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Marc Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 21:35 Prispevkov: 209
Objavljeno: 18 Dec 2009 20:05 Naslov sporočila: |
Bravo tocno tako |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 18 Dec 2009 20:29 Naslov sporočila: |
Ob tej priložnosti bi vam rad izrekel vesele božične praznike ter srečno in predvserm zdravo Novo leto 2010!
Enako tudi tebi... |
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REYA Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2009, 16:42 Prispevkov: 90
Objavljeno: 18 Dec 2009 20:54 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="koco007"]Vi ste totalno smešni!
Vsaka tožba,ki jo boste vložili bo zahtevala dodatna pojasnila od vsakega posameznika in to posledično tudi potovanja v Ameriko in to ne samo enkrat ampak bog ve kolkokrat.
tudi kolumbijci,ki so stopili v tožbo g.Cardone se danes kesajo in jim je žal,ker bojo zapravli ogromno denarja na koncu pa še izgubili in dobili ne bojo nič , ker tud v pogodbi piše,da nej ne delujemo proti firmi in vsako natolcevanje,da boste zmagal je pravljica za lahko noč!!!
Kdor verjame naj počaka,ker se bo rešilo kdor pa ne, naj pa toži in se vklaplja v neke proaktivne organizacije in že s samim podpisom boste obsojeni na propad.
To je meni rekel moj sponzor in mu čist verjamem ker je moj dober prjatu.
Zmagala bo le firma proti USA blokadi.
Nimajo pravne podlage za blokado in samo še vprašanje časa kdaj bo usa imela dovolj denarja da nas izplača.g cardona je obsojen na 6 točkah in 5 jih nima pravne podlage ter je že avtomatsko dobljena so rekli odvetniki za 6.ki pa je širjenje mreže pa bo baje ena določena kazen-denarna.
Zato vam svetujem počakte in ne nasedajte norcim,ker boste zarad njih res vse pokadli.Počakte na informacije po novem letu in se raje sedaj posvetite družini in prijateljem in lepo praznujte praznike,ki prihajajo.
Ob tej priložnosti bi vam rad izrekel vesele božične praznike ter srečno in predvserm zdravo Novo leto 2010!
Pravljica za lahko noč-tudi meni je sponzor pred enim letom rekel marsikaj pa danes ni tako. Z crown goldom bila poravnava-kje je denar?Blokirano naj bi bilo samo od 15 000 investitorjev-kje smo pa ostali.Če vložimo svoj denar imamo vso pravico zvedeti točno kaj se z njim dogaja vsak trenutek!Sploh pa firma evolution market group ne obstoja več!Obstoja samo še Cardona in njegove nadaljne goljufije.V preteklosti ni bil po nepotrebnem obsojen za goljufijo pred ffx-pa če mal bolje preberete njegove izjave glede blokade je že zdavnaj napeljal na to ,da ga najbrž ne bodo dobili,zato je obračat začel pozornost na pfplace.Zanimivo je tudi tole poslušati -govori on sam osebno!
mi je zanimivo zakaj se ne javi skupinica ljudi,ki je že šla k odvetnikom in na tiho naredila ovadbe,se pravi gledajo samo na svojo rit-manj nas je več imamo možnosti,da dobijo od glavnih petih promotorjev-na forum se ne bom več javljala-sem dosegljiva samo še na svojem mailu
Tudi jaz želim vsem lepe praznike in upam ,da se leto 2010 začne bolj pozitivno odvijat.S tožbo in ovadbo pa ne mislim čakati!Ovadbo sem že začela pisati in bom rabila kar par dni da jo dokončam! |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
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kdblue Investitor
Pridružen/-a: 01.12. 2008, 14:59 Prispevkov: 206
Objavljeno: 18 Dec 2009 21:26 Naslov sporočila: |
Svojega denarja skoraj 100% ne bomo več videli, je pa vprašanje, če bo model pristal v zaporu ali še naprej goljufal. Tako, da ne podpirat pfplace in ostalih poskusov. |
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REYA Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2009, 16:42 Prispevkov: 90
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sealine Pripravnik
Pridružen/-a: 16.12. 2008, 19:38 Prispevkov: 102 Kraj: sežana
Objavljeno: 19 Dec 2009 10:14 Naslov sporočila: |
Od kje vam to, da je Cardona goljuf oz. da ima goljufije pred ffxom?O tem ni enega dokaza, ker to so laži.Če je kdo slišal za Georga L. Theodula to je tip, ki je nategnil Cardono in sedaj teče tožbo zoper njega.
Še vedno verjamem v pravico in stvar se bo rešila vsekakro.l |
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vcvetko Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 02.02. 2009, 18:40 Prispevkov: 32
Objavljeno: 19 Dec 2009 13:52 Naslov sporočila: |
Preveč divjate vsi skupi! Lejte, če nas je že res htel nategnat, je mel približno eno leto časa, da si domisli strategijo in prav tako pri tožbi z usa, je mogel marsikatere papirje ponardit, če je res goljufal. Če ameriška vlada ne more v enem letu dokazat, da je goljuf, kaj bomo potem mi naredili s tožbo? Verjetno samo metali slabo luč na podjetje in cordono. Torej bomo dali usa razlog, da dosodijo sebi v prid. Vsi vemo, da ma malo kdo dokaz o nakazilo denarja k podjetju in je lahko ena od možnosti, da dobijo samo tisti denar, ki majo dokazila, da so vlagali. Usa tudi hoče meti denar, ki ga verjetno ni malo. lahko pa se zgodi, da nam ne dajo niti centa. Ne ve se in tudi ne bomo zvedli.
Torej moje mnenje, eno leto smo prepozni z raznimi tozbami in zahtevo, da naj nam dajo dejanska porocila in dokaze. Naj delajo svoje delo in probajo tozbo dobiti. Naj se ne podpisujejo razna pisma, da vemo kaj se dogaja, kaj dela podje z nasim denarjem itd. Torej, ce cordona dobi tozbo pomeni, da dobimo nas denar, ce nam ga noce dati, zahtevas pogodbo, ki je verjetno noben se ni dobil nazaj in potem zacnes s tozbo. Ce pa usa dosodi goljufijo, gre pa tak in tak v zapor, brez nase tozbe:).
Veseli december vsem skupaj! |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 19 Dec 2009 22:59 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="koco007"]Vi ste totalno smešni!
Vsaka tožba,ki jo boste vložili bo zahtevala dodatna pojasnila od vsakega posameznika in to posledično tudi potovanja v Ameriko in to ne samo enkrat ampak bog ve kolkokrat.
tudi kolumbijci,ki so stopili v tožbo g.Cardone se danes kesajo in jim je žal,ker bojo zapravli ogromno denarja na koncu pa še izgubili in dobili ne bojo nič , ker tud v pogodbi piše,da nej ne delujemo proti firmi in vsako natolcevanje,da boste zmagal je pravljica za lahko noč!!!
Kdor verjame naj počaka,ker se bo rešilo kdor pa ne, naj pa toži in se vklaplja v neke proaktivne organizacije in že s samim podpisom boste obsojeni na propad.
To je meni rekel moj sponzor in mu čist verjamem ker je moj dober prjatu.
Zmagala bo le firma proti USA blokadi.
Nimajo pravne podlage za blokado in samo še vprašanje časa kdaj bo usa imela dovolj denarja da nas izplača.g cardona je obsojen na 6 točkah in 5 jih nima pravne podlage ter je že avtomatsko dobljena so rekli odvetniki za 6.ki pa je širjenje mreže pa bo baje ena določena kazen-denarna.
Zato vam svetujem počakte in ne nasedajte norcim,ker boste zarad njih res vse pokadli.Počakte na informacije po novem letu in se raje sedaj posvetite družini in prijateljem in lepo praznujte praznike,ki prihajajo.
Ob tej priložnosti bi vam rad izrekel vesele božične praznike ter srečno in predvserm zdravo Novo leto 2010!
Vidim, da ste se zelo razpisali o tožbi....
Zelo veliko napisano, vendar tudi zelo veliko površnosti. Nekateri mešate hruške in jabolka-po domače povedano. Me prav zanima, če je kak pravnik tukaj med nami (močno dvomim, da je) ali pa, če ima kdo od forumašev, kakšnega odvetnika v 'žlahti' ali med dobrimi prijatelji. Pa še to mu bolj malo pomaga, ker bi moral biti specializiran za ameriški pravni sistem. Edini za katerega vem v SLO da to je, je Boštjan M. Zupančič. Če ne, je potrebno iskati odvetniške firme v ZDA. To pa stane.... Vem, da nekateri imate dovolj denarja, da si to lahko privoščite, vendar ... Prepričan pa sem, da mu noben pameten odvetnik, če ne gleda le lastne interese, ne bi svetoval kar v tožbo... Tu nekateri pišete, že o izvršbah in podobnih nonsenih...
Kar se pa tiče zgornjega citata od KoCo007,pa tudi mislim, da ni ravno razumel namena nastanka skupine PROACTIVOS. Ta skupina ni ustanovljena z namenom tožbe, pa tudi s podpisom nihče ne bo obsojen na propad. Ne vem od kod ti takšne nebuloze? Proactivos so vsekakor še vedno na strani FFX, vendar želijo več informacij in boljšo komunikacijo s strani vodstva (GC). In ker je bilo že pred časom vpisanih ca.7000 vlagateljev, so s tem dobili tudi relativno veliko moč. Zraven tega je nekaj njihovih ustanovnih članov med najbolj aktivnimi ( z argumenti) na tujih forumih...
Drugega raje ne bom komentiral...
LP |
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timor Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2008, 07:38 Prispevkov: 73
Objavljeno: 20 Dec 2009 20:14 Naslov sporočila: |
Koliko denarja je blokirano neve nihče od nas, Cardona nam noče dati verodostojnih podatkov o tem. Kot vemo so lansko leto dvignili denar saj so bila izplačila na roko. Koliko je bilo dvignjenega denarja neve nihče. Koliko denarja so pustili, da so ga potem blokirali, tudi nihče neve.
Kaj pa, če Cardona sploh nima interesa, da bi bil denar odblokiran, saj bi v tem primeru izvedeli koliko je pravzaprav blokirano denarja, ker pa nam tega noče dokazati, je seveda upravičeno mislti, da ga je mnogo premalo. Torej, če denarja ni zadosti, bo najbrž delal na tem, da bodo denar Ameriške oblasti zadržale in tako se bo lahko izvlekel iz zagate pred investitorji in kaj je za njega najbolj važno je to, da bo tako lepo lahko zadžal preostali denar, ki so ga lansko leto dvignili in spravili na sigurno.
Vse kar se je do sedaj dogajalo, to bolj potrduje kot ne. |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 22 Dec 2009 22:24 Naslov sporočila: |
Povzetek nove komunikacije z GC od skupine Proactivos... na forumu soloamigos.
[quote][size=13]Gentlemen investors
Then give our results of operations of the sixth week of existence of the group Proactive.
1. Fill is being completed aspects of the legal personality of the group, we had some economic disadvantages to achieve this type and other type of paperwork that have not been able to make personal problems that have had people who were in charge of this task and year-end festivities that have diminished the working group. But be sure that before the end of year we have achieved this purpose.
2. The website is virtually complete and only awaiting the legal personality to go on the web.
3. On the occasion of the constant emails we received asking about the new partnerships as SAEMG and other groups are turning to lawyers in Florida and northern USA, to claim not to Germain Cardona, but to make the requirement of the moneys of the investors to the U.S. authorities decided to ask him directly about this consultation and the knowledge is attached here for you.
4. We take the query above to inquire about the status of the card charges and the commencement of payments of capital sent to Europe.
We finally say that our position is still giving Clarke Germain time of 30 days called for November 27 to return to broadcast news of the state of the situation and to extend some of the questions, and we are the first hope that before the end of year this happens. That's why we have not posted news or pronouncements as many are asking, we rely on the principle of not publishing expectations, hopes, analogies, sensationalism or personal comments and others that can only lead to misunderstandings and interpretations.
--- --- --- -------
Bogota, 21.dec. 2009
Good morning German Cardona,
The reason for this letter is its position and the company FFX against certain events that are related to the invitation in the mail forums and Proactive of some associations and law firms for investors to us to join them, the objective is to sue for return of money to each of the investors immediately, talk of it before 2010 arrives, these proposals have been published in the last week.
Investors are confused and have asked the Proactive group ruling against the proposals, calling explicitly confirm what they say these invitations.
We retain our position on the company as a group last conversation we had with you via Skype, where requested within 30 days to answer some outstanding questions in the questionnaire sent by us and to stop the demands that may impede the process towards the company and its investors, headed in the U.S.. Similarly consultation that took place regarding the legal status of Proactive and oversight group was left open to account for the lawyers hired by FFX since it is obvious that the defense bonus of the company before the authorities take the case against of FFX in the U.S..
Next, we conducted a summary of the proposals received by persons related or belonging to these groups of applicants:
The proposal SAEMG Barcelona group says its aim is to sue to get the Spanish capital from investors, which Germain Clarke is aware of this group and supports. That actions must begin now to avoid giving advantage to the counterparty. For registration requested the sum of 150 euros. Its president is Miguel Angel Mendez and the page is as follows www.saemg-esp.com
It should be noted that in that annoying message that we talk about demeaning and discriminatory form of Latin Americans, when they cite:
"Secondly, the Association is national in scope. That is a matter of strategy we can not accept the accession of American investors, especially Colombians, because we want to defend our interests from the perspective of a group of Spanish investors merely because, as you know, the American authorities are reluctant to washes of capital in the southern cone, and we are off and we can credit those suspicions and how best to defend ourselves. "
In the U.S. refer to a law firm in Miami - Florida, talk about knowing very well the case of FFX, because Mr. Carlos Gaitan hired six months ago. They say the amount of money napped in the U.S. is 2,000 million dollars, promote action to reclaim the capital and income by 2010, even send the model contract to fill.
Another call to the north of the U.S., act discreetly to avoid being a large group and have nothing to do with investors in other countries but is growing daily. They are based on what remains detained in the U.S. capital is too little, not everything you think and why they are doing relevant to reclaim what is theirs.
Germain Cardona consultation is:
1. Is it true what you said SAEMG guarantees the performance of the group?
2. Is it true the amount of USD 2000 billion U.S. friezes that says the law firm in Miami - Florida?
3. Does the development efforts of these groups before completing the process in the U.S. affect the positive outcome of this?
4. If you endorse the group SAEMG of Spain, which demand not to speak of you but to recover the money, Are we to understand that this is the way forward also the Proactive group or any other group, and even own any modus investor?
5. Will the group of Spain SAEMG know something that you have not told us and so the supports within the meaning of demand?
6. Have you had perhaps a change in the process, which requires that the road is the only demand for investors to recover what rightfully belongs to us? If this were so, does it assume that the money is only going to meet that demand for first?
7. We take this opportunity to confirm, if for before 24 December (only three days remaining), there will be loads of cards, they are hundreds of people write us asking this question and complain that there is no money for Christmas shopping especially think of the children, too many people wonder if before 31 December is going to start making any return of capital of Europe.
We appreciate your prompt response to help clear all doubts raised in recent days.
Gustavo Galindo
Proactive Adhoc Group Vice President[/size] [/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 23 Dec 2009 22:56 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote]RESPONSE TO CONSULTATION OF GERMAN CARDONA 21-12-2009 Publiished by proactivosporsolucionesenffx on December 23, 2009 at the 11:07
Je, has been quite rapid and short. We appreciate these aspects of Germàn Cardona.
Proactive Group
<NEWS i> Germain Cardona
for user
show details Dec 22 (1 day before)
Dear Sirs,
I answer below each paragraph.
[size=13][quote]El motivo de esta carta es conocer su posición y la de la empresa FFX frente a ciertos episodios que tienen que ver con la invitación en foros y al correo de Proactivos de algunas asociaciones y bufetes de abogados para que los inversores nos unamos a éstas; el objetivo es demandar por la devolución del dinero a cada uno de los inversores de forma inmediata, hablan de hacerlo antes que llegue el año 2010, estas propuestas se han venido publicando en la última semana.
[b]Sobre esos grupos no tengo nada que decir, los inversores pueden asociarse con el fin de la devolución de los capitales. Las acciones aisladas no benefician al fin común.[/b]
Los inversores se encuentran confundidos y han solicitado al grupo Proactivos se pronuncie frente a las propuestas, explícitamente piden confirmemos lo que dicen estas invitaciones.
Nosotros conservamos nuestra posición con respecto a la empresa según la última conversación en grupo que sostuvimos con usted vía Skype, en donde pide un plazo de 30 días para responder algunas de las preguntas que quedaron pendientes del cuestionario enviado por nosotros y para que cesen las demandas que puedan entorpecer el proceso dirigido hacia la empresa y sus inversores, presidido en EEUU. De igual manera la consulta que se realizó con respecto a la personería jurídica del grupo Proactivos y la veeduría quedó pendiente de responder por los abogados contratados por FFX ya que es obvio que prima la defensa de la empresa ante las autoridades que llevan el caso en contra de FFX en EEUU.
A continuación realizamos un resumen de las propuestas recibidas por parte de personas afines o que pertenecen a estos grupos de demandantes:
La propuesta del grupo SAEMG de Barcelona dice que su objetivo es demandar para obtener el capital de los inversores Españoles, que Germán Cardona tiene conocimiento de este grupo y lo avala. Que las acciones se deben empezar ya para no dar ventaja a la contraparte. Para la inscripción solicitan la suma de 150 euros. Su presidente es Miguel Ángel Méndez y la página es la siguiente www.saemg-esp.com
Es de anotar, que en dicho mensaje nos molesta que hablen de forma despectiva y discriminatoria de los Latinoamericanos, cuando citan:
“En segundo lugar, la Asociación es de ámbito nacional. Es decir que por una cuestión de estrategia no podemos aceptar la adhesión de inversores latinoamericanos y especialmente colombianos, ya que queremos defender nuestros intereses desde la perspectiva de un colectivo de inversores meramente españoles, ya que como sabéis, las autoridades americanas tienen cierta reticencia con los lavados de capitales en el cono sur, y nosotros estamos fuera de esas sospechas y podemos acreditarlo y defendernos de mejor modo.”
[b]No comparto este criterio, peor no puedo imponer a una asociación ajena los criterios con los cuales debe regirse.
En EEUU mencionan un bufete de Abogados de Miami - Florida, hablan de conocer muy bien el caso de FFX, debido a que el Sr. Carlos Gaitán los contrató hace seis meses. Dicen que la suma de dinero frisada en EEUU es de 2.000 millones de dólares, promueven la actuación para reclamar los capitales y rendimientos antes del 2010, incluso envían el modelo de contrato para diligenciar.
No vamos a hacer comentarios sobre esto.
Existe otra convocatoria al norte de los EEUU, actúan discretamente para no ser un grupo numeroso y no tener nada que ver con inversores de otros países, pero día a día crece. Ellos se basan en que lo que queda de capital retenido en USA es muy poco y no es todo lo que se piensa y por eso están haciendo lo pertinente para reclamar lo que les corresponde.
[b]No vamos a hacer comentarios sobre esto.[/b]
Germán Cardona la consulta es la siguiente:
1. ¿Es cierto lo que afirma SAEMG que Ud. avala la actuación del grupo?
[b]No hemos hecho ningún aval de ninguna asociación, Las asociaciones son iniciativas libres de los inversores, que si van en la línea de ayudar al bien de todos, aplaudimos la idea pero no podemos saber los modos o fines que haya en cada iniciativa.[/b]
2. ¿Es verdad la suma de USD 2000 millones de dólares frisados en EEUU que dice el bufete de abogados de Miami - Florida?
[b]No hacemos comentarios sobre esto.[/b]
3. ¿El desarrollo de las gestiones de estos grupos antes de terminar el proceso en USA afecta el resultado positivo de éste?
[b]No sabemos si afectara, es muy difícil valorar eso ahora.[/b]
4. Si usted avala el grupo SAEMG de España, que ya hablan de demanda no a usted sino para recuperar el dinero, ¿Hemos de entender que este es el camino que debemos seguir también el grupo Proactivos o cualquier otro grupo, e incluso a modus propio cualquier inversor?
[b]La mejor opción es esperar unas semanas[/b]
5. ¿El grupo SAEMG de España saben algo que usted no nos ha dicho y por eso los apoya en el sentido de la demanda?
[b]No, no hay mas información que la que ustedes conocen.[/b]
6. ¿Se ha presentado acaso algún cambio dentro del proceso, que obliga a que la vía de la demanda sea la única para que los inversores recuperemos lo que nos corresponde por derecho? Si esto fuera así, ¿Se debe asumir que el dinero sólo va a alcanzar para los primeros que demanden?
[b]No ha habido cambios que impliquen esas acciones como las mejores ahora.
7. Aprovechamos la ocasión para confirmar, si para antes del 24 de diciembre (solo restan tres días), va a haber cargas de tarjetas, pues son cientos las personas que nos escriben haciendo esta pregunta y se quejan que no hay dinero para realizar compras de navidad, especialmente piensan en los niños; también son muchos los que preguntan si antes del 31 de diciembre se va a empezar a hacer alguna devolución del capital de Europa.
[b]Aun no podemos concretar esa fecha. Comunicaremos a todos en el primer momento en que lo sepamos seguro
Agradecemos su pronta respuesta para ayudar a despejar todas las dudas surgidas en estos días.
[b]Gracias a ustedes por su trabajo en la línea de la unión de los inversores con la finalidad de que hay mejor información y que se recuperen los capitales con la mejor rapidez posible.
[quote]The reason for this letter is its position and the company FFX against certain events that are related to the invitation in the mail forums and Proactive of some associations and law firms for investors to us to join them, the objective is to sue for return of money to each of the investors immediately, talk of it before 2010 arrives, these proposals have been published in the last week.
[b]GC: On these groups have nothing to say, investors may be associated with the return to capital. The isolated actions do not benefit the common end.[/b]
Investors are confused and have asked the Proactive group ruling against the proposals, calling explicitly confirm what they say these invitations.
We retain our position on the company as a group last conversation we had with you via Skype, where requested within 30 days to answer some outstanding questions in the questionnaire sent by us and to stop the demands that may impede the process towards the company and its investors, headed in the U.S.. Similarly consultation that took place regarding the legal status of Proactive and oversight group was left open to account for the lawyers hired by FFX since it is obvious that the defense bonus of the company before the authorities take the case against of FFX in the U.S..
Next, we conducted a summary of the proposals received by persons related or belonging to these groups of applicants:
The proposal SAEMG Barcelona group says its aim is to sue to get the Spanish capital from investors, which Germain Clarke is aware of this group and supports. That actions must begin now to avoid giving advantage to the counterparty. For registration requested the sum of 150 euros. Its president is Miguel Angel Mendez and the page is as follows www.saemg-esp.com
It should be noted that in that annoying message that we talk about demeaning and discriminatory form of Latin Americans, when they cite:
"Secondly, the Association is national in scope. That is a matter of strategy we can not accept the accession of American investors, especially Colombians, because we want to defend our interests from the perspective of a group of Spanish investors merely because, as you know, the American authorities are reluctant to washes of capital in the southern cone, and we are off and we can credit those suspicions and how best to defend ourselves. "
[b]GC: I do not share this view, the worse I can not force a foreign association with which criteria should be governed. [/b]
In the U.S. refer to a law firm in Miami - Florida, talk about knowing very well the case of FFX, because Mr. Carlos Gaitan hired six months ago. They say the amount of money napped in the U.S. is 2,000 million dollars, promote action to reclaim the capital and income by 2010, even send the model contract to fill.
[quote]GC: We will not comment on that. [/quote]
Another call to the north of the U.S., act discreetly to avoid being a large group and have nothing to do with investors in other countries but is growing daily. They are based on what remains detained in the U.S. capital is too little, not everything you think and why they are doing relevant to reclaim what is theirs.
[quote]GC: We will not comment on that. [/quote]
Germain Cardona consultation is:
1. Is it true what you said SAEMG guarantees the performance of the group?
[b]GC: We have made no endorsement of any association, associations are free initiatives of investors that if they go on line to help the good of all, we applaud the idea but we can not know the ways and purposes that is in each initiative. [/b]
2. Is it true the amount of USD 2000 billion U.S. friezes that says the law firm in Miami - Florida?
[b]GC: We do not comment on that. [/b]
3. Does the development efforts of these groups before completing the process in the U.S. affect the positive outcome of this?
[b]GC: We do not know if it affects, it is very difficult to assess that now. [/b]
4. If you endorse the group SAEMG of Spain, which demand not to speak of you but to recover the money, Are we to understand that this is the way forward also the Proactive group or any other group, and even own any modus investor?
[b]GC: The best option is to wait some weeks
5. Will the group of Spain SAEMG know something that you have not told us and so the supports within the meaning of demand?
[b]GC: No, there is no more information than you know. [/b]
6. Have you had perhaps a change in the process, which requires that the road is the only demand for investors to recover what rightfully belongs to us? If this were so, does it assume that the money is only going to meet that demand for first?
GC: No changes have been involved in these actions as the best now. [/b]
7. We take this opportunity to confirm, if for before 24 December (only three days remaining), there will be loads of cards, they are hundreds of people write us asking this question and complain that there is no money for Christmas shopping especially think of the children, too many people wonder if before 31 December is going to start making any return of capital of Europe.
[b]GC: We still can not specify that date. We will communicate with you at the first time that we will know for sure [/b]
We appreciate your prompt response to help clear all doubts raised in recent days.
Thank you for your work in the line of union of investors in order that there is better information and to recover the funds with the best possible speed.[/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 25 Dec 2009 21:18 Naslov sporočila: |
Sporočilo od proactivos...., na mejl...
od BRASIL proactivos por soluciones en FFX <proactivosporffx.brasil@gmail.com>
datum 25. december 2009 01:52
poslano od gmail.com
Podpisal/-a gmail.com
skrij podrobnosti 01:52 (Pred 19 h)
PLEASE forward this message to their networks and to the people which they already SENt THE REGISTRATION FORMS TO PROACTIVE
[quote][size=13]Some people say money is not everything in life and they are right, but you can not deny that it is very important to improve the quality of life and for things that no money can not be achieved, therefore has become indispensable to complement happiness.
Today is a special day in homes around the world and starts the cycle over the last 8 days a year. A year ago many celebrated with prosperity and abundance this time, we considered successful and happy, we ventured to predict a year of further success and prosperity. All celebrated without a harsh reality to imagine that happening behind our backs.
Today change is totally extreme, probably in many homes there needs investors, debt and poor health for some, caused by blockage of the moneys in the U.S. and the delay of payment of the money located in Europe. The harm will come to be presented as broken homes, lost housing, employment, friendships and more.
The half-truths, lies, sales of frozen balances, misinformation, dates not met, the charges no cards, no payments, no evidence shows, etc. have been the major topics of discussion throughout year in the forums and have been a source of mistrust, discord, discomfort, and bad feelings toward the company and its directors. It is difficult to say there is no reason to feel all this kind of mixed feelings and everyone judges according to their own needs, their risk taking and even according to well you know everything that happens, that's why some will judge to judge well and who badly.
A truth if it is, many do not have any regrets because they knew how to act and recovered their initial investment or because they handled information that allowed them to act on their behalf and are now better placed than others.
A truth if it is, that if the little we now know what we had known in time and that this problem would take some time, perhaps we would be faced with a wait, but in a better mood and economic conditions.
Anyway, all this is a colorful picture of many contradictions, where mediocrity and lack of respect that anyone would dare to think that these were the normal risks or that those who suffer its state today, are ignorant or uneducated or financial business experience.
All this is a reality which can not cover with a finger so as an organized group, we can only say that if the above quote in this paper, it is not morbid or sensational: on the contrary we want to say who are no strangers to all these feelings referenced, we have a definite north which is to accompany the efforts of the company to recover our money and keep open a channel of communication between investors and the company.
Within this scheme we urge all registered and unregistered investors to Proactiv, which hit more than we can feel, some more than others, we can not denatured and we think we can not curse the luck and not think God has abandoned us or is punishing us, on the contrary this must be assumed as evidence is necessary to live, and there must be sanity in these thoughts for tomorrow turn mistakes into experience and experience with better opportunities.
For this new year as we had hoped to enjoy the present at least a percentage of our capital and could not, but that can blind us to vent and then a sea of words, desires and bad feelings toward the company and its directors, for In contrast, the desire to prevail that everything is solved and should ignore those who seek to undermine bad energy with this unique and important desire to recover which is that all about us.
Perhaps we did not obtain the expected gift, but we have an even greater gift and the gift of LIFE, and as long as this gift is an opportunity.
In many homes the world and even from some investors, today, tomorrow, after tomorrow, 31, etc, you're lamenting the absence of a loved one who is deprived of liberty or deceased. Perhaps that is deprived of liberty has a chance, but the deceased will have left a trail of pain and hard to beat even worse, is a question that can not be solved.
In other households will be experiencing another kind of pain from an illness or injury of someone close.
Anyway, all this to say that there is pain worse than today support our friends and loved many unknowns, which is why we should feel lucky to be alive and have the opportunity to make someone happy with a smile, a kiss, a hug or a caress .
Think strong and well, 2010 should be the year of TRUTH, the FACTS, the recovery of our money, prosperity, health, Peace and true love.
A greeting Merry Christmas and Happy 2010 to all investors of FFX, without distinction, I want to ...
The Organizing Committee of proactive SOLUTIONS IN FFX![/size].[/quote] |
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robert.forex NOVI član
Pridružen/-a: 06.01. 2009, 09:01 Prispevkov: 8
Objavljeno: 29 Dec 2009 10:00 Naslov sporočila: |
FFX je vse nas nategnil, že eno leto čakamo in še nadaljnjih 10 ali pa 20 let bomo čakal, sčasoma bodo vsi začeli pozabljati na to in po tem času ali pa še kasneje se bo pa stran in vse lepo zaprlo in njegovi vnuki bodo imeli lep življenje iz tega denarja. |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 30 Dec 2009 17:25 Naslov sporočila: |
Iz cro foruma....
Panama, prosinac 28, 2009
Dragi Investitor:
Danas je veliki dan za nas biti u mogućnosti prijaviti odlična vijest, kao što svi znamo da su bili uključeni u tužbu protiv Markert Evolution Group Inc (Finanzas Forex) koji traje godinu dana, dobro, prošlog četvrtka noć 24 prosinac, nakon pritiska iz tvrdog našem odvjetničkom društvu za fiskalnu kraj Randy Zlato je donio odluku u korist Finanzas Forex, iako nije postigao oslobođenje našeg glavnog grada, ako smo postigli oslobođenje naših Garancijskog fonda da smo imali kao i zaštite naših ulagača kapitala, koji kao što ste opoziv vrijednost ovog fonda je 200 milijuna dolara depozita fizičkih zlata i nekretnine u nekoliko zemalja.
S ove baštine možemo priuštiti ne samo povratka kapitala svakog investitora, ali da je u naknadu za zadržavanje trpio za godinu dana i rezultat nedostatka prihoda, smjer tvrtke u dokaz njegove iskrenosti (kao u pitanje sve ovo vrijeme ) i njegova ljubazno, odlučio je aktivirati kao operativni kapital svakog investitora dvaput ono što je on od veljača 1, 2009. Pitam ovaj sljedeći tjedan esten pozoran na aktivaciju u back office.
U sljedećih dana više detalja postotak kapitala koji moraju biti operativni i postotak kapitala na raspolaganju svakog ulagača će biti slobodni da se povuče ili reinvestirati.
MI SMO NA ENNORABUENA! I sada, ako smo u mogućnosti da Vam želimo VRLO Merry Christmas!
Mi nastavljamo izgradnju velike tvrtke.
Srdačan pozdrav,[/quote] |
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