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optimist Začetnik
Pridružen/-a: 31.10. 2009, 05:03 Prispevkov: 30
Objavljeno: 18 Jan 2010 20:48 Naslov sporočila: |
Mislim da ze nkterim zivci popuscajo.[/quote]
Se strinjam Branik, takšni posti tukaj nimajo kaj delati, saj nimajo nobene zveze z FFX. Zraven tega pa na prikrit način pozivajo na izsiljevanje in nasilje... S tem pa mislim, da se normalni ljudje ne strinjajo!
[quote="timor"]Reya-------Če Cardona ima operativni kapital v Evropi, ki je namenjen investitorjem FFX-a, potem sem jaz Kitajski Cesar !
vas nezanima izgleda kako je z blokado v ZDA, vas razumem, ker ste večji investitorji in imate verjetno interes priti do svojega kapitala čimprej, zato pa ste se fokusirali na eventuelne investicije, ki bi naj bile v Evropi. Toda Cordona je do sedaj obljubljal in obljubljal, toda ničesar ni držalo izkazalo se je vse za laž. Kako lahko sedaj verjamete Cardoni, da ima pa naložbe v Evropi. Mogoče celo ima, toda le kakšno malenkost, da bi tako lahko zavajal. Ravno tako zavaja tudi z blokado. [b][u]Lansko leto, oktobra so izplačevali na roke.[/u][/b] Pa mi povejte, da si takrat niso dvignili kolikor je bilo mogoče in ne le tisti del kar so trenutno potrebovali. Nekaj denarja so seveda pustili, da so ga laho blokiali in da bo tako lahko imel opravičilo pred investitorji, ker nemorejo izplačati zaradi blokade.
Glejte a ni logično, da izvemo že sedaj koliko denarja je dejansko blokirano in tako pridemo že sedaj do resnice in s tem do odprte poti za tožbo. To, da bo blokada lahko trajala dolgo, to samo bolj podkrepi.[/quote]
[size=14]Timor, zanima me več o tem kar pišeš? Kdo si je lani oktobra (2009?) izplačeval denar iz FFX na roke? Od kod imaš te podatke??? Tega nisem še nikjer (razen tu) zasledil...[/size][/quote]
če gledamo za nazaj je rezervni sklad nastal ravno v času blokade.Lani v februarju pa je celo cardona rekel,da se je že del sredstev v ameriki sprostil in z marcem bo vse ok!Če berete news za nazaj boste videli ,da je že 2008 bil oktober omenjan o blokadi isto kot 2009 -vidim ,da se ponavljajo iste stvari.Pri proaktivu pa sem brala isti scenarij,kjer se omenjata pa letošnji februar in marec,da se bo stanje izboljšalo.Če greste brat news od začetka pa do danes pa boste videli kakšno zavajanje se gre!
Russell cline -oškodoval 500 vlagateljev, zaradi zavajanja dobil 6 let zapora,pa lahko bi napisala še par primerov[/quote]
to je vec kot ocitno zavajanje.....kar pomeni da imajo v planu da nam ne vrnejo nic..
upad da se se spomnite sprostitve kapitala vsak mesec in obljub kako bo denar naslednji teden na karticah itd..no zdaj so nam korencek nastavili cisto v drugo smer> DEBLOKADA> vsi smo ze pozabili na kartice in podobno sranje...od tega pa je preteklo ze 3 ali 4 mesece, sam imam dve kartice in to je vse kar sem dobil od ffxa, pred dnevi pa sem celo dobil mejl kako jih lahko sam napolnim.... :D
cudim se temu kako je lahko nekdo ogoljufal 160k investitorjev in tega ni nikjer v medijih, ni javne razprave, ni preiskav s strani policije in drugih organov, edino kar je, so debate po forumih...wtf |
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REYA Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2009, 16:42 Prispevkov: 90
Objavljeno: 18 Jan 2010 21:30 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="zajec"]Kar se tožbe tiče, imam zelo mešane občutke, po eni strani je dejansko res da če pogledaš informacije "news" na uradni strani ugotoviš, da je bilo danih nešteto obljub, od katerih so bile le redke izpolnjene, glede izplačil pa mislim da nobena, tako da iz tega stališča bi jih res rad z veseljem privil. Če pa si preberete pogodbo, katero smo vsi podpisali in to na vsaki strani, in notri je kar nekaj členov, ki nas opozarjajo da lahko izgubimo celoten vložek, potem zelo dvomim, kateri odvetnik bi lahko zadevo pozitivno rešil?? Nisem ekspert za te stvari, to je zgolj moje razmišljanje. S tem seveda nisem še vrgel puške v koruzo, pripravljen sem podpreti kakršnokoli resen pritisk na vodstvo FFX.[/quote]
Podpisali smo pogodbe za trgovanje na forexu-ne pa za nakup nepremičnin.V pogodbi tudi ni omenjenega rezervnega sklada. Niti njegovih novih naložb. |
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timor Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2008, 07:38 Prispevkov: 73
Objavljeno: 19 Jan 2010 08:33 Naslov sporočila: |
Cardona trdi, da ima ves denar za izplačilo investitorjev. Jasno je tudi, da denarja niso izgubili pri trgovanju z devizami. V primeru tožbe, bi moral Cardona, če bi se skliceval na izgubo denarja, dokazati da je denar izgubljen pri trgovanju, tega pa ne more, ker če bi to bilo res, bi to že zdavnaj naredil.
Cardona dobro ve, da se ljudje ubotavljajo pri tožbi in to koristi, da pridobi čas, da bi denar, ki so ga umaknili, nadoknadil z Forexone in PFplace. Samo to se nebo obneslo, ker investitorji FFX-a nebodo ponovno vplačevali v nobeno novo naložbo, dokler ne dobijo svoj denar na FFX-u.
Edino kar bo pomirilo investitorje, je dokaz o blokadi in če tega ne naredi, bo verjetno še največjim optimistom jasno koliko je ura. |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 22 Jan 2010 23:51 Naslov sporočila: |
Pismo PROACTIVOSporSOLUCIONESenFFX za Cardono, objavljeno pred 4 dnevi. Povzeto po forumu SoloAmigosDeFFX v španščini (google prevod).
[quote="proactivosporsolucionesenffx, 18. Januar 2010 ob 16:47"]
Friends investors,
On Saturday we held a meeting of the group organizing committee Proactive and analyze the latest posts (the email of 5 January and the official message of January 12). As you all see that even when responding to the issue of USA and is already talking about new waiting periods, no mention of what Europe and the payments still stored in the PM, among others.
As before, the day Mr. Germain sent the following letter Cardona Soler, which we hope will bring more encouraging news response and tangible facts that are already required.
Bogotá, January 18, 2010
Our interest as a non-profit association, is to keep the communication channel that started last year with you and the company Finzanzas Forex; in this context is our duty to convey the concerns and doubts of our partners and even those without be partners, have the right to access information simply by being investors in the company.
If you remember well ever since the group began to realize that the flow of information by you, began to present a calm that has allowed him freedom of action without receiving the same pressure as previously received from investors, however, is our feeling that in behalf of the above "reservation" and "caution" that says you should handle the issue of process in the U.S., are being bypassed a number of other important information but lack of experience by having an inverter, no longer feel the silence of these as something that is not logical and therefore care.
We are aware that there is in their hands when going to gestate define a final decision by the American authorities, which is why we will not be repeated in this case, however there are issues related to all these problems that do require urgent response in order to maintain confidence in the company and you, perhaps this element of trust is something that is as utopian and suddenly not interested, because ultimately what touches us as investors is to wait. However, if we ask that you please answer the following concerns us, it's the least they deserve all the investors, which certainly always going to want to know more and to be dissatisfied as noted above, but would reduce this sense if there were incomplete as the news published on the website on 12 January that only referred to the U.S., but nothing was said of him in Europe.
1. From the U.S. just want to know
When is met or fulfilled the plazode that gave them 30 days extension to
deliver the requirements missing?, above, based on the mid -
December, should be delivered as you yourself said.
What terms of time reported by attorneys who take the authorities to
make a decision from the date of delivery of such requirements?
What impact has the defect in the communication of demand
by the prosecutor that you told us in emails January 5, had been
put forward by lawyers to give them an extension?
You said in November reported that it had no problem in Europe because he was already managing the business without intermediaries having learned from the experience of USA, and were working to secure investments, high returns and with serious entities. This being so, the specific questions are:
2. How serious were these entities after several months have not yet
gananciasa canceled or FFX returns for its turn cancellation of all
that amount of money reflected in Pacific Mutual for the concept of
card charges or withdraw money or transfer pending.
3. You said last month and a half in late February that he hoped to have returned to
least 80% of investments in Europe and that first went to clean everything
PM yet, but already exceeded half of January without facts
tangible How soon could begin to pay it and return it to slope
4. Are we to assume that Europe also has problems?, And if so What
5. Legally what Europe has nothing to do with the process in the U.S. and therefore the
American authorities have no power to dispose of these moneys Why
then at least not said how much they are released in Europe and what
sure are you that money?
6. Why not even a virtual way has been the transfer of monies outstanding
of CornerFx to PM?
7. You in the email sent to us on January 5, said the letter made by
the group a "proactive" to judge the case in the U.S., could be more interesting for the
Attorney Can you please send the information necessary to make it reach the
8. It said in December 2009 that the rate of return of virtual money to PM
Forex Broker One with which it has an alliance, had been due to problems
systematic and the existing incompactibilidad to handle small amounts of
money about three questions arise:
* Please understand that there are or have investors large sums of money
Operating whom if you are working your money in the broker?
* Does the base amount to account to start trading Forex is not for One
average perhaps employing nearly every other broker, where does
then the concept of incompactibilidad to handle small accounts?
* When the monies are transferred to that broker and most importantly, when
start work the money?
9. What compelling reason exists for the decision has dilated to allow
oversight on the part of investors? beforehand stresses that this would
informal, does not possess the audit and administrative costs and travel
Moreover, payments would be for us investors to travel at least three
persons on choice by all associated investors, on the other
hand, neither is looking to publish confidential documents as he was told
you, or affect the proceedings in the U.S., which at the bottom you and
Lawyers should know.
Finally we understand that as we said in the statement of January 12, may take months to find concrete answers to the U.S., but if you look at these issues we have raised are of another head of the company, but exactly what Europe and therefore required to know the real situation. At this point we can not pretend to pass the same the previous year, that year is not starting just told us what was really happening, people can not keep waiting in this silence, we bring you this apology couple of comments and desperate tone of our concerns, you yourself have to be too desperate for all that, but you need to leave these questions that have nothing to do with the concept of financial literacy, market situation and risk taking, and please entiéndanos.
We appreciate your prompt replies
Organizing Committee[/size][/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 26 Jan 2010 20:44 Naslov sporočila: |
Zanimiv in precej informativen post iz MMG foruma, ki sicer tam visi že kaka dva tedna:
[quote][size=14]Crowne Gold were in financial trouble and tried to steal 50m from FFX
contract or other, Crowne Gold lost the case.
SEC tried to seize their money because they say FFX is a ponzi by connecting small hotel investment to Theodule's ponzi but FFX have been able to prove that they are totally seperate company and not a ponzi.
USA government is currently trying to seize ALL the money because a few investors used FFX for washing.
They are in the last step of seizing all. DWB & FFX is trying to defend investors so they will return the money. Only 5% of investors in FFX are from USA which makes this very ridicilus.
I think the case is in DWB name because they held most of the money.
FFX has been spending alot of money on lawyers to win this case but all their money is blocked as well so they have been having problems paying the lawyers.
If they fail it probably means every single investors must go through alot of trouble to get their money back from the US government and this can take easily 2 years or more.
As each investor will have to justify where exactly all the money came from.
If they win the case investors can most likely start withdrawing very soon.
DWB took longer to be blocked than FFX accounts so that's the reason they showed interest even after all funds and gold in Crowne Gold was blocked.
DWB are suing FFX because some investors used FFX for washing money and FFX sent the monies to DWB which caused DWB to be blocked as well.
http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-cac...case_id-436276/[/size] [/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 26 Jan 2010 22:04 Naslov sporočila: |
Tukaj je še info od 'še enega združenja' vlagateljev v FFX oz EMG. Iz Španije!
Iz foruma Solo Amigos...
Dear Friends:
It finally comes to light our SAEMG Association (Solutions for affected Evolution Market Group).
While we are already operational since late last December, it is true that it was necessary to have the website finished and to be
100% in air.
Already there are many investors who have registered in recent days, but much more so are the mails and calls received asking when
we would begin, how to join, and so on. Thank you all for your
Our website is interactive and mind as you will see a forum where investors can communicate openly.
The Association is born with a commitment to democracy and transparent in every way, and with an inquisitive attitude clearly. We want and need
know the truth of things and then immediately go for our Objective: The recovery of our capital.
Prescribe activities to everyone who enrolls. It is important and necessary. Duplicate this email to satiety. The more the merrier the stronger and we will need if we get it.
Do not forget the media force that we will have to claim the money from an investment partnership involved in a European country. The investor is always weaker party gear, and together, in a legal partnership, we go
very far, and we can be much better protected. Since then much more
that alone and hoping that the companies make it without doing anything else.
Come in and register at http://www.saemg-esp.com
In brief our lawyers will have a meeting with the lawyer of Evolution Market Group and the sr. Germain Cardona.
These are the first steps to immediately bring all the elements necessary to continue our goal.
Greetings to all
SAEMG Board [/size]
[/quote] |
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zajec Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 05.05. 2009, 20:40 Prispevkov: 57
Objavljeno: 30 Jan 2010 20:07 Naslov sporočila: |
Ali se je kdo od vas že včlanil v SAEMG, oziroma ali to pride v poštev tudi za slovenske državljane?? |
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46 Prispevkov: 1410 Kraj: ŠTAJERSKA
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2010 08:50 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote][size=14]Bogotá, February 02 of 2010
Friends investors
On this day Mr. Germain Cardona Soler said the letter we sent about 15 days ago. The published until now they will understand that the afternoon and evening is the time we use in Colombia to work in the nonprofit project.
Then as they reflect the communication we receive, we want to tell that apart from this release is going to organize a talk with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler most likely on Saturday, which we hope to expand a bit more these answers and get data interest to calm down a bit we all have doubts.
Forex Finance deAdministracion <>
paraamigos proactive in FFX <proactivosporsolucionesenffx>
date2 February 2010 04:38
hide details 04:38 (11 hours ago)
Dear Sirs,
Thanks for your letter. I fully understand that being on the side "of not knowing what is being done" is not comfortable and often exasperating, but they understand you can not do otherwise and we must preserve the information to reach the goal we all seek, and that is none other than the recovery of funds held in use for the return to investors.
In that one line is working, and certainly with great financial difficulties for the known lack of resources to carry out this work.
I answer below each point that you ask.
Our interest as a non-profit association, is to keep the communication channel that started last year with you and the company Finzanzas Forex; in this context is our duty to convey the concerns and doubts of our partners and even those without be partners, have the right to access information simply by being investors in the company.
If you remember well ever since the group began to realize that the flow of information by you, began to present a calm that has allowed him freedom of action without receiving the same pressure as previously received from investors, however, is our feeling that in behalf of the above "reservation" and "caution" that says you should handle the issue of process in the U.S., are being bypassed a number of other important information but lack of experience by having an inverter, no longer feel the silence of these as something that is not logical and therefore care.
We are aware that there is in their hands when going to gestate define a final decision by the American authorities, which is why we will not be repeated in this case, however there are issues related to all these problems that do require urgent response in order to maintain confidence in the company and you, perhaps this element of trust is something that is as utopian and suddenly not interested, because ultimately what touches us as investors is to wait. However, if we ask that you please answer the following concerns us, it's the least they deserve all the investors, which certainly always going to want to know more and to be dissatisfied as noted above, but would reduce this sense if there were incomplete as the news published on the website on 12 January that only referred to the U.S., but nothing was said of him in Europe.
From the U.S. just want to know:
When plazode met or complied with the 30 days they were given an extension to deliver the missing requirements?, Above, based on that in mid-December, should have delivered as you yourself said.
A: The situation now in negotiation, presentation of documents, clarification of information, etc..,
What terms of time reported by attorneys who take the authorities to make a decision from the date of delivery of such requirements?
A: We're at that stage of talks, I think we talked a few weeks
What impact has the defect in the communication of the demand by the prosecutor that you told us in emails January 5, had been put forward by lawyers to give them an extension?
A: These are internal things in the process.
You said in November reported that it had no problem in Europe because he was already managing the business without intermediaries having learned from the experience of USA, and were working to secure investments, high returns and with serious entities. This being so, the specific questions are:
2. How serious were these entities after several months have not yet canceled the returns or profits to FFX for it in turn cancel the entire amount of monies reflected in Pacific Mutual charges stemming from cash cards or pending withdraw or transfer?.
A: As we are in the process of disinvestment of these investments to materialize pode capital and investors can allocate up to you. At the time that liquidity is made, investors may dispose of such capital.
3. You said last month and a half in late February that he hoped to have returned at least 80% of investments in Europe and that first went to clean everything yet PM, but already exceeded half of January without tangible facts When do you think will start paying back what it already pending in Europe?
A: We have specific dates pending at the time in which we communicate, but we're working on that goal
4. Are we to assume that Europe also has problems?, And if so what are?
A: The only problem is time, in the current international financial time, it is logical to understand that it is not so easy and fast to make disposals.
5. Legally what Europe has nothing to do with the process in the U.S. and therefore U.S. authorities have no power to dispose of these moneys Why then do not say all that is at least what is in Europe unlocked and how safe that money?
A: Because unfortunately there are people that hurt you with anything at hand. Being of the same company, giving information would harm the development of this divestiture, and most importantly is that people recover their capital.
6. Why not even a virtual way has been the transfer of monies outstanding CornerFx to PM?
A: Because in ffx is where the problem occurs, PM is just the vehicle to move the capital.
7. You in the email sent to us on January 5, said the letter made by the "proactive" to judge the case in the U.S., could be more interesting for the prosecutor Can you please send the information necessary to make it reach that fate?
R: Right now we are in the process of presentation of evidence we believe that interventions are not good, and hinder the process. Our attorneys know their availability and if considered positive immediately communicate them how. letters from thousands of you have been seen very positively.
8. It said in December 2009 that the rate of return to PM of virtual money Forex Broker One with which it has an alliance, had been on systemic problems and the existing incompactibilidad to handle small sums of money about three questions arise :
Did you understand that there are or have investors large sums of money operating whom if you are working your money in the broker?
Does the basic amount to account to start trading Forex is not for One-average chance that employ most of the other broker, then where does the concept of incompactibilidad to handle small accounts?
When monies are transferred to that broker and most importantly, when to start work the money?
A: Forexone is in the process of internal restructuring, when they shall begin themselves.
9. What compelling reason exists for the decision has dilated to allow oversight by investors? Beforehand stresses that this would be informal, does not possess the audit and administrative costs of travel and so on, payments would for us investors to travel at least three prior choice for investors from all partners, on the other hand, it is also looking to publish confidential documents as we had told you, would not affect the proceedings in the U.S., which deep inside you and lawyers need to know.
A: The lawyers have not seen fit at this time. Ahi not enter my decision, I respect what they say the professionals for the best resolution of the case.
Finally we understand that as we said in the statement of January 12, may take months to find concrete answers to the U.S., but if you look at these issues we have raised are of another head of the company, but exactly what Europe and therefore required to know the real situation. At this point we can not pretend to pass the same the previous year, that year is not starting just told us what was really happening, people can not keep waiting in this silence, we bring you this apology couple of comments and desperate tone of our concerns, you yourself have to be too desperate for all that, but you need to leave these questions that have nothing to do with the concept of financial literacy, market situation and risk taking, and please entiéndanos.
A: Gentlemen understand their desperate tone, but I can assure you be on this side is far more desperate. Working against the tide, without means, with the responsibility to do everything humanly possible to resolve the issues, and moreover can not communicate what is being done because it can be counterproductive. As you yourself say, is not easy for either party.
Moreover every time we have more confidence in the overall resolution of the case as the process has been leading the lawyers involved.
We appreciate your prompt replies
Organizing Committee
The previous message was received and as can be seen at the beginning, we hope to have for Saturday afternoon in a conference with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler to expand a bit more these responses.
Propitious moment to tell that by the organizing committee of the group will not participate in calls of complaints to the media nationally and internationally; as some team members have had contact with the American authorities cited by some forumers and has stated that if there really is a process and that there was a change of lawyers, who are waiting as well demonstrated by the company to produce the ruling. Unfortunately not provide information on amounts blocked or other relevant information that many want to know it is not public domain. In this reason we give to those who have found and published in different forums such as the ladies who use the name or pseudonym of Anna, Cristina, like Mr. Alexander Montefuerte. We are currently doing the management for a formal interview with the authorities and obtain permission to publish what they say they can tell.
Is currently in a process step that neither know, nor give us information are the American authorities and the company itself FFX, we may be half or we're already coming, so if the complaint or report to the media assure you that it will accelerate the release of U.S. funds, would be the first to support and jointly lead this effort, but beforehand, assume that it is not, since in principle there is no authority be pressured and must follow the normal course of the investigation being conducted. On the contrary, this action if it can serve for a mis-handled by some media, is provided to add new elements to the process, which investigated and therefore deserve, but will delay that process and the eventual release of the money. And what we all want is to have more as soon as our money.
However our previous concept, we respect any initiative in this regard investors want to take if they believe that this is the right way.
For others just want to tell you and the authorities seem to monitor the forums, we trust the American courts and that he will realize that money is locked honest and hardworking people, FFX investors worldwide, some with greater or less experience in these financial markets, but we invest here not with a bad intention or desire to affect policies and laws of a government, we did it legally and through a company incorporated in Panama with the aim of improving our quality of life. If this year there were people who had committed irregularities or errors in the administration of our money, justice and hope that it will do the same with the corresponding person, but not generally available to all investors, because what was a intention to improve the quality of life, has turned many into an issue that has affected the health, harmony and the family economy.
Once we get the interview with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler, we know the results thereof.[/size][/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2010 14:20 Naslov sporočila: |
Zgornji post, ki ga je Branik objavil je od skupine Proaktivnih za rešitev FFX, kateri so zahtevali odgovore od Cardone na nekaj vprašanj... Med drugim ta skupina dela tudi na tem da neodvisno od GC in EMG sama poizveduje pri ameriških oblasteh o blokadi našega denarja in o zapletih pri tem. V soboto popoldne (po kolumbijskem času) bodo imeli konferenco s Cardono in tam pričakujejo, da bodo dobili še nekaj odgovorov na vprašanja, ki na vse zanimajo... Mislim, da skupina dela dobro in da so (smo) na dobri poti da pridemo do končne pojasnitve (in upam rešitve) ....
Pravkar pa je FFX (oz EMG) tudi uradno objavil sporočilo za javnost! [/b]
finanzasforex.com <Lista@finanzasforex.com>
za: ----@gmail.com
datum 03. februar 2010 14:04
zadeva Comunicado Febrero
skrij podrobnosti 14:04 (Pred 11 min)
Panamá, 3 de Febrero de 2010
Estimados Sres,
En estos primeros días de Febrero les damos información de cómo van evolucionando los temas.
En cuanto a las inversiones retenidas en USA, en este mes se han producido buenos avances en cuanto a la preparación de la documentación necesaria para demostrar la licitud de nuestras inversiones y de nuestros inversores, ya que las autoridades americanas también pretenden considerar delictiva la actividad de los inversores.
El objetivo de todo nuestro trabajo es, como hemos dicho, demostrar que hacíamos inversiones, que las inversiones producian beneficios y que nuestra actividad estaba dentro de la licitud de las licencias que disponíamos.
Estamos totalmente confiados en que los hechos demostrados acabarán convenciendo a las autoridades y permitirán el retorno de los capitales a los inversores.
Las inversiones en Europa se podrán hacer liquidez en pocas semanas y así los inversores podrán disponer de sus capitales.
Entendemos que la falta de información produce situaciones de nervios, pero nuestra obligación es hacer lo necesario para que los inversores recuperen su inversión y esa es el único parámetro de actuación, aunque sabemos que eso no es popular.
Estamos trabajando sin descanso para la solución de estos temas.
Saludos cordiales
Administración E. M.G.
[b][u]... in še prevod gooogle....[/u][/b]
Dear Sirs,
In these first days of February we give them information on how to evolving issues.
With regard to investments held in USA, this month there has been good progress on preparing the necessary documentation to prove the legitimacy of our investments and our investors as the U.S. authorities also intend to consider criminal activity investors.
The objective of our work is, as we said, we did demonstrate that investment, investments and benefits "that our activity was in the legality of the licenses we had.
We are fully confident that eventually the facts established by convincing the authorities and allow the return of capital to investors.
Investments in Europe liquidity may be made in a few weeks and investors may dispose of their capital.
We understand that the lack of information produces situations of nerves, but our obligation is to ensure that investors recover their investment and that is the only parameter of action, although we know that's not popular.
We are working tirelessly to resolve these issues.
Best regards
Administration E. M.G.[/size]
[/quote][/i][/b] |
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timor Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2008, 07:38 Prispevkov: 73
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2010 15:10 Naslov sporočila: |
Cardona nebo dal v soboto nobenega konkretnega odgovora, kaj šele, da bi posredoval dokaz o blokadi. Če bi to hotel bi to že zdavnaj lahko storil. To je moje osebno mnenje. Bomo pa videli, če imam prav ali ne ?!
Sam si želim, da nebi imel prav, toda izkušnje so eno, želje pa drugo. |
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finanrb Vajenec
Pridružen/-a: 19.05. 2009, 07:04 Prispevkov: 56
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2010 18:24 Naslov sporočila: |
pred dnevi sem dobil info,da naj bi naši direktorji imeli sestanek z hrvaškimi v zagrebu in sicer 6. ali 7. februarja.
Ve kdo kaj za to
informacija prišla preko srbov,glavni promotor g.xxxxx [color=red](brez imen admin.)[/color] :?: :?: |
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Leszek NOVI član
Pridružen/-a: 30.12. 2009, 16:58 Prispevkov: 1
Objavljeno: 03 Feb 2010 21:26 Naslov sporočila: |
[quote="branik"][quote][size=14]Bogotá, February 02 of 2010
Friends investors
On this day Mr. Germain Cardona Soler said the letter we sent about 15 days ago. The published until now they will understand that the afternoon and evening is the time we use in Colombia to work in the nonprofit project.
Then as they reflect the communication we receive, we want to tell that apart from this release is going to organize a talk with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler most likely on Saturday, which we hope to expand a bit more these answers and get dat[/b]a interest [/color]to calm down a bit we all have doubts.
Forex Finance deAdministracion <>
paraamigos proactive in FFX <proactivosporsolucionesenffx>
date2 February 2010 04:38
hide details 04:38 (11 hours ago)
Dear Sirs,
Thanks for your letter. I fully understand that being on the side "of not knowing what is being done" is not comfortable and often exasperating, but they understand you can not do otherwise and we must preserve the information to reach the goal we all seek, and that is none other than the recovery of funds held in use for the return to investors.
In that one line is working, and certainly with great financial difficulties for the known lack of resources to carry out this work.
I answer below each point that you ask.
Our interest as a non-profit association, is to keep the communication channel that started last year with you and the company Finzanzas Forex; in this context is our duty to convey the concerns and doubts of our partners and even those without be partners, have the right to access information simply by being investors in the company.
If you remember well ever since the group began to realize that the flow of information by you, began to present a calm that has allowed him freedom of action without receiving the same pressure as previously received from investors, however, is our feeling that in behalf of the above "reservation" and "caution" that says you should handle the issue of process in the U.S., are being bypassed a number of other important information but lack of experience by having an inverter, no longer feel the silence of these as something that is not logical and therefore care.
We are aware that there is in their hands when going to gestate define a final decision by the American authorities, which is why we will not be repeated in this case, however there are issues related to all these problems that do require urgent response in order to maintain confidence in the company and you, perhaps this element of trust is something that is as utopian and suddenly not interested, because ultimately what touches us as investors is to wait. However, if we ask that you please answer the following concerns us, it's the least they deserve all the investors, which certainly always going to want to know more and to be dissatisfied as noted above, but would reduce this sense if there were incomplete as the news published on the website on 12 January that only referred to the U.S., but nothing was said of him in Europe.
From the U.S. just want to know:
When plazode met or complied with the 30 days they were given an extension to deliver the missing requirements?, Above, based on that in mid-December, should have delivered as you yourself said.
A: The situation now in negotiation, presentation of documents, clarification of information, etc..,
What terms of time reported by attorneys who take the authorities to make a decision from the date of delivery of such requirements?
A: We're at that stage of talks, I think we talked a few weeks
What impact has the defect in the communication of the demand by the prosecutor that you told us in emails January 5, had been put forward by lawyers to give them an extension?
A: These are internal things in the process.
You said in November reported that it had no problem in Europe because he was already managing the business without intermediaries having learned from the experience of USA, and were working to secure investments, high returns and with serious entities. This being so, the specific questions are:
2. How serious were these entities after several months have not yet canceled the returns or profits to FFX for it in turn cancel the entire amount of monies reflected in Pacific Mutual charges stemming from cash cards or pending withdraw or transfer?.
A: As we are in the process of disinvestment of these investments to materialize pode capital and investors can allocate up to you. At the time that liquidity is made, investors may dispose of such capital.
3. You said last month and a half in late February that he hoped to have returned at least 80% of investments in Europe and that first went to clean everything yet PM, but already exceeded half of January without tangible facts When do you think will start paying back what it already pending in Europe?
A: We have specific dates pending at the time in which we communicate, but we're working on that goal
4. Are we to assume that Europe also has problems?, And if so what are?
A: The only problem is time, in the current international financial time, it is logical to understand that it is not so easy and fast to make disposals.
5. Legally what Europe has nothing to do with the process in the U.S. and therefore U.S. authorities have no power to dispose of these moneys Why then do not say all that is at least what is in Europe unlocked and how safe that money?
A: Because unfortunately there are people that hurt you with anything at hand. Being of the same company, giving information would harm the development of this divestiture, and most importantly is that people recover their capital.
6. Why not even a virtual way has been the transfer of monies outstanding CornerFx to PM?
A: Because in ffx is where the problem occurs, PM is just the vehicle to move the capital.
7. You in the email sent to us on January 5, said the letter made by the "proactive" to judge the case in the U.S., could be more interesting for the prosecutor Can you please send the information necessary to make it reach that fate?
R: Right now we are in the process of presentation of evidence we believe that interventions are not good, and hinder the process. Our attorneys know their availability and if considered positive immediately communicate them how. letters from thousands of you have been seen very positively.
8. It said in December 2009 that the rate of return to PM of virtual money Forex Broker One with which it has an alliance, had been on systemic problems and the existing incompactibilidad to handle small sums of money about three questions arise :
Did you understand that there are or have investors large sums of money operating whom if you are working your money in the broker?
Does the basic amount to account to start trading Forex is not for One-average chance that employ most of the other broker, then where does the concept of incompactibilidad to handle small accounts?
When monies are transferred to that broker and most importantly, when to start work the money?
A: Forexone is in the process of internal restructuring, when they shall begin themselves.
9. What compelling reason exists for the decision has dilated to allow oversight by investors? Beforehand stresses that this would be informal, does not possess the audit and administrative costs of travel and so on, payments would for us investors to travel at least three prior choice for investors from all partners, on the other hand, it is also looking to publish confidential documents as we had told you, would not affect the proceedings in the U.S., which deep inside you and lawyers need to know.
A: The lawyers have not seen fit at this time. Ahi not enter my decision, I respect what they say the professionals for the best resolution of the case.
Finally we understand that as we said in the statement of January 12, may take months to find concrete answers to the U.S., but if you look at these issues we have raised are of another head of the company, but exactly what Europe and therefore required to know the real situation. At this point we can not pretend to pass the same the previous year, that year is not starting just told us what was really happening, people can not keep waiting in this silence, we bring you this apology couple of comments and desperate tone of our concerns, you yourself have to be too desperate for all that, but you need to leave these questions that have nothing to do with the concept of financial literacy, market situation and risk taking, and please entiéndanos.
A: Gentlemen understand their desperate tone, but I can assure you be on this side is far more desperate. Working against the tide, without means, with the responsibility to do everything humanly possible to resolve the issues, and moreover can not communicate what is being done because it can be counterproductive. As you yourself say, is not easy for either party.
Moreover every time we have more confidence in the overall resolution of the case as the process has been leading the lawyers involved.
We appreciate your prompt replies
Organizing Committee
The previous message was received and as can be seen at the beginning, we hope to have for Saturday afternoon in a conference with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler to expand a bit more these responses.
Propitious moment to tell that by the organizing committee of the group will not participate in calls of complaints to the media nationally and internationally; as some team members have had contact with the American authorities cited by some forumers and has stated that if there really is a process and that there was a change of lawyers, who are waiting as well demonstrated by the company to produce the ruling. Unfortunately not provide information on amounts blocked or other relevant information that many want to know it is not public domain. In this reason we give to those who have found and published in different forums such as the ladies who use the name or pseudonym of Anna, Cristina, like Mr. Alexander Montefuerte. We are currently doing the management for a formal interview with the authorities and obtain permission to publish what they say they can tell.
Is currently in a process step that neither know, nor give us information are the American authorities and the company itself FFX, we may be half or we're already coming, so if the complaint or report to the media assure you that it will accelerate the release of U.S. funds, would be the first to support and jointly lead this effort, but beforehand, assume that it is not, since in principle there is no authority be pressured and must follow the normal course of the investigation being conducted. On the contrary, this action if it can serve for a mis-handled by some media, is provided to add new elements to the process, which investigated and therefore deserve, but will delay that process and the eventual release of the money. And what we all want is to have more as soon as our money.
However our previous concept, we respect any initiative in this regard investors want to take if they believe that this is the right way.
For others just want to tell you and the authorities seem to monitor the forums, we trust the American courts and that he will realize that money is locked honest and hardworking people, FFX investors worldwide, some with greater or less experience in these financial markets, but we invest here not with a bad intention or desire to affect policies and laws of a government, we did it legally and through a company incorporated in Panama with the aim of improving our quality of life. If this year there were people who had committed irregularities or errors in the administration of our money, justice and hope that it will do the same with the corresponding person, but not generally available to all investors, because what was a intention to improve the quality of life, has turned many into an issue that has affected the health, harmony and the family economy.
Once we get the interview with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler, we know the results thereof.[/size][/quote][/quote]Dobrodošli Zagotoviti povezavo, kjer želite conferencja Germain Cardona Soler'm od sobote |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 06 Feb 2010 21:49 Naslov sporočila: |
Sporočilo Proaktivnih in spodaj pismo državnemu tožilcu v ZDA:
[quote][size=14]Bogota, February 5, 2010
Friends investors
As you must know this at the moment and personally many investors are sending letters to the U.S. Attorney's case, as posted on a forum, contact details for him and that even as some have made direct contact.
We respect what each decides to make a personal capacity, albeit through a group member, we dared to publish it if you were to do, be careful what they wrote about the risk of compromising the judicial proceedings and were given some recommendations.
We as an association we had created a blueprint for getting it to the judge the case and received the comment that Mr. Germain Cardona Soler, said the letter was well but suggested that if it was our initiative, recommended best forward it to the Prosecutor of the case. That's why today the letter was restructured and is thought to convey to him the aim is essentially the same, but also seeks to amend commit indiscretions that may have some investors who have sent a personal letter or note, without providing for an correct wording for the final finish compromising the goal we all have our money back soon. "This is not to say that all letters or notes from individuals have been bad, we know there are investors who have done very well."
Below is appended the letter be sent to the Prosecutor in the U.S. today is broad and meets all the ingredients of our problematic in terms of blocking was drafted in such a way that does not compromise our position as investors and possible outcomes that it are being given. We ask please if someone can translate it and send it to proactivosporsolucionesenffx@gmail.com, so that we do reach their destination.
Organizing Committee [/quote]
[quote][size=14]Bogotá, February 05 of 2010
Dear Attorney
U.S. Attorney's Office
Orlando, Florida (USA)
With kind regards to you and your family.
Let us introduce ourselves initially, the nonprofit association proactive SOLUTIONS FFX, is a distinctly social group, multinational, made by investors of the company Evolution Market Group - Finanzas Forex, whose main objective is to support the efforts being made by the same, to recover our money invested in it, which we understand are blocked by court order in U.S. territory.
We know that you are the prosecutor of the case in which the company Evolution Market Group tries to prove the source of some money and financial transactions developed with these and other topics that demonstrate responsibility. We also know that the product of these efforts, will soon issue a ruling thereon.
In our capacity as investors in the company Evolution Market Group, commercially called Finanzas Forex, we are compelled to write in order to take into account our feelings and concern about this issue, we understand that any words we will not be used within the process because we do part of it, but avocados to read these lines and understand our position.
We got to know Forex Finance Company through the web, which gave us the opportunity to access foreign markets that previously had only place for experts and people with large capital. From the beginning the company met with us that is a market risk and still invest, as we saw in mediating the opportunity to improve our income and quality of life, on the other hand, knew that to reduce the risk the company was doing other investments such as gold, to take a guarantee fund to back our money.
Our confidence in the company's president and herself, is based not only on the contract we signed with them, but the talks then provided us. Parallel to its origin, we were born as companies emerged only for the purpose of defrauding unwary, but in this company we found that the objective was sincere and so we decided to trust, you may wonder: What we to trust?; The truth is you always saw in them an interest in accessing or take us out to regulated financial figures, and we know that even today with all the problems they have, continue in their efforts to bring us to this adjustment in Europe.
We must admit that since the inception of the company in 2007 until the end of 2008 we see the profits without any problems. Payments are no longer received and it was assumed that the problem lay in the economic situation, but then in 2009 is that the company reports the blockade of money in the U.S., however, gives no details about apparently by the reservation process and is what has been a source of despair for us investors, the unknown amount of assets frozen and its specification, that would give us peace of knowing.
Mr. Prosecutor, today we know with certainty the motives which cause the process you have to either act as prosecutor and by which we mean that our money is blocked in the U.S.. What we do know is that if the company invested money in that country, he did so with good intentions and through companies that already existed on American soil, so with legal incorporation and financial track record.
Within this reality, you need to know that most of the money that we have there, what constitutes savings of a lifetime of honest work, free investment bank loans and mortgages, personal loans, compensation, severance and employee benefits, etc. . that each investor can prove. Perhaps there is also money from wealthy individuals exist, but the vast majority belong to low and middle economic resources of different countries.
The past year was very difficult for us because, besides suffering the global impact of the downturn in the economy, leaving many without work and enterprise, we were also affected by the freezing of our money we have invested in Finance Forex. Although it is difficult to understand, we have lost health and life in the midst of all this expectation, the worst of it is unable to do anything about it, as we see as growing moratorium on payment of our obligations and other bank, or while we see as socially have lost friends and families have disintegrated, not to mention other problems.
As you well know, in this company are investors in several countries, and although the problem of the blockade has generated a crisis that is knocking everyone equally irrespective of nationality, there's anyway a large majority more affected than others, by limited opportunities in particular countries or as the problem of the economy has been beaten.
For all the above, it emerges Our Panel and others in the world, to support among ourselves as investors and accompany the efforts to make the company to recover our money.
Behind the entire encryption process, procedures, tests, documents and other accompanying whole environment on which you must deliver its concept as prosecuting body, there are a host of needs, feelings, emotions and other shelter we ourselves as investors and we want to convey to you in this letter.
Today meet the sentiment of a majority of investors to turn to you and ask you in the analysis to be made to issue his opinion the judge, or what body is competent to act as prosecutor, has kindly consider the following requests:
a) To take into account the human qualities of us as investors. This can not be treated only as mere numbers or judicial proceedings, nor were accompanied by mass to all investors of possible incursion of crimes and offenses, it is impossible for investors had we designed together as managers of the company a global operation from, the laws of his country and international, and suddenly we bring or consider guilty by extension, of the alleged offenses and crimes that you investigate and that caused the blockage of our money in the U.S., same as as quoted above, know today day which are, as reserved by the nature of the process, the EMG company has not communicated to us.
b) Do not know what kind of administrative errors were committed or alleged crimes are what you as Attorney is also charged in this prosecution, because after all we are only investors who commission via EMG contract, to administer our money. But if we would like and ask to know the circumstances surrounding this process, within the possibilities that you allow for example the total amount of the blocked, for which we have even asked the company to authorize an oversight by us investors.
c) We request the favor of allowing the early release of our money we do not want to lose what has been painstakingly achieved over the years and what I acquired debt.
d) The long wait and lack of knowledge of knowing the current circumstances of the judicial process, has made many investors may enter into despair and individually some have sent complaints or claims before the American authorities, which could be misinterpreted. If you have not, ask for the understanding of economic disaster for which many are going through, but that this should prevail that the intention of all such investors is to recover our money and profits that are blocked.
e) Similarly, as partners of the nonprofit group that represents a large part of investors, we offer our work and commitment, to be guarantors of any legal and administrative decide in favor of investors.
We already know that the application of justice is not based on feelings and emotions, but in the explicit application of the law, and it is a natural law to recognize everyone what is theirs, which we rely to make this letter . Without any implication that as investors, tolerate, share or cover up any lack in the end you could find, let alone its possible (s) causing, but no room for hope that has done something wrong and is just what you be determined.
Over time the U.S. has been not only the power to be viewed with respect, but the example of justice and legislation for the entire Western world and the planet itself. Today so sincere, from the voice of our hearts and with all due respect, we stick to these two provisions in particular, to obtain a concept wise on his part toward the Judge.
We do not know the dynamics of this process, but we believe that if you believe that support for these funds will be unlocked to Finanzas Forex, the company returned to us as our contributions to investment and shall ensure that no one loses a dollar and not to engage in other types of errors such as those that today are in this problem, on the other hand, imagine that in such cases this type of dynamics is faster for us as investors, on the other hand, we as American authorities would determine the tools to ensure that each receive what belongs to us, and this is where the investors themselves and we as non-profit association, we get to play a role as guarantors for that to happen, for which at the time that so required, we send a list of investors associated with this group.
We parted not without a prayer from the depths of our hearts, that will enlighten you on their management and final concept.
Association President PROACTIVE[/size][/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 07 Feb 2010 16:47 Naslov sporočila: |
... pojasnitev skupine Proaktiv glede pisma tožilcu v ZDA ...
[size=14]Checking in USA
Based on data supplied by some forumers talking about it coming from the previous year in the forum amigosdeFFX.ning.com; through a Colombian partner resident in the U.S., contact was made with the U.S. IRS agent Jay Morgan; this institution is something like the Treasury Department and is apparently responsible for custody or control of the blocked money.
This person when contacted said that if it is true that Florida is still a research process involving Evolution Market Group, are essentially two cases, one who has been investigating whether the company was a ponzi scheme and the other is a federal case for alleged money laundering, thus confirming the veracity of what Mr Germain Cardona said on November 27 in its letter signed.
The agent did not give many details as reported beforehand that this is a case where now reigns reserve also evident that as far as are known in which EMG expects to make a series of tests that have asked regarding the handling of money and what company did.
It has been making contact with him again.
Other investors residing in the U.S. that are not associated with the group, but with whom you have telephone contact, have been in constant contact with the agent and now with the Prosecutor named RANDALL GOLD in process that leads regarding the fraud or accusatory ponzi scheme. With it have also established the veracity of the blockade and the pending status of the process where the evidence you expect to make EMG.
Due to the nature reserve has not been able to establish the motives that involve processes, nor the amount of money blocked, however, expected in a short time to have concrete data.
FFX proactive SOLUTIONS [/size]
Organizing Committee[/quote] |
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periegetes Poznavalec FOREX-a
Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 12:44 Prispevkov: 380
Objavljeno: 07 Feb 2010 17:26 Naslov sporočila: |
še mail od Proactive, ki sem ga dobil danes... Objavljam samo del ..., kjer je napovedana konferenca s GC, ki je bila v prevem delu že izvedena (poročilo spodaj iz špa foruma soloamigos)
[quote][size=13]Based on the related data points 5 to 6 and 8, was asked via email to
possibility of a conference with Mr. Germain Cardona Soler, to which he gave the
approval to be today Saturday, 5th Feb. at 2 pm Colombia hours.
The conference was held, but it started later than agreed by
some drawbacks, hit cancel it in half and was to resume between
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, so it's not published yet
Partial results of the same, but when it is complete. An important point to
consider here is that the conference had been carried out by interconnecting the delegates
to proactively Mexico (Hugo Ochoa Arias and Francisco Javier Casillas) and
Spain (Jose Martinez) who are from countries that have more members in the
association and delegates to Colombia in the North (July
Master) and Central - Bogotá (Sebastian Medina - Patricia Suarez - Jorge Ledesma), but
three assistants but the committee and we hope to count delegates next
from other countries and areas of Colombia.
10). Thanks to data provided by a person with nick name Justicia,
managed to obtain the Attorney data that corresponds to the case in the U.S., took advantage
then for a letter to the Prosecutor, where approval is sought
provision of information and that the case is fully booked as has been
check, and also where the situation makes it difficult to see that we spend thousands of
investors, the effect of the blockade. This document is in
restructuring and expects to complete next week. However, it is known that
Some forumers have personally sent a similar letter to the Prosecutor
As you can see we had not sent communications to you, but we've been working, not at the pace we wanted because of the difficulties discussed, but here we go.
On the issue of legal personality, although the costs for this activity are not very high, it is embarrassing comment but has not had the money and is not our intention to request collections, but some U.S. investors were to collaborate with this purpose, for which we expect in the short term to take it to air our website.
No more we said goodbye to a future occasion.
Organizing Committee[/size] [/quote]
[quote][size=13]Proactive Reunion with German Cardona
Publicado by Jose Luis Martinez on February 6, 2010
Today I attended the Saturday meeting of Proactive with German Cardona. The meeting would go ahead in the first days of next week and after that second part Proactive issue a statement.
The meeting followed the system of questions from the audience and answers from German Cardona, who have shown calm and security on the progress of the issues that beset us, and these have coincided, and in the absence of germs that we had to let you know the news of the meeting, although the communiqué issued after the second party to be held on Tuesday most likely.
Sorry I can not be more explicit, but we expect self-committed to the second part, to give partial information or drabs. The news you will have in Proactive statement to be issued after the second half.
Greetings[/size][/quote] |
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