podjetja, pojdite na forumih poiskati odgovore. Kot si lahko predstavljate, to velja za vse sorte ljudi z iskreno naklonjenost za družbo, razen nevtralne, in na žalost, z drugih negativnih čustev, vendar je skupni imenovalec je, da obstaja dezinformacije, za zelo dobre namere, da imajo eno ali drugo , so tisti, ki pravijo, da je postala zadnje novice od nekoga nad drugim, ki pravijo, da je rekel, da, in tako naprej.

Zato bolj kot kdaj koli prej, je nujno, da poleg forumu se zdi, da je napovedal, da operativne težave za zdaj, je analiziral, kaj ste tukaj s svojim vodstvom in odprto, pošteno in brez strahu, da se presodi za dobro ali slabo, mi govoriti. Radi bi slišali, kako težke razmere in niso zastavljene hitri in končne poravnave. To je tisto, kar ljudje, nekaj po osem mesecev, sedem mesecev, šest mesecev ali manj, brezplačno donose, in mi zaslužiš je najmanj kar lahko vprašamo, v zameno za zaupanje v vas postavi v njegove sanje in njegovo ekipo, ki ne ne vem, kdo dela težko določiti vse.

Pojdi naprej in veliko moči!

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DI de Bogota (Kolumbija)
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Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 11:05
Prispevkov: 386

PrispevekObjavljeno: 02 Jun 2009 16:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

a je kdo tole kaj razumel? huda slovenčina :)
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Poznavalec FOREX-a

Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44
Prispevkov: 380

PrispevekObjavljeno: 02 Jun 2009 17:15    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote="ioyellow"]a je kdo tole kaj razumel? huda slovenčina :)[/quote]

google prevajalnik prevaja v neberljivo slovenščino.... Dva, tri posta višje je prevod iz španskega originala v angleščino..., objavljen 26. maja 2009, 16:34.
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