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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 15:54 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="bassdrum"][quote="periegetes"]Pozabil sem še dodati link iz ŠPA foruma:
A to pomeni, da moramo vsi to poslat do srede???
Pa to je nemogoče, kje vse so lahko ljudje, in koliko jih ne bere foruma, pa kje bodo to vsi zvedli?
Kaj pa tisti, ki ne pošljejo?[/quote]
Vse skupaj bo šlo po sponzorski liniji; se pravi DI in liderji, ki so dobili to pismo ga bodo posredovali svojim linijam ali še bolje sprintali in dali svojim v mreži v podpis in nato to skenirali in poslali na ta naslov. Tako nekako...
Če ne pošljejo, pač ne pošljejo..., po zatrjevanju vodilnih bi pa naj vsak podpis koristil...
Časa pa je res zelo malo... :shock:
Zakaj je temu tako ter zakaj je bilo poslano šele zdaj, da imamo tako malo časa pa ... ? O tem več kdaj drugič, sem namreč tudi kontaktiral odv.družbo LewiStein in upam na njihov odgovor :roll: |
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greece Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 19:15 Prispevkov: 185
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 16:00 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="periegetes"][quote="bassdrum"][quote="periegetes"]Pozabil sem še dodati link iz ŠPA foruma:
A to pomeni, da moramo vsi to poslat do srede???
Pa to je nemogoče, kje vse so lahko ljudje, in koliko jih ne bere foruma, pa kje bodo to vsi zvedli?
Kaj pa tisti, ki ne pošljejo?[/quote]
Vse skupaj bo šlo po sponzorski liniji; se pravi DI in liderji, ki so dobili to pismo ga bodo posredovali svojim linijam ali še bolje sprintali in dali svojim v mreži v podpis in nato to skenirali in poslali na ta naslov. Tako nekako...
Če ne pošljejo, pač ne pošljejo..., po zatrjevanju vodilnih bi pa naj vsak podpis koristil...
Časa pa je res zelo malo... :shock:
Zakaj je temu tako ter zakaj je bilo poslano šele zdaj, da imamo tako malo časa pa ... ? O tem več kdaj drugič, sem namreč tudi kontaktiral odv.družbo LewiStein in upam na njihov odgovor :roll:[/quote]
Periegetes, svaka čast in hvala za te informacije, pohvalno! |
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finanrb Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 19.05. 2009, 07:04 Prispevkov: 56
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 16:03 Naslov sporočila: |
sedaj mi maj nekdo pove,a bomo to podpisovali in pošiljali nazaj ali ne? |
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Drobizek Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 09.02. 2009, 19:45 Prispevkov: 248 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 16:18 Naslov sporočila: |
a sploh lahko kdo pove za kaj gre u tem pismu in kaj bomo podpisal? |
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orka Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 06.10. 2009, 18:23 Prispevkov: 49
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 16:46 Naslov sporočila: |
pa kaj spet neki norite a bote podpisal ali ne ali kako drugače. Nič ne pošiljajte dokler ni na uradni strani to objavljeno. Konec koncev bi se lahko jaz spomnil pa objavil, nek dopis, da se vsi odpovedujete svojim donosom in boste namesto tega prejeli plantažo banan pa bi tudi potem vsi podpisali??? Meni na vprašanje ffx support odgovorili, da naj počakamo na uradne informacije in ni bilo nobenega govora o kakršnem koli podpisovanju |
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timor Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2008, 07:38 Prispevkov: 73
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 16:52 Naslov sporočila: |
Bilo bi dobro, da nekdo to prevede v Slovenščino, da bomo vsaj vedeli kaj podpisujemo !
Postavlja pa se mi vprašanje, koliko je pravzaprav sploh blokirano denarja ? Kakor smo bili obveščeni, da je blokiran rezervni sklad in denar, ki so ga investitorji pošiljali od avgusta pa do novembra 2008. V rezervnem skladu v kolikor je meni znano, je 20% vsega investiranega kapitala. Od avgusta do novembra pa je bilo vplačano bore malo, saj je že takrat bilo znano, da so nastopili problemi z vplačili. Torej kje je pa ves ostali denar ? Vse nas bi zanimalo, koliko je skupni znesek investicij in koliko je od tega bilo blokiano ? |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 16:55 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="orka"]pa kaj spet neki norite a bote podpisal ali ne ali kako drugače. Nič ne pošiljajte dokler ni na uradni strani to objavljeno. Konec koncev bi se lahko jaz spomnil pa objavil, nek dopis, da se vsi odpovedujete svojim donosom in boste namesto tega prejeli plantažo banan pa bi tudi potem vsi podpisali??? Meni na vprašanje ffx support odgovorili, da naj počakamo na uradne informacije in ni bilo nobenega govora o kakršnem koli podpisovanju[/quote]
Če kaj, pa res dvomim v to, da so tebi v roku 1 ure odgovorili na suportu, glede tega pisma in podpisovanja! Mimogrede iz tega suporta, jaz do zdaj, žal, nisem dobil še ene koristne informacije...
Glede podpisov tega pisma pa počakajte še na info od svojih sponzorjev... |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 17:44 Naslov sporočila: |
Na tujem forumu je bilo danes objavljeno to:
[quote="irada - 19.11.2009-ffx_forum24.se"]Hello everyone,
Yesterday I received an email from a reliable person with this content and this morning I found it on the italian forum also, so I felt it important to publish on this forum. Excuse me, for my english.
"[color=blue]Between today and tomorrow will be added inside of the back office Finanzas Forex a document relating to the blocking of funds in the U.S.. This document must be scanned, signed and returned. Its purpose is to facilitate the release process of capital mentioned above. If necessary I will endeavor to provide a translation into Italian from Spanish of the document.
I think I can say that after a long period of waiting, we move to the final step in defining the issues to all notes.
I remember meeting in Valencia were considered 2 options for the repayment of capital held:
1 - EMG and then return to investors
2 - directly returns to investors by the federal authorities
On the same occasion have also highlighted the envisaged time of return: a reasonably short in the first case, extremely long in the second (just think of the process of identifying each investor).
While not yet know the contents of the document in question seems reasonable to assume that the purpose thereof is to promote the first proposed solution. It follows that, regardless of the position taken against the company, it is extremely important that the document was signed and returned by as many people as possible."[/color]
Irada[/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 18:06 Naslov sporočila: |
Iz španskega foruma:
[quote="Goran Sujansky_(soloamigos_forum)"]
[size=14]I came home late night yesterday and tried to put a post here but there was some glitch with the system so my entire messag edissapeared before postin and I was to tired to type again. So ...
The overall feeling is realistically great. I am not writing this under the influence of a fine hotel, food and everything in Switzerland, but based on the facts we heard and also on a conversations with key people during the pauses. coffee breaks a nd lunches. I cannot possibly give you all that, also because you must understand this is a forum after all.
Saturday was the day we went to visit FX1 facilities and saw the mainframe computer, 2 floors full of officies and desktop computers which conreol the trading. The compnay is currently 3rd tarder in the world and with us will became the first, no doubt of that. Opening of accounts will be possible today. Who has active balance on PM, minimum 2000 Eur or 3000 USD can open an account. Do it. We were told that they wil work with leverage 1:3 instead of 1:1 and they are testing 1:7 which in the previous months gave excellent results. Now based on this my personal estimate is that the average interest with 1:3 can be between 5-15% neto. With total control of the account in 100% regulated company this is a great investment.
And listen to this: ALL who opent the account till 05.December will have qualification for payout in PFPLACE open in all 10 levels! They will not have the title (master etc) but will have payout qualification! You do know what that means, yes or yes?
In the afternoon we had a long session with El Presidente himslelf. He reviewed PFPLACE presentation held at Valencia but he gave the current situation and what is gioing on in developing the system and future of the company. I think we we all "blown out of our shoes" of excitement, because we saw what was giong on before outr eyes- The man has great, great vision. I can compare this with when someone talks abot the greatness of Niagara falls, Machu Pichu, Keops pyramid etc.. You never feel this inside untill you visit these palces and it flashes in your eyes, heart and guts and consumes you completely.
Be alert for the changes in the website this week. The technical development begins. Free services start this week and new will be added continuously. This will create a moving of pepople through the site and this we need for the growth of PFPLACE. I tell you, do everything what you can to call as many people as you can because the earning potential is much bigger than in FFX.
Also 20.000 stocks are issued at promotive price of 25.000usd. They can be purchased with fresh capital and from active balance, not from capital retenido. It is estimated that the value of each stock will go 10 times up in the next 6 month and possibly 20 times et the end of the year. In March the company goes to NASDAQ. I think it is a good move to buy if you can.
We came in Zurich full of question on current FFX situation. On PM we received fully competent and clear situation from the man in charge and I really may say it was a pleasure to speak with this man since we received clear and precise informaction on every question. The debit card payouts have not being sent to cards because payment that EMG should done on 27. septembre was not processed. They did receive the nore on this date and that was why the balance dissapeared in Cancelation field, but in fact the money was never received from EMG. We we told that this week it should. So this is the way the system is working. Regarding support in PM, they were flooded with questions and are clearing the pile so that is why they cannot answer to all on time. But PM will operate in real time.
NOW THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT CURRENTLY. You need to react fast: From your sponsors you should received the document which you should print, sign and scan and send to email address which you will received. The end of the month is coming when the investigators must gave their results. There are some investors that pressed charges agains EMG or sent fraud complaints and these documents came to the hands of investigators. Lawyers said it would be useful to have the document from the other part, too. So, if you HONESTLY think you were satisfied with the operating and results of EMG that you received BEFORE tha date the capital was blocked, say so by signing the document and sending it whewre neded. This is very important and this shouold be done till Thursday 22.10. the latest (do not wait for tha last day, do it immediately). By doinf that you will help the company and yourself free the capital.
We speaked with El Presidente 2 hours within our small group and I must say that even the ones that were most sceptic are now cooled and very positive. The overal situation is promising. There is no guarantee the blocked capital will be released. The capital is not stolen, it is in the banks. Because of the cased of Madoff and sadly Tirn lately as well as other caompanies that were fraud, the authorities are looking all others through the same glasses. So do everything you can to help. First, sign the document and send if you fell it is true for yourself. Help PFPLACE stand on its feet as soon as possible by inviting many people, open an account with FX1 and also try to think on buying a stock.
There were also some sligght changes in pfp marketing plan, buit these will be added in the system. If I remember something else, I will post.
Other than that, it was exciting to be a part of fine people that met there from all over the world.
Best regards to all[/size][/quote] |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 18:18 Naslov sporočila: |
To malo smrdi.... |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 18:29 Naslov sporočila: |
Še ta dodatek dobro informiranega SMV k sporočilu iz Zuricha...
[quote="Sebastian Medina Vargas"][size=14]From here on it is what one searches in information, clarifies that it is not official, is what you get:
This sent me one of those in Switzerland, based on some questions put to him, only what is in parenthesis are mine findings, the rest is what he appreciated or heard, what is emphasized that if cleared more things about the Valencia meeting.
Lo de FFX
* The idea is that card payments will begin to perform for the latest on Wednesday, will be canceled first is charged in August, then September (this is expected to be charged before the end of month); loads of October paid next month.
* The leaf that will published for the signature of investors, perhaps because many do not feel distrust sign but it is recommended to read and see that basically there is no cheating or fraud, or any of those things, is simply a requirement to which lawyers believe they can make more support so that when failure occurs, the return of money more quickly.
* GC gave the word that no one will lose weight or
* When asked if it's official release does not occur, the manifesto that anyway you meet people with all that implies the plan "B"
* The plan "B" is not something you can post in the forums or emailed to become pregnant, as it compromises the use of some figures with which they intend to cover all investors, people may misinterpret the use of these figures pretending it is a hoax and can damage what you're doing.
* Someone asked which was the rumor that the decision had already left and positively, he said to wait and what happens they will be announced in due course, he reiterated that the base date of the release is given or 31 of October and by early November that you know something concrete.
* The cards are already 22,000 or more, send them to mid-November (For a good listener, this means that the idea is that withdrawals commencing on 1 December was made without problem), from then on withdrawals are expected in real time. Of these a large percentage go to Colombia.
* He repeated that no one will lose weight
* Until December 5 will be some sort of promotion where those who enroll and have at least 5 registered (I think with a minimum investment in the broker), will qualify and be entitled to offset the 10 levels already were described in the presentation.
*...... The idea is to promote PFPLACE, not the broker FX1, you should not confuse these things because PFPLACE to promote and people enter and all, as it is these same people will see the benefits of the broker or any other paute; not confuse the concept of "social networking".
* (Use a number of rows speaking from experience it felt to visit the facilities of the broker FX1, more words, fewer words were amazed) .... we were astonished with the way they operate through next-generation systems and a robot to do what you are using the broker recently, this system only has an investment of more than 20 million; you can not talk much about it because it is part of the security and secret, but what if you can say is that those who invest will have a excellent yields according to the leverage .... (Already Goran more thoroughly discussed the matter).
* Initially the registration process for now the broker advertising PFPLACE pattern (FX1) will take about 1 week, but the hope is that in November the registration and validation process is 1 thing couple of days as usually happens with any broker.
* There were changes in the compensation program PFPLACE advertising that favor people (is very complex to explain this through the forum and is not my purpose now to advertise this project, I put the most relevant that I gave know), before the end .... all this week on the page will PFPLACE; also expected that when this happens and the page begins to work with more tools, not 100% but if you are already in version versatile, in November will have more adjustments in the chat and email for example, and so on until reaching the optimal level.
* The project is not PFPLACE once you start covering high-income people, but this is a process and like everything else, is being perfected as it matures, what if we expect is that in a medium period, the revenue stream for those who are advertising is constant and highly significant, as well as having an investment in any market, but the difference is that here is America.
* The PFPLACE not mean to promote invest as many think, is because no cost is to promote the social network, the benefits to each who would go for the money paid by firms that published guidelines and according to the effectiveness of each individual are advertising, which cause people to acquire goods and services they guidelines. There will be people who like indicads and invest through the broker or acquire other goods and services guidelines published there.
* PFPLACE, I repeat, has nothing to do with FFX
* The advertising money will pay between people who do their publicity work, but otherwise it is a remnant of PFPLACE as a company, means that not everything will be divided, is in the imaginative and say no more, the for PFPLACE that can use your own money earned (for the wise few words)
* (To the question that many people are waiting to get their money is there if you believe and to undertake the project PFPLACE) He states that "the same GC respects the decision of the people and nobody is going to coerce him to join or not to project ", but he thinks it will be like all those entering will be a vehicle for things that will surely give them faster, that does not mean that all are not correct the issue.
* PFPLACE shares .... (Goran habo already the case) ... (concludes), imagine the cost of action within 1 year when PFPLACE is more solid
* FX1 almost certainly will make available shares for sale, but this issue will tell us later on and by whom or want to invest there
I wrote a couple of other things that requests confidentiality and respect her, because she says all the company is still as it shall publish, as projects are things that will be giving over time, but what most interests all listen is what the public here.
Adelante y mucha fuerza
Sebastian Medina Vargas
invfx-exitosos@live.com [/size][/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 18:31 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="branik"]To malo smrdi....[/quote]
Branik, daj če se da, svojo ugotovitev malo argumentirati... |
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orka Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 06.10. 2009, 18:23 Prispevkov: 49
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 18:34 Naslov sporočila: |
in spet smo tam, pričakovana izplačila na kartice bodo do konca meseca, nakazila potem v novembru, na kartice potem v decembru itd. Pa naj dajo te že točen datum, taka stvar kot se dogaja pri ffx bi se lahko dogajala samo pri nas, ne pa v ameriki. |
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vengaboys Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2009, 14:04 Prispevkov: 62
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 18:59 Naslov sporočila: |
Obvestilo o razgovoru z Germano Cardona.
Situacija v FFX-u je zelo resna,veliko podatkov z datumi, ki so bili objavljeni niso točni, ne vem kdo jih je posredoval, ali promotorji narobe razumejo kaj se govori na sestankih ali so tukaj osebni interesi zavajanja investitorjev.Vendar datumi,ki so bili predvideni do 13.nov. ne držijo.V petek 23.10.2009 bodo predani papirji FFX-a organu tožilstva,če bo tožilstvo menilo ,oziroma ugotovilo nepravilnosti, potem bo nastal problem, ker se lahko rešitev zavleče v mesece ali celo( bolje da ne napišem ) ,čeprav Cardona zatrjuje, da z njegove strani ni strahu za bilo kakšne napake. Papir ,ki ste ga dobili, govori o tem, da se strinjate, da ste vedeli, kam se je denar nakazoval ,oziroma kaj se je z denarjem delalo, da se je vlagal v forex, trgovanje itd.
Če ste mnenja,da ste to vedeli, potem ga podpišite.Jaz osebno nisem imel pojma,kaj počnejo. Z investicijami od PFplace, se bodo poskušala kriti izplačila od FFX-a, saj aktivnega je samo 10% kapitala,ki se nahaja v evropi, ostalo je zablokirano.
Izbira o podpisu je vaša, koliko pa bo to res pomagalo pri razrešitvi blokade, pa je vprašanje, seveda bistvo tega podpisa je, da zaščitite Cardono, da ste vestno vlagali v ta program,čeprav bi takšen vzorec pogodbe morali podpisati pred investicijo in še takrat nebi vedeli,če se bo denar res obračal na Forexu.
Lp |
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finanrb Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 19.05. 2009, 07:04 Prispevkov: 56
Objavljeno: 19 Okt 2009 19:04 Naslov sporočila: |
zadeva se spet komplicira :x |
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