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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Avg 2009 15:00    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Ciudad de Panamá, 22 de Agosto de 2009

Estimados inversores,

Como han podido comprobar, el día 15 del mes en curso, no ha habido activación de capitales retenidos, sin embargo, sí estimamos que la habrá para el próximo día 30.

Reciban un cordial saludo

Dpto. Administración
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 24 Sep 2009 16:52    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Buenas noches!

Como ustedes saben me gusta investigar y hasta donde he averiguado, la posible causa por la cual no ha habido acreditación de capitales durante la segunda quincena de agosto es porque en la empresa le van a dar prioridad a la carga de dinero a las tarjetas; me explico, como bien saben, hasta inicios de este mes de las aproximadamente 4000 tarjetas llegadas a usuarios, sólo un porcentaje mínimo de personas estaba haciendo uso de ellas y en cantidades pequeñas de retiro de dinero. Los que estaban retirando el cupo total de los 8000 dólares durante el mes eran pocos; pero con la noticia de que los que tenían tarjeta, podían ayudar a los que no la tienen, pero que si tienen ganancias acumuladas en PM de dinero totalmente operativo, entonces el volumen de recarga de dinero a las tarjetas aumentó este mes. Siendo así las cosas, en este momento la compañía ha de tener el GRAN RETO de volver líquido el dinero que una gran cantidad de personas hemos pedido a través de las tarjetas, y por ello don Germán ha visto como prioridad el emplear buena parte del dinero ganado en este lapso, para que la gente pueda hacer sus retiros si problemas; retiros que bien podrían empezar a realizarse en los últimos 5 días del mes, con base a como sucedió en el mes de julio.

De ser verdad esta decisión de las directivas, no debe tomarse como algo malo, pues se estaría buscando que el dinero deje de ser tan virtual y se convierta en dinero físico, y no seguir en el mismo círculo vicioso de que la totalidad de lo que se vaya recuperando se siga dejando como virtual en las liberaciones quincenales, pues esto aumenta aun mas las obligaciones de la compañía hacia los inversores. Quizás esto no signifique que no se vayan a liberar capitales para los inversionistas que siguen en el turno de liberación, pero imagino han de estar haciendo cuentas de cuanto es el total que en definitiva van a pagar por tarjeta según las solicitudes y cuando esto suceda, el excedente es lo que podrían liberar a quienes corresponde; sin embargo, esto último si es análisis personal mio.

Como para hacerse una idea de lo que podría estar pasando, este es mi cálculo de las cosas, pero repito es personal y especulativo, sólo se puede tomar en cuenta como análisis:

Tarjetas WE enviadas 1000
Tarjetas Altair segundo grupo: 3000, de éstas se calculan unas 300 que no llegaron a sus destinos, según han posteado personas que aun las esperan.
Tarjetas Altair que presuntamente han llegado del 4o grupo a personas especialmente en España 200 (Si es verdad lo que han posteado en los foros quienes dicen haberlas recibido)

Si de pronto ya se arregló el problema de operatividad de las tarjetas de WE, estaríamos hablando de aproximadamente 3900 tarjetas operativas, de aquí se puede calcular un 30% de personas que no hayan querido ayudar a otros a retirar con sus tarjetas, sea porque no conocen a nadie que lo requiera o porque de todos modos sean desconfiados, o piensen que esto generaría problemas o no sepan que si se puede hacer esto, lo cual dejaría 1170 tarjetas por fuera de los retiros y aproximadamente 2730 operando, en un promedio de 6000 dólares por tarjeta (no se coloca los 8000 calculando que no todas hayan sido cargadas con el tope). Esto arrojaría aproximadamente 16´380.000 de dólares, suma que sería muy superior a los aproximadamente 3 millones de dólares que se calcula habrían retirado por tarjeta el mes anterior, una cantidad mínima de inversores que estaban haciendo uso de la tarjeta.

Con base al anterior cálculo especulativo, si tendría lógica el que una gran parte de dinero de las liberaciones de esta quincena de agosto, se empleen para pagar los retiros por tarjeta, y repito, sería una BUENA DECISIÓN de los directivos de la empresa, ya que no todo sería tan virtual, además sería un claro indicio de la intención de la empresa de ir arreglando todo al paso de cómo se van desarrollando los acontecimientos. Lo importante es que si son estas las razones, se vean reflejadas en que quienes cargaron las tarjetas, unos con dineros propios y otros ayudando a terceros inversores, puedan hacer los retiros sin problemas, y que al menos se libere un porcentaje así sea bajo a quienes les corresponda el turno, para que sean muchos mas los que puedan hacer uso de la tarjeta, así sea por intermedio de sus compañeros de red, ya que en realidad se trata de dinero operativo y que ha pasado por todos los rigurosos controles existentes.

Adelante y mucha fuerza

Good night!

As you know I like to investigate and so far I have learned, the possible reason why there was no accreditation of capital during the second half of August because the company is going to give priority to load money to the cards, I mean, as you know, until earlier this month of the card reaches approximately 4,000 users, only a tiny percentage of people was using them and in small amounts of withdrawal. Those who were removing the total quota of $ 8000 for the month were few, but with the news that those cards could help those who do not, but if you have earnings in PM of money fully operational, then the volume of recharge cards money raised this month. This being so, at this time the company has to have the great challenge of liquid money back a lot of people have asked through the cards, and so Don Germain has been a priority to employ much of the money livestock in this time, so that people can make their withdrawals if problems; withdrawals could well begin to take place in the last 5 days of the month, based on as happened in July.

If true this decision directives should not be taken as a bad thing, since they would be looking for that money ceases to be as virtual money and become physical, and not continue in the same vicious circle that the totality of what go further by leaving recovering virtual biweekly releases, as this further expands the company's obligations to investors. Perhaps this does not mean they will not release funds for investors who are in turn release, but I imagine they must be doing accounts of what is the total which ultimately will pay for credit card applications as and when it does, the surplus is what might free those who corresponds, however, if the latter is my personal analysis.

How to get an idea of what might be happening, this is my estimate of things, but again it is personal and speculative, can only be taken into account as an analysis:

Cards sent WE 1000
Altair cards second group: 3,000, they are calculated about 300 who did not reach their destinations, as people have posted that even expect.
Altair cards alleged to have come from 4th to group people especially in Spain 200 (If it's true what they posted on the forums who say receipt)

If suddenly the problem was fixed and the operational capability of the cards WE, 3900 would be talking about working cards, hence we can calculate 30% of people who did not want to help others to withdraw their cards, either because they know anyone that needs it anyway or because they are suspicious, or think that this would create problems or do not know if this can be done, which would leave cards out of 1170 withdrawals and approximately 2730 operating at an average of 6000 dollars per card (not placed the 8000 figuring that not all were loaded with the ceiling). This would amount to approximately 16'380 .000 dollars, a sum that would be much higher than the approximately $ 3 million estimated per card would have withdrawn the previous month, a minimum number of investors who were using the card.

Based on the previous speculative calculation if the logic would have that much money for the release of this fortnight of August, are used to pay withdrawals per card, and I repeat, it would be a good decision of the directors of the company since that not everything would be as virtual as well be a clear indication of the intention of the company to begin getting all the step of how events are developing. The important thing is that if these are the reasons, to be reflected in those who carried the cards, some with your own money and helping others investors can make withdrawals without trouble, and at least a percentage release this under a who would turn it is, to be many more people can make use of the card, whether through their classmates, because in reality it is operating money and has gone through all the rigorous controls in place.

Adelante y mucha fuerza
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Pridružen/-a: 30.11. 2008, 10:04
Prispevkov: 529

PrispevekObjavljeno: 28 Sep 2009 18:50    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

well after allmost year there is something new in payments... received first $$$ on to my altair card and succesfully withdrawn them on ATM!!!
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 12 Okt 2009 22:28    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Panama City, October 12, 2009

Dear investors,

Important dates are approaching in the standardization process of the activity.

The next 31st of October is most likely the date when the period of U.S. investigation process against Evolution Market Group Inc. ends.

Such process resulted in blocking the Gold Guarantee Fund the Company had in U.S.A. and the capitals deposited in certain Companies in Orlando (Florida), from which investors sent their money from August 2008 until early November 2008. From that date the Summary will be public.

We hope the resolution of the case will be fast and satisfactory for the investors' interests, which is really the most important of all and the reason that has let us to continue to work upstream during these recent months.

The purpose for our work is to help investors recover 100% of their investment and the largest possible part of their gains.

Our aim has always been to preserve the investors' capital, even when everyone knew it is a high risk market and accepted that there could be losses.

The Company's financial situation was in surplus before the blockade and we want it to be that way for investors.

We hope, as we say, a quick resolution of the case that will allow investors to recover their capital and continue with their investments if they wish to. As you already know, we recommend you to do so with regulated corporations that will offer you a standard operation.

We will try to maintain you informed as often as possible, giving contrasted information we have and differentiating what we "surely know" with what we "hope to happen". This will avoid rumors that are detrimental to the exact knowledge of the situation.

Best regards,

The Management
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 17 Feb 2010 23:24    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Some news about confernce on line today...with German C.

- april ,may will all be ower...
- operative capital will be awelible on second half March or in April...
- soon will be sendet 30.000 debit cards to users
- the invested capital will be returned to users
- investments made from ID capital will all so returned

That's is not from me ...i haw only wrote what mr. German C. said.
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 24 Apr 2010 16:35    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Some news on action against EMG.....
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Pridružen/-a: 29.11. 2008, 21:46
Prispevkov: 1410

PrispevekObjavljeno: 03 Okt 2010 12:15    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

[quote]NOTE No. 7
Bogota, September 23, 2010

Within the regular meetings between PROACTIVOS POR SOLUCIONES EN FFX with Mr. German Cardona Soler, we have had as results that he has deliver us the following work plan, designed to resolve outstanding issues that for months we were waiting for:
September 30Opening accounts and merkabid pfplace web pages
October 6-10Pacific Payments
October 11Site Opening of FFX. Activation of working capital. Investment data of each investor and capital recovered by each.
October 14 Activation of working capital. Phase I
October 15
Introducing the new Group’s business web page
October 25
Delivery of the web page of each user in the Broker.
October 30 Activation of working capital. Phase II
Delivery of debit cards
November 15 Activation of working capital. Phase III

Talking about each of the points would be to delve into details, according to our previous statement, it is better the reserve, prudence and tact.
But we can summarize what has been spoken and about this plan and, according to our analysis, if all this dates will be accomplished, we will achieve two intermediate targets for investors who are:
a) To know really how much each one can to obtain.
b) People with working capital will gain access to him.
The company have also their owns objectives, as you can see, but it's clear there will be a solution to all the invertors, and this is the first step in this way.
The fact that Mr. German Cardona dares to give dates through a plan, makes within PROACTIVOS POR FFX trust his words. We ratify our confidence in the efforts that are underway and we expect that with every compliance with these interim deadlines will be more investors grouped in one sense of confidence, and ultimately the resolution of the other outstanding issues.
Every week we will give you all the progress we will know, so we invite you to continue supporting and connecting to the Association PROACTIVOS POR SOLUCIONES EN FFX.

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